Gypsy Woman, using one of her three United People
sockpuppet accounts (in this case A Nony Mouse, the other two being Wassupdoc and King Art2), claims to have broadcast the following PM to nearly all the members at UP. This is after sending me a PM claiming she would not be using PMs any more, but would instead insist that everything be posted publicly.
GW wrote:
Dear members of United People,
This must not continue.
To United People Administration: you scrubbed Charles' phone number so why would you allow King Art2 to plaster GW's name and residence all over your forum?
Are you insane or just plain stupid??
This forum is another dangerous JOKE being played by all the usual suspects for entertainment purposes only! What we have here is another bunch of alternative comedia addicts just farting around with TRUTH SEEKING.
I guarantee you that most people on this board including UncleZook wouldn't know courage and truth if it jumped up and bit them in the ASS! Walk a mile in GW's moccasins and tell me about seeking and discovering the TRUTH about some of these con artists and having the balls to PUBLISH IT despite all odds against that happening.
For all the good it actually did any of those koolaid drinkers. And for all the irreparable harm it's done her and her son.
Et tu Chico? Let me ask you a personal question, privately here, not publicly so's not to EMBARRASS YOU although you DESERVE TO BE:
Who are you on Nexus these days Chicodoodoo? Who are you on Atticus1, Chicodoodoo? You really think you're FOOLING anyone?
Well neither did I!! Right Andy? Right Lily? Right Darrell? Right Mr. GB? Right Ace?
And you have the AUDACITY to throw your self-righteous spitballs at GW Chico??
Oh my lord what ugly and blatant hypocrisy exists in certain holier than thou people on this "truth" board, on so many levels...
I am officially outta here so kindly SCRUB ME OFF THE ROSTER CHICO and do that ASAP: if posts by your newest member King Art2 with GW's personal details splattered all over them still exist here in 24 hours then someone else will make a formal request for you to take them down Chico.
Scrub all of UncleZook's LIBEL and DEFAMATION OF GW's CHARACTER while you're at it please!
Failing that, there's still GW's blog. It's neither gone nor forgotten: she just hasn't had the fucking STRENGTH to continue fighting all these clowns alone.
Thanks for nothing United People's Forum. Epic Fail. Most especially you Chico. People warned me that you're a fool but I didn't want to believe that. You proved that all by yourself during the last couple of days.
It shouldn't be long until you've nothing left here but a few people talking amongst themselves until that gets too boring to continue the charade. You're nearly there now.
This PM is being CC'd, if I can figure out how to do it, to:
Lily de Cuir
Northern Boy
Oh Yeah!
In other words, I am covering my ass so that it'll be harder for people to mess with the data: this is being sent to members with 1/2 a brain including Charles, one of the original cohorts in crimes committed against Gypsy Woman. Ask him if he knows who King art2 is Chico, or who wrote that sickening blog about her. Not the first time they've used blogs to do their dirty work, and maybe not the last.
He's lied about everything else so good luck getting that one to tell anyone the truth about what he really did to her at this late hour in the game but go ahead:
Ask Charles WHO PUT HIM UP to that RAILROADING and SCAPEGOATING of GW. Ask him. He may tell you. You might be really surprised though.
I know GW was shocked to her grey roots.
PS: I tried but see I cannot include all the intended recipients so will have to resend this PM in batches.
My response to GW is that I am disengaging from her outrageous circus and multiple personalities. Everyone at UP should be aware that we have what I consider to be a "mad" person among us who is engaged in a great deal of deception and manipulation. This is a major problem that will challenge UP and could possibly even destroy the forum, depending on what UP members decide to believe and how they decide to react. As always, you have complete flexibility to believe what you want and react as you see fit. I am not asking for your support because this isn't about me. It's about our forum. United we stand, and divided we fall. It has always been that way, and it seems to me that throughout history, humanity has fallen. Why should it be any different now.
Because we have open membership and no authoritarian moderators, we are unique and a threat to the standard forum paradigm, and eventually even to the existing paradigm of global power. We are also an easy target for ruthless disrupters and usurpers. Rather than fight them with power and authority, we fight them with transparency and truth, neither of which are as easy to come by as the typical tools of the controlling sociopaths -- deception and manipulation.
It may be that deception and manipulation are the "fittest" and most reliable means for creating a stable society. This would explain much of our modern history, from emperors to kings to global bankers to politicians. I personally want no part of that corrupt and selfish system. I want a better system, one with equality, fairness, justice, and cooperation. But such a system will not be given to us. We have to make it, and we have to make it against a determined opposition.
It has been my hope that other people would share this vision with me and with each other. Naturally, many will not. New ideas, like truth, go through three stages -- first they are ridiculed, then they are violently opposed, and finally they are accepted as obvious. We may be moving into the second stage of violent opposition, the most dangerous phase of the process. Not everyone will have the stomach for it, and I may be in that category myself -- I do not know.
GW is playing a dangerous game here, one that is possibly moving past ridicule. There will be other hurdles that follow. Each one will be a personal choice for each of us. I know not what choice others will make, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me....
Well, you probably know how that one turns out.