Free markets? Rigged markets!
I have been talking about how the markets are rigged in many different places in the forum, and today I have decided to give this dog a home.
Americans have been brainwashed their entire lives to believe they have free markets, which are the foundation for the most glorious economic system possible, i.e. capitalism.
It's a Big Lie.
Let's take the U.S. stock market as the subject for the moment. The Federal Reserve (the Fed) has been pumping
hundreds of billions of dollars
per day into the stock market since at least September 2019 (that's the last six months), and probably lesser amounts for maybe the last 50 years or longer. The stock market has been propelled to dizzying heights from August 2018 to February 2020, and then it crashed. The crash is
blamed on the coronavirus pandemic, but that's a lie too. It was the Federal Reserve and the ruling sociopaths behind the Federal Reserve who are really responsible. This economic collapse was planned. The Fed kept the market rising until the patsy (the bio-engineered coronavirus) was seeded to take the blame. Et voila! The ruling sociopaths crash the global economy and no one points a finger at them, so they get away scot-free once again while gaining even more power and control over the entire human population.
Monday, March 16, the stock market dropped another 10% in one day. Right before that happened, I noticed something strange about the graph of the markets in the final 30 minutes of trading on the prior Friday, March 13. In that last half-hour, the market dramatically reversed direction and shot up like a rocket! Why?
My bet is that the Fed propped up the market again with a dramatic cash infusion. It was what we have been taught to believe is the "
Plunge Protection Team" (PPT). The PPT have to get their working money from somewhere, and that somewhere is the Federal Reserve. So the Fed is the controller with all the power to rig the market. And it does. Whenever it wants to.

Unfortunately for the Fed, it is taking increasingly massive amounts of money to keep the market from collapsing, and the effect is shorter and shorter-lived each time. They knew this would be the case, of course, and their plan is still to collapse the market, but they want to be able to control the collapse so that they profit from it. And releasing the coronavirus on the world to cover their tracks is simply diabolical. But hey, that's what the best sociopaths humanity can produce are all about!