People believe anything. They also disbelieve anything. Our picture of reality is just electrochemical signals
in our brains. Being a social animal, consensus is what shapes our acceptance of reality, and as the ruling sociopaths have discovered and pursued, consensus can be manipulated and even constructed.
Religion is a good example. People gather together and choose to agree on certain creative explanations for the mysteries of life. That seems harmless enough, but sociopaths see an opportunity to gain power and control by manipulating this phenomenon, and the Vatican is born. Tyranny follows close behind, as the victims of the
Inquisition can attest.
Another variation is playing out right before our eyes. People gather together and choose to agree on certain creative explanations for their history and their purpose in life. That seems harmless enough, but sociopaths see an opportunity to gain power and control by manipulating this phenomenon, and the state of Israel is born.
Tyranny follows, as the
Palestinians can attest.
What is reality? What is true? How dare we be so sure?
It has been said that nothing is certain but death and taxes. Taxes are a degree of slavery, a symptom of tyranny. They are not certain at all, but we are deliberately brainwashed to believe that they are as certain as death, so that we will embrace our enslavement, and even
defend it. It's no surprise that religions had their taxes as well with their practice of "offerings",
indulgences, and the like.
And what about death? Surely that is certain. But some people believe anything, including
life after death. Or they disbelieve anything, including life after death. All we have to hang onto is consensus. But there's something about consensus we should recognize.
An idea does not gain truth as it gains followers." -- Amanda Bloom