I've often said Amerika is the new Nazi Germany (1234567891011). Amerika's alter-ego, Israel, is also the new Nazi Germany. Ironic, isn't it, given the reliance the Zionists have on the Holocaust myth.
At the leadership level, both Amerika and Israel are one (123). They are steered by a private club of severe sociopaths, bent on absolute power and control over other people. Israel's abuse of Palestinians and Amerika's silent approval is a page right out of repeating history. History repeats because sociopaths repeatedly dominate the leadership positions of humanity. The insanity will not end until humanity corrects this aberration.
Earlier on Thursday, eight people were killed after Israeli jets bombed a building in the Gazan city of Khan Yunis. Eight more people were also killed in an airstrike on a beach café, where people were watching a football match between Argentina and the Netherlands. -- source
This is "in your face" murder. It is evil in action. 9/11 was just another example of mass murder in the service of the ruling sociopaths, another example of the Israeli tail wagging the global dog. 9/11 continues 13 years later unabated.
Israel has also mobilized 20,000 soldiers for a possible ground invasion of the Gaza Strip. -- source
Nazi Germany similarly invaded Czechoslovakia and Poland, resulting in the horror of World War II. World wars are deliberately orchestrated by secretive, deceiving, and manipulative ruling sociopaths, exactly like those that run both Israel and Amerika. Can we not see the repetition of history coming our way due to psychological deviants charting the path of humanity?
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -- Albert Einstein ?
Let me rephrase that. Insanity is allowing psychological miscreants to repeat similar deceptions and manipulations over and over again while the bulk of humanity foolishly anticipates different (and better) results.
Better results are not going to happen.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:37 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Israel and 9/11
Israelis, camera set up in advance, filming the twin towers before the planes hit. The same Israelis dancing in celebration after the planes hit. Israelis driving a van with possible explosives detained by police. All Israelis quietly shipped back to Israel.
Israel did 9/11 - All the Proof in the World
9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks
The Five Dancing Israelis - 9/11/2001 - Our Purpose Was To Document The Event
MI5 Agent Annie Machon knows that Israeli Mossad was behind 9-11
Ex-MI5 Annie Machon on 9-11 Truth
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Feb 11, 2015 4:21 am
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Re: Israel and 9/11
Regarding Iran, in June 2017 a jury deliberated for one day before delivering a guilty verdict against two Iranian foundations for violation of US sanctions, allowing a federal court to authorize the US government seizure of a skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan. It was the largest terrorism-related civil forfeiture in United States history. The presiding judge decided to distribute proceeds from the building’s sale, which could amount to as much as $1 billion, to the families of victims of terrorism, including the September 11th attacks. The court ruled that Iran had some culpability for the 9/11 attacks as a state sponsor of terrorism, though it could not determine that Iran was directly involved in the attacks. -- source
Can everyone see that this is Israel profiting from their 9/11 psy-op? This is just like the Jewish cabal profiting from their Holocaust™ Lie by demanding outrageous reparations from Germany for "Holocaust survivors", defined (by Jews) as anyone Jewish living in any territory ever controlled by the Germans during WW2 who survived the war years. Talk about con-artists!
Iran is the enemy Israel most fears today, so they attack it in every clandestine and devious way imaginable, including stealing Iranian assets via fraudulent means. Iran had nothing to do with 9/11, but Israel (via the Mossad) certainly did. Wouldn't it be proper for the United States judicial system to seize Jewish assets in the U.S. (and even in Israel) as compensation for 9/11? Yes it would, and it would happen if Zionist Jews did not control the U.S. government, the Congress, the judicial system, and the money system.
Israel is the tail that wags the U.S. dog.
And why stop with Israel? There are many Americans that cooperated in the 9/11 psy-op, like George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger, Philip D. Zelikow, General Montague Winfield, and so many others. Many of them profited nicely from their cooperation and have plenty of juicy assets that could be seized to compensate all other Americans that truly suffered from the conspiracy of 9/11.
It would be poetic justice if we were to use Israel's fraudulent schemes against it. Turn-about is fair play when dealing with sociopaths. Tit for tat.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat Feb 09, 2019 7:55 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Israel and 9/11
Dear President Trump,
As a military officer and also contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton, I was assigned to the Joint Interagency Operations Center at U.S. Central Command, where I identified, tracked, and reported on terrorists, their financial donors, networks, banks, and activities.
Part of my mission was to investigate, discover, and expose all acts of “waste, fraud, and abuse” by Terrorist Financing Operations Director Dov Zakheim who was my senior supervisor. It was known that Dov Zakheim had secretly arranged for $2.3 trillion dollars to be mis-appropriated through Pentagon channels when he had been the Pentagon Comptroller.
I was assigned the task of penetrating Dov Zakheim’s terrorist financing operations, which involved his son Roger Zakheim (a lawyer at the House Armed Services Committee), an Iraqi named Abdullah Azziz (with close ties to Rudy Gulliani) and the law firm Covington and Burling.
The auditors investigating this matter were conveniently killed in a missile strike upon the Pentagon Office of Naval Intelligence on September 11, 2001. This missile strike was concealed as a “plane attack”, which was a deception operation.
I briefed your attorney Michael Cohen about these matters in 2015 and 2016—which may be one of the reasons he has been targeted by Deep State Shadow Government loyalists.
Evidence and expert testimony confirm without a doubt that the attacks on September 11, 2001 against the Pentagon (as well as the World Trade Center and the Solomon Building in N.Y.) were a well-planned, well-financed, psychological operation – a false flag attack on American soil – designed to trigger and manipulate the American people, the Congress, and the U.S. Military into a full-scale war-mobilization posture with the intent of overthrowing, scattering, and re-making the Middle East and Africa for the direct political, cultural, and economic benefit of the Zionist state of Israel.
9/11, although seemingly coherent, has led to a multi-trillion dollar nightmare for Americans. Because of your success in attacking the Deep State with your sealed indictments and other measures, and because of the failure of the DNI-CIA-FBI-DOJ “Russian Hoax” as well as great fear that your forthcoming summit with President Vladimir Putin will be a great success, I fear for your life and pray for your safety.
You are our Chief Law Enforcement Officer, not just our Commander-in-Chief. It is my hope that this memorandum, combined with the other memoranda you are receiving from other informed patriots, will be helpful to you during the Helsinki summit, where I and many others hope that you and President Putin will share intelligence on 9/11 – who did it, how they did it, why they did it – face to face.
I believe that your leadership in placing the truth about 9/11 before the public will finish the job of taking down the Deep State and the Shadow Government – it will help you shut down the pernicious Zionist/Saudi penetration and subversion of the US economy, government, and society and it will help you demonstrate to the larger public, most of whom did not vote for you, that under your leadership, the US Government can be trusted to clean house and tell the truth.
Very respectfully, Scott Bennett
Scott Bennett, a U.S. Army Psychological Operations Officer, worked at U.S. Central Command’s Joint Interagency Operations Center. Bennett was assigned to “Terrorist Threat Financing” and tasked with discovering terrorist financing networks (domestic and foreign), instruments, and bank accounts being used to fund Islamic terrorists. He is the author of Shell Game: A Whistleblowing Report (CreateSpace, 2016). His website is: http://www.shellgamewhistleblower.com -- source
Except Donald Trump is Jewish and totally owned by the Israelis, so he is not going to be any help.
But at least this shows that some of our intelligence people are aware of the deception and manipulation being perpetrated against the American people.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:51 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Israel and 9/11
Twenty-two Senate and House lawmakers from the states of New York and New Jersey, including senior Democrats Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand and NY Republican Representative Nicole Malliotakis, have sent a letter to US Attorney General Merrick Garland requesting the release of a classified FBI report allegedly documenting the possible extent of Saudi involvement in the 11 September 2001 terror attacks. -- source
New York and New Jersey politicians are owned by the Jews. The FBI report of Saudi involvement is bogus, and all the Jewish sociopaths know it, because they orchestrated its creation. The goal is to blame their Muslim enemies for 9/11, when it was really the Mossad and other Jewish sociopaths who planned and executed the event. Jews always do war by means of deception, and they always set up their enemies to take the blame. They almost always use the Big Lie, just as they did with the WW2 Holocaust Lie.
Here's a recent example of the Jewish mentality:
The IDF made Hamas think that a ground incursion was about to happen. Fearing the attack Hamas terrorists escaped into their tunnel system. At least they thought they were escaping. They didn’t realize they were being set up, they weren’t escaping–the Israeli Airforce was waiting for them at the tunnels. Israel fooled Hamas. -- source
So the Hamas defenders that took to their tunnels were then buried alive by Israeli bombs, exactly as the Jewish sociopaths had planned. And the Jewish sociopaths then had the gall to boast about their ingenuity and cold-blooded elimination of their enemy.
Now can you see what's going on with this political call for the release of an FBI document blaming the Saudis for 9/11? It was the Mossad working with the CIA that did 9/11. Everything we were told about the event was a lie. And they are still maintaining the lie 20 years after the attack. That's how devious and unrelenting the Jews are.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Tue May 18, 2021 4:20 am
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Re: Israel and 9/11
The reality of Israeli explosives experts using the cover of "art groups" to infiltrate and set up shop in the World Trade Center in advance of the big day is really not new to most 9/11 researchers. What is not as widely known however is the demonically mocking brazenness of their "art" -- something which could only be appreciated post 9/11.
Two of the "artist" fronts -- which served as Trojan Horses for the Zionist blasting operatives -- were given unfettered, off hours access to the the 90s floors of the North Tower. The groups (among others still unknown to us) went by the name Gelatin (from Austria) and E-Team (Three Jews from New York). Both groups were chosen to be part of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council World Views projects which enabled them to actually live in the towers during the months leading up to 9/11. We kid you not! -- source
The Jews did 9/11. The false-flag attack blamed on their enemies is their signature. They purchased the twin towers, wired them with explosives, blew up the buildings with important Jews conveniently absent, collected on the insurance at enormous profit, and got the U.S. to fight Israel's enemies. Of course the Jews did it, and they will persecute you if you say as much.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:05 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Israel and 9/11
It was Fleischer who held up a hand-written sign from the back of the classroom for Bush which read ‘Don’t say anything yet.’ He then personally prepared Bush’s address to the nation word-for-word while still at the Emma E. Brooker Elementary School. Incredible! Investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn wonders, “How did Fleischer know what the president should say when virtually nothing was known about who was behind the crime?” “Not only was Fleischer a dedicated Zionist, his older brother was the president of an Israeli-owned company, owned and controlled by Israeli air force veterans, one of whom was a business partner in a company with Ehud Barak.” Ari Fleischer is a prime suspect in the 9/11 operation and, unsurprisingly, was a big proponent of the disastrous Iraq war. He’s also a member of Chabad Lubavitch, the extreme Orthodox religious group headed for decades by the appalling gentile-hating racist Menachem Mendel Schneerson. -- source
Wow, I am just bowled over by the depth of the Jewish participation in 9/11. It was a Jewish operation through and through. The quoted article makes it crystal clear who was behind 9/11, and removes any doubt that such an observation could possibly be antisemitic or hate speech. No, it's just plain truth that reveals the deception and manipulation involved in the heinous crime we know as 9/11. Thousands of Americans were killed by that evil act of premeditated mass murder, and no Jew involved in the plot was ever brought to justice, or even charged, in the 23 years that have passed since the crime was committed. It's astounding, and it shows how we have been fooled since birth about this thoroughly corrupt system that is sold to us as the best system on Earth. Liars!
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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