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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
 Re: Censorship
Very funny, Bezos. This censorship is typical of the ruling sociopaths. The coronavirus pandemic scam is their con-game, so of course they don't want the media that they own to participate in revealing the con.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Jun 07, 2020 4:13 am |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
 Re: Censorship
I was censored yet again, this time for a comment I tried to leave on Russia-Insider. Here is the original article that I was commenting on, followed by my comment which was censored.
ON 2 June 2020, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield — the two notorious Jews of “Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream” — released a formal corporate statement entitled “We must dismantle white supremacy” (here). This appalling, duplicitous, and hypocritical bit of anti-White propaganda expresses their “outrage” at the deaths of George Floyd and other Blacks, as a result of the “toxic seeds planted on the shores of our country in Jamestown in 1619,” when the first (Jewish-traded) slaves arrived in North America. Such deaths, they claim, are “perpetuated by a culture of white supremacy.” Floyd’s demise “was the predictable consequence of a racist and prejudiced [American] system and culture.”
Now they urge Americans “to take concrete steps to dismantle white supremacy in all its forms,” calling for four specific actions: 1) Trump must “disavow white supremacists and nationalist groups” and must “commit our nation to a formal process of healing and reconciliation”; 2) Congress must formally create an anti-discrimination commission to study the situation and recommend actions; 3) a “national task force” must be created to pass laws “ending racial violence and increasing police accountability”; and 4) the Dept of Justice must “reinvigorate” its Civil Rights Division.
The horror of White supremacy will only end, they conclude, when “white America is willing to collectively acknowledge its privilege, take responsibility… and commit to creating a future steeped in justice.” So, the moral here is that Floyd’s death, and the deaths of virtually any Black for virtually any reason over the past 400 years, is a result of White supremacy and White racism, for which all (White) Americans must make amends. The fact that many of these Blacks died at the hands of non-Whites is apparently irrelevant, as are the facts behind the unique circumstances of every individual death. Rather than simply state that any criminal action, by anyone of any color, should be treated fairly under the law, the Ice Cream Jews use the present situation to slander and threaten the entire race of White Americans.
There are specific reasons why they do this. First, it is well-known that Jews are more comfortable and more effective at controlling and manipulating diverse, multiracial, and multicultural societies, than ones which are largely homogenous — and especially which are largely White. Jews succeed much more easily where they are one of many ethnic minorities. In such cases, they can work hard for “minority justice,” all while accruing the lion’s share of benefit for themselves. Second, Jews fear White societies more than any other — because Whites are their most formidable opponents in the struggle for social control. Thus, any actions to protect, defend, and increase the numbers of non-Whites work to their benefit. More non-Whites mean more exploitable social crises, more interracial dating, mating, and the consequent miscegenation, more crime, and therefore more decay of the hated White civilization. Third, as a propaganda effort, such “calls” warp and confuse the public mind, causing many weak-minded people — and unfortunately many weak-minded Whites — to assume that “anti-racism” and an anti-White stance are the morally superior positions. Jews thereby both draw in other non-Whites to their cause and they encourage Whites to work against their own interests and against their own well-being. And with the full force of media, government, and academia behind them, they frequently succeed. We need only watch the evening news these days to see the result.
Apart from the duplicitous and self-serving nature of such a statement, there is a vast truth here that is covered over and safely stashed away, never to be discussed. This is the reality of the American situation, which is a condition of Jewish supremacy. This Jewish supremacy, furthermore, is the root cause of many social ills in this country, and is the cause of uncounted suffering here and around the world. It is this very Jewish supremacy which must be addressed, exposed, and destroyed, if we are to get to a better state of affairs in this country.
I haven’t the space here to provide an elaboration, but a few words are necessary to demonstrate the extent of this problem, and to outline a solution. First, let there be no doubt: From its beginning, the United States was a White nation. From the start, every Founding Father, and every citizen, were White. Some 1 million Blacks lived here, but they were of course slaves with no civil standing. And the few thousand Jews — most of whom were petty shopkeepers, bankers, or slave-traders — exercised little direct influence. There were no “Hispanics” and no Asians to speak of. Under such conditions, America flourished.
Our nation began to unravel in the mid-1800s, first with giving civil rights and then citizenship to all Blacks — and indeed, to anyone born on US soil. This “birthright citizenship” of the 14th Amendment (1868) was a catastrophic development in our history, and we have been paying the price ever since. Suddenly, some 6 million Blacks, representing around 18% of the nation, became citizens. It was a burden, to be sure, but with no other substantial minorities, America could still progress.
Things further decayed from the late 1800s onward, as the Jewish population boomed: from 250,000 in 1880 to 1.5 million in 1900. By 1910, Jews were able to exert considerable influence on Congress — witness the 1911 abrogation of the US-Russia Trade Treaty, which served only to promote Jewish interests. From that point on, Jewish “supremacy” in American society accelerated. Jews had a prominent hand in US involvement in both World Warsi — drawing in our nation when we had no compelling interest in the conflicts. Jews — led by New York congressman Emanuel Celler — pushed the Johnson administration to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was another milestone in American decay. At the same time, they drove American involvement in the Vietnam War, ensuring that many White Americans would die. After the 1967 War in the Middle East, the American Jewish Lobby assumed a dominant role in society and government that it has never relinquished.
When naïve Whites or other non-Jews are first confronted with the concept of Jewish supremacism, their first instinct is to deny it. They will deny that Jews “run the media” or “control the government.” And yet, a few facts easily dispel those mistaken notions. Take the media. There are currently five major media conglomerates, and each one is owned or run by Jews: ABC/Disney (Alan Horn, Ben Sherwood, Alan Braverman, Lowell Singer, Alan Bergman), Warner/CNN(John Stankey, David Levy, Jeff Zucker, Doug Shapiro, Ann Sarnoff), NBC/Universal (Robert Greenblatt, Bonnie Hammer, Noah Oppenheim, Ron Meyer), 21st Century Fox (Murdoch family), and CBS/Viacom (Shari Redstone, David Nevins, Susan Zirinsky, David Stapf). American entertainment and American news programming are unquestionably Jewish-oriented, and serve Jewish interests.
Or consider politics. The Jewish Lobby, AIPAC, is the dominant lobby in Washington, rivalling even the NRA and the AARP. Jewish donors give between 25% (Republicans) and 60% (Democrats) of all political funds, and thus can virtually dictate policy of their choosing. For his part, President Trump is badly entangled with Jews, both through his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and through his many Jewish allies.ii And we must remind ourselves that of nine Supreme Court justices, three (33%) are Jews — Ginsburg, Kagan, and Breyer.
Other areas of society are likewise dominated, such as high tech. Jews run Facebook (Zuckerberg and Sandberg), Google (Page and Brin), Oracle (Ellison and Catz), and Dell Computer (Dell). And they play a critical role in the vast system of technological surveillance.iii
Once we have established the facts of Jewish supremacy, the next typical response is: “So what?” The reply to this is simple: Americans are virtual slaves to Jewish interests, and are allowing themselves to be brainwashed, degraded, and deceived in the process. Literally trillions of dollars are being diverted to Jews and their institutions, primarily from the pockets of hard-working Whites. And primarily White soldiers are fighting and dying in the American military, simply in order to make the world safe for Israel and Jews globally. The costs to society could scarcely be higher. Jewish supremacy must end, now.
Here, then, is my declaration:
Silence Is Not an Option
The present chaos among American cities, and throughout American society at large, is neither surprising nor unexpected. In fact, it was absolutely predictable and inevitable. In the history of humanity, there has never been a stable and successful multiracial, multicultural nation. In fact, such things were always the precursors of social decay, decline, and collapse. This was true for ancient Babylon, it was true for the Roman Empire, it was true for Austria-Hungary, it was true for the Soviet Union. And it will be true for America. Disease, economic upheaval, political corruption, social unrest, crime, moral decay — all these are inevitable in the present-day United States.
The current fuss over George Floyd is a smokescreen. Floyd was a petty criminal caught passing fake $20 bills; he was also apparently drunk or stoned, and was likely driving that way. Through an unfortunate series of events, he ended up dead, but there are far worse tragedies happening in this nation on a daily basis. And top of the list is Jewish supremacy — that unspoken scourge upon civilized humanity.
Virtually every major social, political, and economic problem faced by this nation is driven, at root, by Jewish supremacy — by the policies and dictates of wealthy and influential American Jews in government, media, commerce, and academia. Jews dominate or control every major American media corporation. They give 25% to 50% of all political donation funds, and hence are able to buy politicians; the Jewish Lobby, headed by AIPAC, dictates much of federal legislation, and has the power to destroy any politician who fails to bow down. And their wealth is astonishing; Jews constitute over half of the richest 50 Americans, and between a third and a half of the top 500. The 6 million American Jews own or control, in total, around $50 trillion. The facts of Jewish supremacy cannot be denied.
As such, Jews must assume primary responsibility for the many failings of American society — the economic exploitation of workers, the rampant drug abuse and addiction, the moral corruption of TV and cinema, the wanton manipulation and distortion of news media, the trillions of dollars spent on foreign wars for Jewish and Israeli benefit, and the large and growing presence of non-Whites in our nation. Such things are the poisonous fruit of the toxic seeds of Judaism that were planted on our shores over 400 years ago. We — White Americans — must tackle these many problems, but we also must embark upon the more complicated work of delivering justice to all those harmed by Jewish supremacy in America, especially in the past 100 years. Today, there is an urgent need to take concrete steps to dismantle Jewish supremacy in all its forms. To this end, I call for six actions:
First, educate: There is vast public ignorance on Jewish supremacy. Likewise, there is vast ignorance on the thousand-year history of Jewish malfeasance and misanthropy, of Jewish contempt and hatred for all non-Jews.iv The facts are undeniable; they need to be widely disseminated.
Second, identify: Prominent Jews often escape public notice because they are not obvious, and they are not outed. Religious (orthodox) Jews are relatively easy to spot, but the many secular Jews are not. Jews in media, government, business, and academia need to be called out; as the Black apologists like to exclaim, we must say their names. Jews, half-Jews, those with Jewish spouses or children must be named and outed. It is intolerable that they circulate largely unnoticed.
Third, isolate: We need to sanction and boycott all Jewish-dominated institutions. We must stop patronizing their corporations, their media, their technology, their universities. This action is consistent with the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction (BDS) policy against Israel; similar actions need to be taken against all Jewish-owned or -controlled entities. Simultaneously, we need to create and support local, White-owned and operated organizations.
Fourth, quota: Jewish overrepresentation in all fields must be circumscribed by specific quotas. At least initially, we must limit Jewish representation to their proportion of the US population; currently, the figure is around two percent. Thus, Jews must immediately be restricted to 2% of Congressmen, 2% of tech executives, 2% of Hollywood producers and directors, 2% of university instructors. And, most vitally, Jews must be restricted to just 2% of the total private wealth in the US; this will entail a massive confiscation and redistribution of Jewish wealth — much of it ill-gotten in the first place. This is only fair, and any claims to the contrary can only be deemed ‘racist.’
Fifth, penalize: American Jews must pay, literally, for their many crimes against humanity. As noted above, asset confiscation is a start. If American Jews own or control $50 trillion, but their ‘fair share’ is, say, $2 trillion, then we need immediate confiscation of some $48 trillion in Jewish assets.v Additionally, we need to reestablish the ancient idea of a “Jew tax,” something implemented by the Romans after the Jewish rebellion in Jerusalem in the year 70. Jewish income must be subject to a considerable tax — perhaps a flat rate of 50% on all incomes — in order to restrict their ability to regain wealth.
Sixth, evacuate: The ultimate goal, as many prominent thinkers have realized over the centuries, is to rid the nation of its Jews. The pernicious and endemic character of Jewish corruption can truly be solved in no other way. History has proven that wherever Jews accumulate in more than a fraction of a percent of a populace, they begin to exert a corrupting influence. They cannot be restrained, they cannot be civilized, they cannot be taught. This is a sad but eternal fact of the Jewish people. Therefore, any nation that hopes to prosper and thrive must banish them. Voluntarily or forcefully, slowly or quickly — out they must go. Away to Israel, to their native homeland.
Once Jewish supremacy and Jewish power have been destroyed in America, other problems — with Blacks, with Hispanics, with Asians — can begin to be addressed. Here too, we will need a process of education, of isolation, of penalty, and ultimately of repatriation. Multiracial America will cease being multiracial, or else it will cease to exist.
Unless and until White America is willing to collectively acknowledge its responsibility for its own well-being, and to acknowledge the fundamental role of Jewish supremacy in the many crises of our nation, our problems will never end. We must use this moment to turn the tide against the Jews, to reclaim our country, and to secure, for the first time in many decades, a vastly brighter future.
My comment:
Chico wrote:
Hitler and the Nazis were right and just, and there was no Holocaust. No people were gassed in German concentration camps, not even Jews. Zyklon B was used to delouse the clothes of the internees and keep them healthy (from typhus) so they could work. Jews fabricated the horrendous "Big Lie" of the Holocaust at the end of the war in order to demonize Germans and sanctify themselves. Once you discover this is true, you realize there is no evil Jews would not pursue to benefit themselves. Research the historical revisionists (Vincent Reynouard, Robert Faurisson, Horst Mahler, Ernst Zundel, Ursula Haverbeck, David Cole, Germar Rudolf, Fred Leuchter, David Irving, Mike King, Jan Lamprecht, etc.) who are persecuted by the Jews for trying to correct the false history we've been fed by the Jewish-controlled media. The truth is out there, even as Jewish organizations ban and censor it with zealous vigor. All the censoring of YouTube videos, Amazon books, and Google search results is orchestrated by the Jewish ADL, who were given the policing power over the Internet in January of 2019 under the guise of removing "hate crime". They are systematically eliminating all opposition to their Holocaust scam story that they have greatly profited from for 75 years now. This article and my comment will likely disappear too. Learn the truth, or live with the ugly results of the Big Lie under your heartless Jewish masters.
Yes, truth like that cannot be allowed. We'll have to see how long the original article stays up, but my comment, as predicted, is gone.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Jun 14, 2020 8:06 pm |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
 Re: Censorship
Big Brother ( 1984) is controlling things now. The ruling sociopaths are determined to eliminate free speech. For a year and a half, they have given the ADL, a Jewish organization with Zionist aspirations, free reign to censor anything they consider "hate speech" or "anti-Semitism". But the real intent is to censor whatever the ruling sociopaths want censored, as this quote clearly indicates. This is the "new normal" being issued in with the fake COVID-19 pandemic, where free speech doesn't exist and Big Brother decides everything for us.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:30 pm |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
 Re: Censorship
I've been shadow banned by Google for over two years now. This forum simply does not show up in Google's results. Years ago, before the censoring became industrialized, you could find this forum listed on the first page of Google's results, assuming you searched for something covered extensivey here, like sociopaths. The information found here hasn't really changed. What has changed is Google's control over the results it returns. Today I tried a Google search on the title of the most comprehensive thread in the forum, "Sociopaths - who knew?" Whereas years ago the forum link would show up near the top of page 1 of the Google results, today there is no reference to be found of a link to this forum. None. On any page of the results. Sociopaths do not allow free speech, nor do they play fair. They always lie, cheat, and steal, but they do it subtly. No one knows I've been censored except me, and I can't let anyone know about it because I've been shadow banned from Google's search results. And if it happens to me, it is happening to untold thousands, maybe even millions. Unfortunately, it will get worse, because it serves the ruling sociopaths so well.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Tue Sep 29, 2020 3:56 am |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
 Re: Censorship
Within just a few months of these unambiguous claims, a series of controversial laws from different governments were either proposed or passed, that would impose harsh penalties and fines on tech companies that did not censor postings considered to be “harmful” or “dangerous” by the authorities. In Germany, for example, the government passed a law that would fine social media sites up to £44 million if they did not remove whatever they decided qualified as “hate speech” within 24 hours. Similarly, the European Union proposed that “terrorist” content be taken down within an hour or face harsh penalties. Repeat offenders could be sanctioned by up to 4% of their global turnover, which amounts to billions and billions of dollars. As we all presumably know by now, censorship has since grown to unprecedented levels. I myself have had my YouTube and Facebook accounts deleted, as has the Free Thought Project, amongst many others who have been accused of “inauthentic activity” or something equally ambiguous . And then more recently, in the face of this current pandemic, censorship of information has become even more brazen, to the point of even targeting respected experts, such as Knut Wittowski and others, for challenging the lockdown policies being imposed. In all instances the authorities claim that this is for the public’s safety and protection. -- source
The censorship is now rampant. Basically, it is the Jewish sociopaths behind it all. They are the purveyors of the Biggest Lie of the 20th century, the Holocaust fable, and they are making out like bandits with that one, so they don't want it exposed.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:53 am |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
 Re: Censorship
Gab is a Facebook alternative that claims not to censor. "Gab is a social network that champions free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online. All are welcome." Gab sounds a lot like United People. However.... "Free speech, individual liberty, and the free flow of information online" is not welcome by Jews and sociopaths in general, so like United People, Gab will be targeted. How will it be targeted? So, United People was not targeted in this manner, since United People was totally free. Instead, other methods were used against UP, but the goal was the same — to censor the free speech platform. Now Gab gets to be persecuted by "God's Chosen People". That's the way sociopaths operate, and it won't change until we identify and control the sociopaths.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:47 am |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
 Re: Censorship
You saw this coming, right? Because I sure did. Censorship goes hand-in-hand with mind control and brainwashing. We have seen this for 75 years with the Holocaust Lie. Now we will see it with the whole COVID-19 scam. They did it successfully for the Holocaust scam. What makes you think they can't do it with the COVID-19 scam? When 80% of the human population tend to believe whatever they are told by the "authorities", especially when censorship deprives them of any contradicting voices by real experts, then the brainwashing and mind control is sure to be successful.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Thu Oct 22, 2020 3:31 am |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
 Re: Censorship
Even worse than YouTube censoring legitimate information challenging the COVID-19 fraud is the "awoke" people's hero Caitlin Johnstone railing against mainstream media censorship while practicing it herself on her own website! In an example of flagrant hypocrisy at its finest, Caitlin Johnstone looks like controlled opposition when she behaves exactly like the enemy she pretends to condemn. Here are two comments I posted under her recent article that were quickly censored by the queen of hypocrisy herself: Needless to say, I can no longer provide a source link to my comment because Caitlin removed it. However, I save copies of all my comments to my computer when I post them to other sites, as long experience has taught me the utility of doing so. And here is the other one, along with Caitlin's comment to another of her readers (not me) that I was responding to: Of course, Caitlin will never heal herself when she can just censor her comment and mine as if they never happened. She is effectively promising to "control the narrative" on her own website exactly like the news organizations control the narrative in their propaganda rags, which she publicly condemns. So why does she do it herself? Because she's a hypocrite. Because she's a fake truth-teller. Because she's a sick deceiver and manipulator. And don't you know that she would censor this whole post if only she could.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Thu Oct 22, 2020 3:55 am |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
 Re: Censorship
Glenn Greenwald gets censored by the company he helped start in order to speak freely as a journalist! You know the censorship is in-your-face now!
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:29 am |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
 Re: Censorship
Wow, another shocker!
Mass mailing service Mailchimp, a US based marketing automation service, has updated its Terms of Use regarding types of content that are prohibited for distribution on the platform. In particular, the service now "does not allow the distribution of content that is, in our sole discretion, materially false, inaccurate, or misleading, in a way that could deceive or confuse others about important events, topics, or circumstances." Press for Truth's Dan Dicks says he no longer has access to thousands of emails subscribers he's accumulated for years, as he can't access his account. "I feel like that’s my data," said Dicks. "I was using it as a hedge against the coming censorship and they just pulled the plug on me there." According to SGTreport, their email was "locked up" as a result of the termination. -- source
So now e-mail service providers can confiscate your e-mail account if they don't like the contents of your e-mails?! Well there you go, the dystopian nightmare of Orwell's 1984 is really upon us. Unbelievable...  Big Brother is watching you...
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Nov 01, 2020 4:10 am |
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