A Ukrainian woman has been fined €900 in Germany for condoning the Russian invasion of Ukraine, making her the latest person to fall foul of Germany’s strict propaganda laws.
A court in Cologne found that Elena Kolbasnikova had “posed a threat to public peace” by giving a speech at a pro-Russian protest in which she described the invasion of Ukraine as “necessary”.
During the protest last year to commemorate the end of World War Two, she also told a television channel that “Russia is not an aggressor”.
The judge found that these two comments were sufficient evidence that she had “endorsed and supported” the Russian war “in a way that was perceptible to others”.
Kolbasnikova, 48, who describes herself as a “peace activist”, insisted after the trial that she was being persecuted for her determination to tell the truth. -- source
Before Hitler, Jews controlled Germany, despite being a minority of less than 1% of the German population. Hitler put a stop to that, and the German people were grateful beyond measure to be delivered from their suffering. The Jewish cabal then exacted revenge on the German people, orchestrating a world war against Germany and maneuvering other nations to fight that war for the Jews. In the end, the Jews won the war, crushed Germany, and have run it ever since.
Disallowing the speaking of truth is the Jewish way. It will not be allowed, as the truth could reveal the criminality of the sociopathic Jewish cabal.
Tell the truth, pay a fine, go to jail, or die! The Jews know the drill, as they have practiced it for millennia. When the people revolt against the Jewish con-artistry, the Jews record this as being persecuted, and they demand compensation. In that way, the cycle begins anew.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Jun 19, 2023 7:16 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Censorship
Censorship is the death of science and inevitably leads to the death of people. America should be a bulwark against it, but it was not during the pandemic. Though the tide is turning with the Missouri v. Biden case, we must reform our scientific institutions so what happened during the pandemic never happens again. -- source
This is really the bottom line: censorship leads to the death of people.
So many people have been brainwashed to believe censorship protects people, but this is an insidious lie. This lie is primarily coming from the Jews, who believe they need to be protected from "hate speech" or demonstrations of "anti-Semitism". Jews use their power to orchestrate laws punishing anyone questioning their Holocaust Lie, so that the con cannot be challenged or exposed. A great deal of the power exercised by the Jewish cabal comes from the monetary reparations they falsely receive to this very day, for a five-year gassing genocide that never happened. They play on the sympathies of the gullible public who have fallen for the Jewish con, and they milk that public cow for their continual benefit, parasites that they are.
The Jewish cabal has killed a lot of people via censorship. 9/11 was their doing. The fake COVID-19 pandemic and fake vaccines were their doing. The Ukraine conflict was their doing. Jewish involvement in all of these events is censored, so that the non-Jewish masses cannot know how they are being fooled. And people continue to die because they do not know the truth.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:26 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Censorship
According to reports, the tech giants, also known as Big Tech, are silencing users from Europe, India and even the United States, who express any kind of support for, or speak up on behalf of, the embattled residents of Gaza who, save for God's supernatural protection, are slated for extermination in the coming days. -- source
Once censorship is tolerated, this is inevitably where it ends up, with ordinary people silenced for expressing their opinions. Freedom of speech disappears when censorship shows up. Then we learn who is really in control. In this case, it's the Jews, who own and control the Big Tech social media platforms. They own the media, the entire spectrum of media, from Hollywood to TV/radio/newspapers to book, magazine, and educational textbook publishers. Their numbers are few, and their power and wealth is unbelievable. They can genocide masses of innocent and helpless civilians in front of the whole world and censor anyone who protests the murders. This is an abominable state of affairs, and must be corrected before a complete tyranny is imposed upon the world.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Oct 29, 2023 6:09 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Censorship
These widespread censorship efforts, specifically targeting conservatives, have been tipping the scales of public opinion and electoral outcomes.
Corporate media outlets become the propaganda arms of radical ideology, rather than neutral providers of news and information.
Moreover, we’ve witnessed the de-platforming and canceling of conservative voices.
Any opposition to the mainstream narrative is swiftly shut down and those who raise questions are smeared as “conspiracy theorists.” -- source
I have been spreading this message for over a decade. Censorship is the opposite of free speech, and the United States is supposed to be the bastion of free speech. But that is a lie, and it is also part of the censorship program. There are two arms to controlling the narrative. One is by removing information, the other is by adding disinformation. When both are employed, the public is essentially being mind-controlled. This is what is occurring currently and has been occurring all along. We just were not aware of it occurring, because we were victims of that mind control.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Dec 24, 2023 6:58 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Censorship
Israel and its supporters are frightened by the public outpouring of support for and solidarity towards the Palestinian people living in Gaza at American college and university campuses – so much so that they just sent a letter to the United States Congress demanding the passage of a new censorship law.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in coordination with the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations is demanding that Congress renew special provisions in the controversial FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) to allow for the silencing of anyone who in any way criticizes Israel's genocide in Gaza. -- source
How many women and children have to be murdered in Gaza by Israel before people finally get it through their brainwashed minds that Israel and the Jews that run it are EVIL?
How badly does the truth have to be censored before people finally get it through their brainwashed minds that Israel and the Jews that run it are evil LIARS?
The Jews have deceived and manipulated other peoples throughout their history, and they are doing it on steroids today. Do you realize that the Holocaust was one of those deceptions and manipulations? Jews were not gassed to death in Nazi concentration camps during WW2. It simply didn't happen, no matter how many Holocaust museums and traveling side shows the Jews fund and inundate us with. They are evil liars. Most of the Jewish people are indoctrinated from early childhood into believing the Holocaust scam, so they don't even know they are being deceived and manipulated into serving the evil sociopaths who are their leaders, devils like Benjamin Netanyahu. Most Jews parrot the lies believing that they are true! But the sociopaths running Israel know the truth, and they use censorship to keep the masses believing in the lies.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed May 08, 2024 9:49 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Censorship
Israeli authorities raided an Associated Press (AP) live position in the south of the country on Tuesday, claiming the agency was violating a new media law by allowing the live broadcast to be re-transmitted by its client, Al Jazeera. -- source
The real reason is Israel doesn't want anyone documenting the extent of the massacre it is perpetrating in Gaza against the Palestinians. Criminals want to hide their crimes, not broadcast them. This pattern of censorship coming from the Jews is standard operating procedure. They control the world via deception and manipulation. They are the most sociopathic group on the planet, and the source of much of the evil we are seeing in the world today.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed May 22, 2024 9:11 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Censorship
You’re only free to speak your mind in the US if you are saying what the authorities want you to say, RT contributor and former aide to Joe Biden, Tara Reade, has claimed.
Reade appeared live on RT on Thursday to comment on the search carried out by federal agents and state police at the home of former US Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter in New York state on Wednesday.
She and Ritter, who is now a journalist, had both been invited to speak at the 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in June, but “unfortunately the federal agents took him off the plane and confiscated his passport,” Reade recalled.
She said Ritter’s passport was never returned to him by the US authorities. “Usually, that indicates that someone is under investigation because they take away your passport,” she said.
The government in Washington has been “going after Scott Ritter for years” since “he spoke out against the war in Iraq and revealed that… the US government lied about the weapons of mass destruction,” the former Biden aide claimed.
The persecution of the journalist and commentator – whose views on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as well as Israel’s war in Gaza, contrast sharply with those of the White House – is “just a pattern of what you are seeing in the US, which is the surveillance state and authoritative government,” she argued.
"We have the illusion of free speech. We have that illusion of a right to travel. But in reality, it is only allowed if we say what the US wants people to say, otherwise you are at risk,” Reade said.
In 2020, Tara Reade accused then-Senator Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her when she worked as an aide on his team in 1993. She moved to Russia last year due to concerns for her safety in the US, but has since returned home. -- source
Everyone that reads this forum thread knows that our freedom of speech is an illusion. All of them know.
Unfortunately, I am the only one that reads this forum thread, because the entire forum has been censored for the general public. They cannot read any of it because they cannot find any of it. The Google search engine (a dominant monopoly) shadow-bans any reference to this website. Whereas in the past this forum would show up near the top of Google search results, now it never shows up. Also the URL to this site (united-people.tk) has been inactivated.
You can have freedom of speech as long as no one can hear you.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:56 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Censorship
Wow, take a look at this. Martin Armstrong is talking about Ukraine history during WW2 and mentions Hitler at 32:52 in the video below, and Hitler's name was censored! The audio of Martin saying "Hitler" has been removed! Only the Jews would want this censored, which shows you who is in control of the information we are allowed to have.
Martin Armstrong: Gold Is Pricing In A MARKET SHUTDOWN & PRICE CONTROLS (duration 1:24:56)
This also tells you who controls YouTube. At 32:57, they censored something else that Martin said, but I don't know what Martin was saying there. I only know he was censored again.
This removal of free speech is the clearest sign that we are falling into a Jewish-run tyranny. When Hitler's name becomes verbotin, you know who you are not allowed to criticize, and you know who controls you.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Oct 16, 2024 5:48 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Censorship
Incredibly, the service Archive.org which has been around since 1994 has stopped taking images of content on all platforms. For the first time in 30 years, we have gone a long swath of time – since October 8-10 – since this service has chronicled the life of the Internet in real time.
As of this writing, we have no way to verify content that has been posted for three weeks of October leading to the days of the most contentious and consequential election of our lifetimes. Crucially, this is not about partisanship or ideological discrimination. No websites on the Internet are being archived in ways that are available to users. In effect, the whole memory of our main information system is just a big black hole right now.
The trouble on Archive.org began on October 8, 2024, when the service was suddenly hit with a massive Denial of Service attack (DDOS) that not only took down the service but introduced a level of failure that nearly took it out completely. Working around the clock, Archive.org came back as a read-only service where it stands today. However, you can only read content that was posted before the attack. The service has yet to resume any public display of mirroring of any sites on the Internet. -- source
Censorship is now pervasive and invisible. Crippling Archive.org makes it impossible to know how bad the censorship has become, because you can no longer compare current Internet content to past Internet content. I have often used Archive.org to view entire websites that were censored from the Internet, especially sites exposing the Jewish mind control programs used on the public (like the incredible Holocaust psy-op). So it's easy for me to see who is behind the censorship and why they do it.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Nov 04, 2024 8:17 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Censorship
Technocrats are passing Hate Speech laws throughout the Western world targeting all those voicing concern for young people. Censorship is a given, with possible fines and jail time on the horizon (this can also be applied to wars in Israel and Ukraine, CoVid mRNA “vaccines”, the 9/11 attacks or any concern running counter to the UN (WEF)’s narrative. Our governments are no longer our own. We’re all property of the UN (WEF) and WHO now. The pandemic was our proof. -- source
Yes, censorship is a big part of how they control us. Yes, our governments are no longer our own. Yes, we are the property of the ruling sociopaths and their various control agencies. Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic psy-op was proof of how thoroughly they control humanity.
But they didn't control me. They have tried, and they are still trying, but I know what they are doing and I am resisting. I oppose their enslavement philosophy, I reject their immorality, and I detest their evil. I know the ruling sociopaths are the true enemy of humanity, and because I am human, the ruling sociopaths are my enemy. Ultimately, the bottom line is that the ruling sociopaths are not human, and they must be considered a cancer in the body of humanity.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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