Speaking about America and Project Paperclip, where Germans after WW2 were quietly incorporated into American society:
If they were willing to make peace with Nazi’s who are responsible for some of the most heinous crimes in history in order to further a cold war agenda, what else are they capable of? -- source
The Nazis were not responsible for some of the most heinous crimes in history. The Allies were.
This is the problem of believing the Jewish propaganda of the Holocaust. It warps people's reasoning. When their premises are garbage, their conclusions are usually garbage too.
I am so sick of the Jewish Shoah business. These people are the scum of the Earth, deceiving and manipulating the entire world in order to enrich themselves with billions of shekels and high offices of power and control. And they have gotten away with these heinous crimes for over 75 years!
The very same dark forces that created the Nazis, the Bolsheviks, and Mao Zedong are to this very day leveraging rapidly advancing technologies to perpetrate their ever-evolving bioterror genocidal Crimes Against Humanity; all of the current technocratic schemes such as CBDC’s, X Everything App social credit score system, gain of function “pandemics,” Green Agenda PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE, the WEF’s Great Reset, and the UN’s 2030 Agenda are simply consolidating and consummating the Nazi fever dream endgame of an ultra-dystopian One World Government. -- source
The "dark forces" were actually the ruling sociopaths. They did not create "Nazis", which is easily realized by observing that the ruling sociopaths used the entire world to utterly crush Germany for daring to oppose them (basically for confiscating the wealth of the Rothschilds in Germany and Austria). Also the Nazis never had a dream of ultra-dystopian One World Government. They just wanted to be left alone to direct their own united and thriving German nation. But yes, the ruling sociopaths did do all the rest. And the ruling sociopaths will continue this crippling criminality until they are removed from positions of power and control, which is exactly what Hitler and the Nazis did. This allowed the astounding renaissance of Germany between 1933 and 1939.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:26 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12355
Re: The Holocaust Lie
[The anti-revisionists] called for the passing of special laws to silence the revisionists. There, they signed their doom. To have recourse to special laws, to the police, and to prison, is to confess one's powerlessness to use the arguments of reason, history, and science. -- Robert Faurisson, source
The late, great Robert Faurisson was perfectly correct. The anti-revisionists he referred to are the Jews, who have played the existing systems (judicial, legislative, and executive) in multiple countries to make it illegal to expose their con-artistry, which is already a gross miscarriage of justice. Vincent Reynouard, surprisingly and joyfully free from his imprisonment, brings us this quote from Faurisson, which accurately describes the tactics and malevolence the Jews have used to persecute Vincent for having defeated them using reason, history, and science. The Jews can do nothing but hate Vincent Reynouard and persecute him relentlessly, all while falsely claiming to be the victims of hate and persecution themselves. The hypocrisy of the Jews is mind-boggling.
I was so happy to see the video below only two days ago! Vincent is free!
Vincent Reynouard extradé mais libre vous parle ! (duration 1:21:59)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
The Forward: In fact, thousands of babies were born in Auschwitz ...
Analysis: Wait a second! "Thousands of babies" -- you say? Did we hear / read that correctly? State that again, please. Surely, we must have misunderstood.
The Forward: In fact, thousands of babies were born in Auschwitz ...
Analysis: Mein Gott! Were the big bad "Nazis" running an extermination operation or a frickin' maternity ward?! No further response is necessary. Thank you Forward
Because the German concentration camps were not extermination camps, the Jews sometimes get their wires crossed and revealed the true nature of their Holocaust Lie. It is, first and foremost, a LIE. No Jews were ever gassed to death in the concentration camps. That's not what the camps were for. They were basically prison labor camps. Many people did die in the camps from the typhus epidemics, especially near the end of the war, when Germans could no longer manufacture and transport the Zyklon B they needed to fumigate against the lice that carried typhus. That severe typhus epidemic continued for several weeks in the camps even after they were "liberated", with people dying at a frightening rate even in the care of the victorious Allies. Only when the Americans and British began dusting camp residents with DDT to kill the lice did the epidemic begin to end. This direct application of DDT to the human body was much more dangerous than the German method of fumigating only the clothes and bedding of camp residents, but it did the job of stopping the epidemic, making the Allies seem like heroes. But keep in mind that it was the Allied bombing that destroyed Germany's infrastructure and allowed the epidemics to explode out of control in the camps in the first place.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Jews in Europe before the war 8,039,668. After 9,374,778. The entire narrative to justify Israel is BS. There are more fake “survivors” collecting reparations today than Jews on Earth back then.
Jews will never tell you this. Can you guess why? Because they are too busy brainwashing us all to believe 6 million Jews were gassed to death in German concentration camps during WW2. If that were the case, only 2 million Jews would have been left alive in Europe after the war, instead of 9 million.
There has never been any concrete evidence that anyone was gassed to death in German concentration camps. In fact, there is good evidence that no one was gassed to death in German concentration camps. There is also good evidence suggesting that Jews are lying con-artists.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:47 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12355
Re: The Holocaust Lie
Unbeknown to billions of people the Nazi camps were not death camps, nor were they places to carry out human experiments. They were simply containment camps. Something had to be done with these destructive anti-social Jews who were strangling Germany. Thanks to the Jews, Germany had lost it’s moral code and had become debased and de-cultured, does that ring a bell?
Something had to be done! And Hitler did do something – he placed all the Jews in containment camps to allow Germany to breathe again. But – this is the key point in this essay/piece - he did it in a way which was ethical. The camps had decent sufficient food (bearing in mind it was war time), they had theaters, swimming pools, football pitches, post offices where inmates could communicate to the outside world, kindergartens, art and music recreation and even prostitutes.
Quality sanitation within the camps was paramount and that is why the inmates clothes were regularly de-loused with Zyklon B gas. There were no human gas chambers……THAT IS A BIG FAT KOSHER LIE; with which the world has had to endure for over half a century. -- source
The Jewish sociopaths have deceived and manipulated the world for over 80 years with their "gas chamber" psy-op. We really need to bring an end to this crime.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Mar 27, 2024 3:46 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12355
Re: The Holocaust Lie
Contrary to Jewish claims, as conclusively shown in both Zundel trials[5] and in a huge number of contradictory books and articles,[6] there are no documents, no signed order by Hitler or anyone else for that matter, no plans for the construction of gas chambers, no pictures of a homicidal gas chamber, no traces of gas in the alleged gas chambers presented to the public, no bills for the hundreds of tons of coal needed to incinerate millions of bodies, no mass graves, no ashes anywhere, just witness accounts and Hollywood fictions that don’t prove a thing.[7] -- source
That's the Holocaust Lie. It's the typical Big Lie Adolf Hitler warned us about in Mein Kampf that the Jews use against their enemies. Note carefully who the enemies of the Jews are that are being targeted by the Holocaust Lie — the non-Jews, or as the Jews call them, the goyim. That's 99.9% of humanity. That's right, the Jews consider 99.9% of humanity their enemy!
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat May 18, 2024 5:29 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12355
Re: The Holocaust Lie
The Holocaust Lie is the "Big Lie" that gives Jews dominion over the rest of humanity. It is also known as the Holohoax, because it is indeed a hoax. It is perpetrated by the Jewish sociopaths against the non-Jews, and by the Jewish sociopaths against the non-sociopathic Jews. Yes, even a majority of Jews have to be brainwashed from birth to believe the Holohoax.
Holohoax 101 -Introduction to the Holohoax - if blocked see bitchute.com/video/xrk13N7U30rl/ (duration 40:52)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat May 25, 2024 7:31 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12355
Re: The Holocaust Lie
Why the OSS (pre-CIA), American Fake News, Zionist activists and Soviet / Communist propagandists then invented the most grotesque after-the-fact atrocity propaganda / slander in human history -- The Holohoax. -- source
Mike King knows the Holocaust is "the most grotesque after-the-fact atrocity propaganda / slander in human history". He is not exaggerating. There were no Jews killed in gas chambers. And yet the public is taught to this day that six million Jews were gassed to death by the "evil Nazis".
Nope. Never happened. Instead, this enormous Jewish scam happened. And it's been happening for over 80 years.
Stupid goyim... They are so gullible. No wonder Jews rule the world.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Tue May 28, 2024 3:25 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12355
Re: The Holocaust Lie
In response to revisionist charges, the Poles tested the gas chamber walls for residual traces of cyanide gas but found none. Unlike the delousing chambers whose walls still show cyanide "staining," the gas chambers betrayed no residual traces of Zyklon B. The homicidal process was so murderously brief that the cyanide never penetrated the interior surface. -- source
Jewish tribe member Timothy Ryback said that. He is "fake historian and director of the Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation in the Netherlands", according to Mike King, and I can easily believe Mike King on that one. Murderously brief? So that's why no cyanide gas reacted with iron compounds in the walls, because "the cyanide never penetrated the interior surface"? Obviously this Jewish clown knows nothing about the physics of gases moving through porous materials. But of course, the Jews will say anything to keep the goyim fooled. "During the five years that millions of Jews were being gassed to death on an industrial scale, the cyanide didn't have time to penetrate into the walls." Good try, Sherlock, but you are not fooling me with that BS! I can tell when you are lying because your lips are moving!
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
There is, however, just a wee little problem with this official narrative of the big bad Mengele. To put it bluntly, just like those long-since discredited tales of shrunken heads, lamp shades & soap made from dead Jews, “zee gas chambers ™,” and babies being tossed into open fire-pits – the Myth of Mengele is, well, bullshit from start to finish.
It's true, we were conned by the Jewish cabal. Every known Nazi was vilified and demonized using false stories fabricated by the Jewish sociopaths. The false stories were then broadcast via Jewish-controlled Hollywood, Jewish-controlled publishing houses, and the Jewish-controlled news media. The result was the brainwashing of America and the rest of the world.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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