What else can you call a sub-species which is driven to destroy the environment upon which all life depends? Insane? Sociopathic? Criminal? Evil? All of the above?
I say sub-species because all of humanity is not responsible for the deliberate degradation of the entire planet. It's certain that we all participate in that "
terracide" simply by being born into society and participating in the ways we are taught. We are molded into "terrarists" by a system co-opted by, who else, sociopaths. Sociopaths are the sub-species driving this pathology. They are the root cause of the problem, and until humanity addresses that diseased root, nothing good will ever grow out of it. Only evil springs from that root. In fact, from everything I can see, sociopaths, not money, are the root of all evil. That sociopaths have co-opted the money system is no surprise or coincidence. It has become their weapon of choice, one of the most common methods of mind control that they have ever employed during their 4000 year reign here on Earth. Better methods of mind control are now at their disposal, including direct electromagnetic manipulation of the brain, so we can expect to see a gradual transition away from money and towards even more insidious methods of mind control as history unfolds.
Not very comforting, is it. Truth is often like that, when it comes to humans.