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Post Pandemic!
Be afraid. Be very afraid! But do as we say, and you will be all right.

The coronavirus pandemic occurring now is a false-flag attack on the entire world. As usual, it is the generated fear that is allowing the ruling sociopaths to deceive and manipulate the public so easily. The ruling sociopaths generate the fear using two critical instruments that they control: the media and the governments. Both are looked at as "authorities" by the public. When people are told to jump by these authorities, their default reaction is to ask "How high?"

But there is no pandemic. All deaths due to viral infections are still at normal levels.

I am constantly having Italy being thrown at me evidence that the virus is going to wipe out humanity. So I decided to look into Italy, specifically. What I found is that each year in Italy has about 16K flu related deaths each year. That’s a little over 2K flu related each month of the flu 7 month flu season. And here are Italy’s Covid figures. -- source

Needless to say, the number of deaths attributed to the coronavirus are well within the usual range of monthly and yearly flu deaths for Italy.

Two days ago I talked to a friend in France. She was suspicious because the French president Macron (a sociopath) had come on TV and declared the French were literally at war against the coronavirus, and he repeated the phrase "We are at war" six times. My friend recognized that this was not a war and that Macron was simply playing on the fears of the nation. I then called a friend in Seattle, who told me he had seen president Trump (a sociopath) come on TV and declare that we were at war with the coronavirus, and he repeated the phrase "We are at war" six times! The ruling sociopaths have clearly instructed national leaders to "follow the script" so that this global psy-op will be successful.

David Icke is not one who is easily fooled. He probably sees through this deception as well as the con-artists behind it, yet the public is brainwashed to dismiss him as insane because his insights are so alien to them. But it is the public that is wrong. Around 80% of the public are Followers, and they are already dependent on the system the ruling sociopaths control. They have been trained from birth to comply with the orders their leaders give them. They do not question those orders. They simply obey, as they believe their leaders are looking after them. Nothing could be further from the truth.

(duration 2:00:27)
March 24, 2020: Video was censored. Another version here (while it lasts, which won't be long).

James Corbett is also not easily fooled, and he points out one of the reasons for this fear-producing pandemic, which is the implementation of martial law. Another reason I have noted in this forum is to mask the controlled collapse of the world economy that has been prepared and orchestrated by the international banksters (i.e. the ruling sociopaths) for decades now. That Ponzi scam was reaching its inevitable conclusion, and the Federal Reserve has been obligated to pump trillions of dollars into the derivatives market since September 2019 to keep the stock market afloat until they could prep the patsy (the coronavirus) to take the blame so they wouldn't be suspected. But the point is that smart and observant people like Icke and Corbett see what is happening, while the obedient masses see what they are told to see.

Medical Martial Law 2020 -- Corbett Report
(duration 1:09:40)

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:29 pm
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Post Re: Pandemic!
And... it's gone.

It took less than two days, and the YouTube video of the London Real interview with David Icke (in the post above) has been censored. Icke called out the coronavirus pandemic for what it is, a psychological operation on the whole world, a giant deception and manipulation designed to consolidate even more power into the hands of our sociopathic leaders.

But YouTube still hasn't censored the exact same interview that was translated into French, so if you understand French, you can still watch it! Yea!

But it will be gone too, and probably is already gone on YouTube France. Hey, let's check!

Guess what? I just checked, and the only version left on YouTube France is in English! So only French people who speak English can understand it!

You think that might be a conspiracy?

So here is the English version that you can find on YouTube France. Bet you it won't last long either before it disappears. Note that less than half of the interview (45 minutes out of 2 hours) is in the version below. That's censorship too, in case you missed it, because more than half of the interview is gone.

(duration 45:37)

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Tue Mar 24, 2020 9:32 pm
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Post Re: Pandemic!
The headlines are laughable. The mainstream media is playing the public with practiced expertise. Why can't Americans see through all this BS?

Trump says there's 'light at the end of the tunnel' as White House pitches $6T coronavirus stimulus package

Right, throw fake money at the problem. These stupid politicians see everything in terms of money. But that's mainly because they are planning on getting a piece of that enormous pie.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick suggests elderly should die to save economy from coronavirus

That's not what he said or even suggested, but it does grab your attention, eh?

There may be 10 million Americans infected with the coronavirus right now, based on the trend of confirmed fatalities

And there may not be. Also, a confirmed death is not the same thing as a death confirmed to have been caused by COVID-19 infection. It's easy to confirm someone is dead. It's not at all clear if that dead person has been rigorously analyzed scientifically to prove the cause of death was the specific virus called COVID-19 and no other infectious virus, of which there are thousands or more which cause confirmed deaths every year.

Millions could die and hospitals will be totally overwhelmed if America ends the coronavirus lockdown early, says Johns Hopkins pandemic expert

And millions may not die. This is just more fear fuel being poured on the fear fire.

Coronavirus healthcare workers need medical gloves but the world’s top producers have cut capacity

Sorry, gloves won't protect you, nor will face masks. Viruses can enter your body in lots of ways, including through the eyes.

This media circus is brainwashing in action. Our minds are being steered in a set direction so that we are more easily swindled and controlled. This has been going on for over 100 years without let-up. Roosevelt was doing this in 1941 with his "day of infamy" speech, when he had done everything possible to push the Japanese into attacking the United States. Americans were swindled then, and we are being swindled now.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:54 am
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Post Re: Pandemic!
Here's a headline that few people will see:

Mike Pompeo Admits COVID-19 Is a “Live Exercise,” Trump Retorts “I Wish You Would Have Told Us”

Actually, Trump said "Should've told us." The headlines can't get the story right even when they are trying to.

"Should've told us"? Sorry Mr. President, but you are not in the loop. You are just a puppet. When they pull your strings, you dance. That's your purpose. It has been all along. You are just window dressing for the benefit of the public admiring the pretty display.

But the real point here is that COVID-19 is a "live exercise". In the intelligence world, that means it is a planned operation that is being implemented. In the world of sociopaths, it is a deliberate deception and manipulation. In other words, it is a con. The public is being fooled. It is a false-flag operation. It is a psy-op, short for psychological operation. We are all being deliberately deceived. All the news about this pandemic was fake news. That's why I said it is like the Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast. Yes, we are being totally played. There is no real pandemic. There is no health crisis. There is no truth in what we are being told.

This is nothing new. We have been played for fools in America for over 100 years. It is an everyday occurrence. And I am not saying everything we've been told is a lie. These ruling sociopaths who are playing us know how to lie with the truth. They know how to twist the truth around just enough to fool us into thinking we know what they are saying, when in fact they are saying something completely different. For example, they tell us there are now "204 confirmed deaths", and we assume they are talking about deaths that have been positively confirmed as being caused by COVID-19. But we err in making that assumption! The ruling sociopaths are laughing at us because that's not what they said. They said "confirmed deaths", which means "we are sure these people are dead". It says nothing about the cause of death. These are the kinds of word games sociopaths love to play. That way they can honestly say they weren't lying to us. It's just like Bill Clinton saying, "I did not have sex with that woman." He might mean there was no sexual intercourse on that particular occasion, or it could mean he didn't have sex with "that" woman, meaning another woman he is referring to that is not the one we are assuming.

We're dealing con-artists at the highest level with this COVID-19 "live exercise". If they were caught, the ruling sociopaths would say, "We told you it was a live exercise, but you didn't listen." And it would be true. And they would be right.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:25 am
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Post Re: Pandemic!
59 million Americans contracted Swine Flu, 265,000 were hospitalized, and 12,000 died from the 2009/2010 outbreak. Yet the public noise over that outbreak was so muted that I don’t even remember that it took place. Today, we have Covid, and in 2 months it has infected 4,600 Americans and 85 have succumbed to the virus. -- source

Even those statistics are probably estimates. I read today somewhere that the CDC always reports estimates. It never scientifically verifies actual deaths by checking death certificates, nor does if verify cause of death. It estimates, kind of like the Ohio health official.

But yes, the over-reaction is obvious concerning the coronavirus. My state issued confinement orders yesterday, adding to the panic, and today I disobeyed those orders to go to work and do some shopping. Traffic was a little lighter and I saw some people wearing breathing masks, but otherwise not much was different. I hope that's because lots of other people were disobeying the governor's orders too. There is no pandemic, and the governor has no credibility (nor does the media or the federal government).

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:29 am
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Post Re: Pandemic!
Before I started this thread, I was posting in other areas of the forum on the COVID-19 "pandemic". These posts contain relevant links to information that shaped my conclusions about this psy-op. I suggest you review them if you are interested in learning what I have learned, or if you wish to debunk what I have learned. I am listing them in chronological order, which is the order in which I wrote them.

CV post # 1
CV post # 2
CV post # 3
CV post # 4
CV post # 5
CV post # 6
CV post # 7
CV post # 8
CV post #9
CV post #10
CV post #11
CV post #12

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:55 am
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Post Re: Pandemic!
I've been disturbed by the censoring of the David Icke interview that I started this thread off with. It was first openly available, as it should be in a free society. I would watch about 30 minutes of it every day, and I was about 90 minutes into it after the third day of watching. On the fourth day, I fired it up to continue watching, and immediately I was told to "sign in", as the video was now "private". Well, I recognize what this is about — they want to know who is watching this "naughty" video! So my immediate reaction was to refuse to sign in. I'll watch it another time then. The next day, I decided to try the video again, and this time it's gone! I hadn't finished watching it yet, so I searched for another copy on the Internet, and I wasn't finding the full interview anywhere, except the version that has a French audio translation. While I can handle that, most Americans cannot. While watching that one, I noticed the French translation, done in real time (a very difficult task for any translator), is not adequate for capturing the full meaning that David Icke delivers in English. So I keep searching, but without finding the original interview that I had started with.

In the ensuing days, this experience was playing around in my subconscious mind. I don't like being denied access to information. I don't like being controlled. I mentioned the censoring of this video to my son, and he said, "You need to upload the videos you think will be censored to another video site." My first thought was "But I didn't know they would censor it!" Then I realized that today, about half of what I watch ends up being censored, whereas five years ago it was only about 10%. So I concluded that I really need to upload copies of nearly everything that I think is important. And that David Icke interview was important!

Today I found another copy here that was only uploaded a few days ago. I doubt that copy will be around for long, so I jumped on downloading a copy to a safer site than YouTube. At the same time, I finished watching the interview, and the best was in the last 30 minutes. Everything about this interview was dynamite, so you don't expect it when the crescendo just keeps on gradually building all the way through until the final movement just transforms you into another dimension!

Here it is for your education, freely available and uncensored, despite the tyranny that reigns at YouTube.

The truth behind the coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19 lockdown, the economic crash by David Icke
(duration 1:59:45)

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sat Mar 28, 2020 4:41 am
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Post Re: Pandemic!
True news flash! Yes, you don't get to see that very often! Not a "true" one, that is.

Listen to this, from a viral expert (and I do not mean David Icke), pointing out how the PCR test for coronavirus works, how it is not accurate, how coronavirus is common in healthy people when tested using the PCR method, how easy it is to create a false pandemic using coronavirus, and where the bogus figures used to scare us actually come from! Astounding.

Sanity Amid The Madness, Acquiescence And Sheer Stupidity (DEVASTATING information) - David Icke
(duration 52:07)

May 4, 2020: Ha ha! YouTube censored this video, as I knew they would. Hey YouTube, eff you! I saved a copy of this one, because I knew you would censor it. You are the enemy, so screw you. I know to not trust you with anything important ever again. Here is my copy of what you don't want the world to know, you effing psychopaths!

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:08 pm
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Post Re: Pandemic!
The number of confirmed Covid-19 cases around the world has soared past the 700,000 milestone, according to tallies carried out by Johns Hopkins University and the AFP news agency. -- source

724,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19? In a world with 7.8 billion people? So what percentage is that? 0.0093% And that's a pandemic that requires a complete lockdown of the world? No way! Not even one hundredth of one percent for infections, with death rates being 100 times smaller again? Preposterous!

And it gets worse. The coronavirus was picked for this psy-op because a high percentage of the population will test positive for this family of viruses using the standard PCR test, even though they are healthy. This does not mean they are infected with COVID-19! It means they have been infected with one of many possible coronavirus strains in the past. Because of this flaw, the number of COVID-19 "confirmed" cases, and the number of COVID-19 "confirmed" deaths, will be so overblown as to make the numbers totally useless.

Yes, totally useless.

The disinformation about this is laughable. This website asks if the coronavirus PCR test is accurate. They say there is a problem with false negatives, but never mention the much larger problem of false positives! The bottom line is the test is unreliable and results in "confirmed" numbers that are far too high.

So not only is there no pandemic with the numbers they feed us, but the numbers are guaranteed to be far too high, which means there is definitely no pandemic.

"But the authorities are telling us there is a pandemic! They can't be lying!"

Most of them aren't. They are just parroting the numbers they've been given. Others are just reporting on the PCR test results they have tallied. But the ruling sociopaths running this "live exercise" planned for all of this to happen. That's why they picked a coronavirus variant as their viral workhorse. Their top scientists surely reported on the tendency of the PCR test to exaggerate the true infection numbers, so the ruling sociopaths knew the numbers would end up highly inflated. This is an example of when knowledge is power. The ruling sociopaths know, whereas the public does not. As a result, the public is fearful and desperate, while the ruling sociopaths are cool and calculating.

Guess who is going to win this game?

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Tue Mar 31, 2020 7:22 am
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Post Re: Pandemic!
There are doctors who are trying to let us know that this whole pandemic is a scam.

Health assessment:

There is no valid data and no evidence of exceptional health threats.

Undisputed facts:

  • The official mortality statistics, which are still available, and various national flu monitoring institutes show the normal course of the curves.
  • The seasonal "flu" is as usual.
  • Corona viruses are and have always been there.
  • Corona viruses, influenza viruses and other viruses have to change continuously.
  • So "new" viruses are normal.

The significance and application of the PCR tests:

  • The tests used have not been officially validated, but have only been approved by cooperating institutes.
  • The tests (Wuhan and Italy) are often used selectively, for example in the case of seriously ill people anyway, and are then unusable for assessing the risk of disease.
  • Without the tests, which are questionable in terms of their informative value and their falsifying application, there would be no indication for emergency measures.

There is no pandemic. This is normal flu activity. We are being fooled to believe there is a monster pandemic, when there is no pandemic at all.

This is being done for at least three reasons:

  1. The ruling sociopaths want to mask their responsibility for the pre-planned global economic collapse, so they want the world to blame it on the pandemic.
  2. The ruling sociopaths want an excuse to implement martial law. A global pandemic is the perfect excuse.
  3. The ruling sociopaths want an excuse to implement mandatory vaccines. That way they have direct access to poison your body or introduce any kind of clandestine technology into your body for control purposes.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:26 am
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