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Post Democracy
I am putting this topic under Philosophy and not under Politics. Democracy has been so thoroughly corrupted by politics that it has been totally divorced from its philosophic roots.

How did we manage to pervert such a laudable notion of power to the people and diametrically turn it into a global system of rule at large under the principles of oligarchy and plutocracy? Everywhere we look, from east to west and north to south, plutocrats and oligarchs are firmly in charge: puppet masters of the political class. They have transformed democracy into a parody of itself and a toxic form of government. The social contract implied in a democratic form of governance is broken. -- source

Democracy is completely broken on this planet, that's for sure. I know of no country today that is truly ruled by its people. Show me one, if you can.

Today politicians, who still have the audacity to call themselves public servants, are the obedient executors of the trans-national global corporate elite. These politicians are actors who are cast to perform in opaque screenplays written by top corporate power brokers and marketed to the public like products. In this sad state of affairs that passes for democracy, citizens have become blind consumers of products, which are political figureheads working for global corporate interests. -- source

I have long argued that democracy is the fairest form of governance, and that high-consensus democracy is the fairest form of democracy. This forum was originally set up to be directed democratically by its members via high-consensus democracy. But just as in the real world, sociopaths infiltrated and gamed the system, and the experiment failed.

Mark Twain wrote: “If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” This quote from the gilded age has never been more accurate than it is today. A vote implies real choice, and we have none. -- source

Precisely right. We have the illusion of democracy, and as George Carlin so eloquently pointed out, we have been given the illusion of choice when in fact we have none.

Although an increasing number of people realize that a drastic systemic change is imperative, few are willing to admit that nothing short of a global revolution can challenge the entrenched plutocratic world order. -- source

Very few. I should know, because I am one of them, and I tend to find myself standing alone.

I highly recommend the article from which I pulled all the quotes. I could have written that article myself, but I'm glad I didn't just so I could see that I am not really standing here all alone. The article reminds me that Rousseau, Voltaire, Diderot, Montesquieu, and others (thank you Gilbert Mercier) have stood where I stand, so I am in good company after all.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:46 pm
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Post Re: Democracy
Our democracy is a ruse. Ostensibly it expresses the aspirations of the people. In reality, it masks the insidious anti-human agenda of the central bankers. -- source

That's it in a nutshell. Democracy is a deception. Money rules everything on this planet, including the United States. The people who create the money out of thin air rule the world. Who are these people? The ruling sociopaths. The Rothschilds and their financial cabal. But it is certainly not us, the people.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:19 am
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Post Re: Democracy
I hope that when the system falls like a tree being sawed off at its base, it will fall in the direction of democracy rather than a republic.

Yes, but not a "simple-majority" form of democracy, which is only one vote removed from perfect division. We will need a "super-majority" form of democracy, where nothing gets done unless 80% or more of the voters agree on the issue. All adults will have the right to vote, and there will be no "representatives" voting for others. One vote per person, and anti-cheating verification must be built into the system.

The biggest problem I see is how will issues be created, prioritized, and selected for popular vote in a fair and beneficial (to the public) manner? We will need a solution to that enormous problem before democracy can work. Sociopaths as a group will always be looking for ways to circumvent and corrupt the voting system for their own benefit, and this has to be addressed in the design of any government system.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:33 am
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Post Re: Democracy
It turns out that democracy is even worse than what Benjamin Franklin believed. Democracy is two lambs eagerly electing a wolf, which proves—to me, at least—that politics is worse than worthless (like masks “fighting” respiratory viruses). Politics is the poison that degrades everyone—even those who don’t consume it. There are no quick fixes—libertarian or otherwise. Since no one but the parasites can decide to change the manner in which they lord it over everyone else, the only solution to the malignant state is its implosion. -- source

Few people in this world would believe that the form of government under Hitler and the National Socialists in Germany from 1933 to 1941 was better than the American form of government during any 8-year interval of my lifetime.

But it was.

We have been brainwashed to believe that this is a simple matter of comparing a dictatorship to a democracy. But this is a deception. We should be comparing a government of good intent ("Nazi" Germany) to a government of bad intent (U.S. government). Or a government of honest and caring non-sociopaths ("Nazi" Germany) to a government of uncaring and parasitic sociopaths (U.S. government).

Our so-called democratic republic in the United States is a horror show. It is a mirror image of the corrupt Germany of the 1920s that Hitler describes with stunning insight in Mein Kampf, a nation that was taken over by the Jewish cabal in 1918 and consumed from within by the disease that these international parasites truly were. National Socialism was the anti-parasitic medicine that reversed the death spiral and restored the nation to thriving health. Nearly every German alive at that time recognized the miracle that Hitler and his movement had delivered. They literally owed their lives to this holy savior, and they revered him. It was not brainwashing that united Germany behind Hitler. It was gratitude.

But we are not allowed to know the true history of the Jewish takeover of Germany that resulted in the death mill of WW2. We are taught to never read Mein Kampf, to hate Hitler, and to label everything evil as "Nazi". This is real brainwashing, mind control, and programmed indoctrination. It too comes from the international Jewish cabal, which owns the media that gives us our news, the publishing houses that print our history books, the Hollywood film industry that "entertains" us, and the central banks of our financial system that have us slaving our lives away to "pay" for our miserable existence.

And now those crafty sociopaths tell us that if we just buy into their "Great Reset", we will own nothing and be happy.

BS! None are more enslaved than those who own nothing and falsely believe they are both free and happy.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:41 pm
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Post Re: Democracy
At about 43:00 in the video below, Martin Armstrong talks about a "real democracy", where people vote on every issue via the Internet.

Yes, of course, this is exactly what we need. Our so-called representatives do not vote according to their constituents' interests. They vote according to the bribes and threats they receive from powerful moneyed interests (ultimately answering to the ruling sociopaths).

Our current "democracy" (or republic) is fake. We are being conned. The 2020 U.S. presidential election was clearly rigged. No true democracy or republic is possible under that kind of corruption. Martin Armstrong's predictive software Socrates claims we will get to redesign government in 2032, but only after humanity experiences a most dreadful period of pain and suffering, which I know is due to the leadership of the evil private club of ruling sociopaths that currently runs our planet. I can tell you one thing for certain -- that redesign of government will also be totally corrupted quickly (or even slowly) unless we solve the problem of ruling sociopaths first! They are the root problem, and they always have been.

Martin Armstrong warns: Terror attack on Israel a joint intelligence operation to draw RUSSIA into World War III
(duration 51:24)

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:43 pm
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Post Re: Democracy
So, while you seem to be listening to the propaganda of the West that Russia and China are the aggressors, open your eyes. Nobody wants peace in Europe or the United States administrations, and you are going to witness World War III, for this is the deliberate objective. However, our computer warns that this time, the West will lose. PEACE is attained by free trade, as was the case under the Roman Empire. When everyone benefits, war does not rise. This is why the Democrats are not just trying to take Trump off the ballots, but they are also trying to prevent any Democratic challenger from the primary. This is a dictatorship under the pretense of democracy.

That is correct. The government of the United States presents a false facade of democracy to the world, while it is actually a tyranny run by agents of the ruling sociopaths. Even worse, it has been this way for over 100 years, and the stupid American public has never caught on. And they never will, due to the brainwashing and mind control they are subjected to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. My grandparents never realized it, and neither did my parents. My siblings never realized it either. I was the only one in the extended family that I know of that found his way out of the matrix of control, and it took half of my lifetime to do it. When I look at it that way, the future of humanity looks pretty grim.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Wed Jan 03, 2024 12:08 am
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