Because we think seeing is believing, the ruling sociopaths are able to fool us easily. As a teenager, they showed me pictures of typhus victims in German concentration camps at the end of WW2 in order to make me believe the Nazis had gassed six million Jews to death. They showed every class of students in my school the same thing. We all believed the story. We were all fooled. We were all brainwashed at once.
Seeing is not believing.
These Skulls Look Purple and Orange. They Are Both Red. The pigments morph because of the Munker-White illusion. -- source
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:53 pm
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China has been using mind control technology on its citizens, so why wouldn't the United States? After all, both countries are run by sociopaths.
Li Da, an engineer and former deputy general manager at the Shanghai Taidao Control Engineering Company, said he was a victim of “mind control technology.” He told the Chinese-language Epoch Times that beginning in 2015, many victims joined an online message board, called “Global Mind Control Forum,” to share their experiences.
By the time the forum was shut by censors in 2017, it had more than 70,000 members who registered with their real names, valid contact information, and their reported symptoms. -- source
All major nations are doing it, as all major nations are run by sociopaths.
Chinese authorities have admitted to the existence of such technology, but only to explain that other governments have conducted related experiments.
“Whether the secretly selected test subjects are in a private residence, public space, industrial setting, or on public and private transportation, they can be affected by the chemical and biological stimuli emitted by the mysterious weapon,” state broadcaster China Central Television reported in 2008. “After a long period of time, the test subjects will become socially isolated and their immunity will go down, leading to various diseases and even death.”
The Chinese Communist Party’s mouthpiece newspaper People’s Daily reported in May 2012: “Soldiers who were attacked by such weapons have altered behavior, and become like ‘zombies’ who can be easily controlled. They can be ordered to turn off the engine of a tank.”
The report added that “mind control” technology can cause soldiers to kill each other. -- source
Sociopaths love this kind of control. They can't help but be fixated on exercising this kind of power. This is why it is so critical that humanity finally get a handle on sociopaths and begin managing them. Time is running out. Once sociopaths have the means to mind-control humanity, they will. At that point, humanity will literally be a captive audience.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:32 pm
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The NWO agenda is to narrow the allowable, acceptable and ultimately POSSIBLE range of human thought, so that it becomes illegal, unthinkable and ultimately IMPOSSIBLE to think or do anything other than what the State wants you to think or do. However, humanity is 7.8 billion strong. A relative handful of manipulators cannot control your mind unless you willingly acquiesce and give your mind away. Think critically. Question everything. Read from a wide variety of sources. Investigate the origin and funding of those sources – many are connected to the NWO in some way, e.g. via Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex, Zionism, etc. all of which have massive lobbies and control over the MSM. Always check the facts! Don’t rely on organizations to do your fact-checking for you. Everything is a mind game. You can take back your mind and perceptual sovereignty to rise above the control and achieve freedom and prosperity. -- source
"Everything is a mind game." This is true because sociopaths are running the show. Everything is a game to them, one of deception and manipulation, which makes it a mental game, a psychological game, a game of perception and belief. We live in a world of deception because of the sociopaths controlling our information. The Holocaust Lie is the classic example. Only a small percentage of the population realizes it was a psy-op. That shows us the incredible power that deception and manipulation can have on the public mind. It's enormous.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:13 am
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The ruling sociopaths use our attributes against us. Human beings are to a large degree mindless parrots that repeat what they hear without questioning its accuracy. This is useful for controlling the masses. Here is an example:
Sinclair's script for stations (duration 1:38)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Dec 11, 2019 6:37 pm
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The Great Reset Psyops Guide
It goes without saying that to achieve the kind of radical transformation of every part of society has its challenges. No person in their right mind would agree to it if aware of the details of the whole plan. So, to roll this out, they had to use psychological manipulation, and fear is the most effective tool there is.
As explained by psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, there’s an entire school of public health research that focuses on identifying the most effective ways to frighten people into accepting desired public health measures.
By adding confusion and uncertainty to the mix, you can bring an individual from fear to anxiety — a state of confusion in which you can no longer think logically — and in this state, you are more easily manipulated. -- source
The COVID-19 psy-op is all about creating fear in the public, because this is a powerful mind control technique. Psychological manipulation is mind control. It affects the vast majority, and it is quite effective.
In closing, keep in mind that technocracy is inherently a technological society run through social engineering. Fear is but one manipulation tool. The focus on “science” is another. Anytime someone dissents, they’re simply accused of being “anti-science,” and any science that conflicts with the status quo is declared “debunked science.”
The only science that matters is whatever the technocrats deem to be true, no matter how much evidence there is against it. We’ve seen this first hand during this pandemic, as Big Tech has censored and banned anything going against the opinions of the World Health Organization, which is just another cog in the technocratic machine.
If we allow this censorship to continue, the end result will be nothing short of devastating. We simply must keep pushing for transparency and truth. We must insist on medical freedom, personal liberty and the right to privacy. -- source
Resistance is not futile. It's absolutely necessary.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:56 am
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MK Ultra mind control techniques developed by the CIA are being used on the general public now. David Icke lays it out quite succinctly, as usual.
David Icke: Proof that 'covid laws' are the systematic demolition of the human psyche (Please share) (duration 26:38)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Nov 22, 2020 7:47 am
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... and to start learning these “habits”, is as simple as your saying: “Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen”. -- source
I believe this is a good example of mind control. It's ancient. It subjugates the believer to the Big Authority, or his alleged representatives.
Personally, I do not believe in God. I do not believe I am a sinner. I do not believe in Jesus Christ. I do not believe anyone died for "my sin". I do not believe any "god" needs little old me to "do his will". I do believe I have been subjected to mind control my entire life. I also believe I am getting better at recognizing it. And the above quote is mind control I was exposed to as a child without knowing what mind control even was.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:24 am
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This is from The Guardian, a London newspaper that masquerades as the voice of reason, when it is in fact a propaganda mouthpiece of the ruling sociopaths. It is like the New York Times or the Boston Globe in that respect. Here Dr. Simone Gold is character assassinated by the usual sociopath technique of accusing your opponents of your own malfeasance.
Gold and her fledgling group attacked policies advocated by top scientists like Dr Anthony Fauci and other national experts on the pandemic, and they promoted misinformation at rallies in Los Angeles and Washington and on rightwing media outlets owned by Salem Radio and Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network.
Gold’s mission has included touting the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine, a phoney Covid- 19 cure that Donald Trump endorsed which carries serious health risks, and suggesting that the lockdown’s mental health effects were more harmful than the Covid-19 virus. -- source
Dr. Fauci is not a "top scientist". He is a criminal con-artist. The "national experts on the pandemic" are the ones promoting misinformation. Hydroxychloroquine is not a phoney COVID-19 cure. It does not carry "serious health risks", as Dr. Gold points out in her talk here. The completely unnecessary lock-downs were indeed more harmful than the actual damage done by the virus, which was fraudulently exaggerated by the perpetrators of the fake COVID-19 "pandemic". Why would you need to exaggerate the death toll for a real pandemic? You only need to do that for a fake pandemic, to scare the public into submission!
The Guardian is without a doubt a deliberate and criminal purveyor of highly damaging propaganda, as are most of the mainstream media, because they are owned and directed by the same ruling sociopaths who are behind the psy-op known as COVID-19! It was once said "All roads lead to Rome." Today, it is "All roads lead to the ruling sociopaths." They no longer occupy a place; they occupy national and global positions of power and control.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:09 am
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Mind control is traditionally about deception and manipulation. Here is a prime example:
I will bet money that Fauci is "acting". He didn't get the real "vaccine" that the public will be getting. He got injected with saline or some other harmless, non-experimental substance. He is faking the effects of the real vaccine in order to con the public into thinking it's OK for them to be "vaccinated" as well. This is how sociopaths "play the game". Fauci has done this his entire career as a societal parasite. He's not going to change now, and why should he when his sociopath ways have been so successful?
It will be the same for Biden and any other high-profile authority who pretends to get this so-called vaccine. They know how to play the game, they know what's expected of them, and they know how to profit from it. It's all part of being in the private club of cooperating sociopaths.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:55 pm
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“Is Mind Control Possible? Absolutely. There is a mountain of evidence... Today we know there are technologies that can induce sound into the brain at a distance, can monitor and alter brainwaves at a distance, can alter behavior at a distance, can induce images into the brain at a distance, can target individual organs at a distance. Can disrupt the calcium ions binding on individual cell surfaces at a distance, creating pain and other effects anywhere in the body. Mind control technology exists, without a question.” -- Dr. Eldon Byrd, U.S. Navy, 2001 (source)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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