Stanley Meyer, using Tesla technology (resonance), succeeded in turning water into fuel using far less energy than conventional electrolysis. Of course, the energy interests had him killed and had his work confiscated to keep it out of the hands of the public. Stanley Meyer had refused their billion dollar cash offer to squelch his discovery, claiming his invention was too important for humanity to be suppressed. So for far less money (surely less than a million dollars), the big energy interests (i.e. sociopaths) simply purchased his murder.
For those people who think cars that run on water are pure fantasy, you might want to check out the Quant. The estimated retail price for the Quant projected in 2014 was 1.7 million dollars, to keep it out of the hands of the general public. It was for the ruling elites only, which isn't much of a surprise, but in the end, I'm suspect it won't be allowed to ever appear on the market (but I could be wrong). After all, that would prove the technology is real.
Quant car, runs on salt water, 920 HP, 0-60mph in 2.8 seconds, only $1.7 million (There is now a new lower voltage version, and a low voltage test vehicle that has driven over 150,000 km.)
The legislation we really need is a law forcing the government to release all the free energy technologies they are hiding. We have anti-gravity technology that the secret space program is already using, for Pete's sake!
Free energy technology has been around for over 100 years, but the established and very powerful economic interests will not let us have it, because it destroys their golden goose.
Stan Meyers Water Car (duration 1:45)
Stanley Meyer's technology is far superior to the Quant's fuel cell, because it is much cheaper, uses any kind of water for fuel, and can be used in existing cars with very little modification.
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Wed Sep 05, 2018 5:06 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12355
Re: How Tesla did it
I had a startling thought this morning. If resonance can shake apart water molecules into individual atoms, as Stanley Meyer apparently demonstrated, could it also shake apart individual atoms? Could resonance be responsible for the transmutation of elements seen in various cold fusion experiments? Could over unity energy production be the result of "cold" nuclear reactions on a tiny scale due to atoms being shaken apart?
I stayed up way too late last night watching the video below. Upon stepping out of the shower this morning, the startling thought hit me. It literally startled me, so I'm not being artistic in describing it that way. My unconscious mind had perhaps been processing the information in the video during the night. Although much of that information was already known to me, seeing it compared and contrasted apparently allowed my mind to consider new associations between the works of so many free energy pioneers. A common denominator could possibly be the transmutation of elements via vibrational frequencies. If all matter is vibrating energy, as many scientists have postulated, then it is certainly feasible.
Of course, I also still had this guy in mind (from the prior post), who would tell me and those free energy pioneers mentioned in the video below that we all have a mental problem, because the laws of thermodynamics cannot be violated.
Infinite Energy, But Not For The Masses | Andrew Johnson (duration 2:09:13)
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Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:32 pm
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Re: How Tesla did it
This is pure genius, from the mind of Nikola Tesla:
The Tesla Valve (duration 6:18)
As is often the case, few people (judging by the comments) understand the beauty and elegance of Tesla's idea. They judge it based on what they already know, when what they don't know would change their opinion, if only they knew it! These same people would dismiss the AC electric motor as impractical, ineffective, and worthless.
The same applies for Tesla's turbine:
The Tesla Turbine & How it works (duration 5:50)
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Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:26 am
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Re: How Tesla did it
Resonance — a really big agent of change. Nassim Haramein agrees with Nikola Tesla, Thomas Henry Moray, and Stanley Meyers that the magic happens with resonance. Empty space is densely packed with energy, and matter is a condensation of a tiny fraction of that empty space energy. Might it be that matter is just the manifestations of certain resonance frequencies where the magic happens?
I remember defending Nassim Haramein and his wild ideas on the Project Avalon forum, where so many were dismissing him as a fraud or a kook or a con-artist. I felt from my first exposure to him that he was legitimate, and the intervening nine years have proven me right. He was a real truth-seeker, and I could quickly recognize him as a non-sociopath and a high-quality human being. His accent or ethnicity played no role in my assessment, only his genuine quest for knowledge and truth did. He wasn't playing the ego game sociopaths would like us to play, which is their game designed to corral and control us. Nassim was playing instead the game of freedom, where the truth will set you free. Tesla was playing the same game. We should too.
Nassim Haramein Latest Discoveries the Inner Workings of Our Holographic Fractal Universe (duration 1:26:49)
Addendum 10/25/2020: Interesting... This video has apparently been scrubbed from the Internet. I cannot find any existing copies.
Addendum 03/01/2023: Still no copies found. Also censored here and here.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Dr. Royal Rife used EMF resonance to destroy pathogens in the human body, demonstrating a 100% cure rate of terminal cancer patients.
We keep rediscovering the incredible work of Dr. Royal Rife, and the ruling sociopaths keep burying it. I wonder how long they can keep it up?
"This project shows that ultrasound can be used to target cancer cells based on their mechanical properties," said David Mittelstein, lead author on the paper. "This is an exciting proof of concept for a new kind of cancer therapy that doesn't require the cancer to have unique molecular markers or to be located separately from healthy cells to be targeted."
A solid mechanics lab at Caltech first developed the theory of oncotripsy, based on the idea that cells are vulnerable to ultrasound at specific frequencies—like how a trained singer can shatter a wine glass by singing a specific note.
The Caltech team found at certain frequencies, low-intensity ultrasound caused the cellular skeleton of cancer cells to break down, while nearby healthy cells were unscathed. -- source
Resonant frequencies are the answer. Tesla understood the power of resonance. Dr. Rife understood the selectivity of resonance. The general public is deliberately kept ignorant of resonance. It's all part of the ruling sociopaths' plan to keep us enslaved and dependent on their control systems.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Thu Jan 09, 2020 7:52 am
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Re: How Tesla did it
Tesla's number wheel here was called to mind by the following video below. When the narrator starts talking about a 12-spoked number wheel, we have the same number wheel Tesla was studying! Small world, probably due to humanity's small mind, along with the ruling sociopaths' tendency to selfishly hoard knowledge and refuse to share it. I believe they were the ones that confiscated Tesla's papers after he died.
This completely changed the way I see numbers | Modular Arithmetic Visually Explained (duration 20:32)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Oct 25, 2020 6:25 am
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Re: How Tesla did it
For more than twenty years, Dr Evans has devoted nearly all of his time and energy to deriving, and proving, the validity of the correct version of physics. ECE Theory can now explain, with exact precision, many physics mysteries which General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics, cannot explain. Physics mysteries, which can only be explained by ECE Theory:
The spiral shape of galaxies, without needing "Dark Matter" (the biggest embarrassment for NASA, and General Relativity physicists)
The total lack of "Dark Matter" in the universe
The spiral arms of galaxies, where stars accumulate on hyperbolic paths
The Hubble red shift of light from distant galaxies
The newest stars at the center of galaxies, which is contrary to Black Hole theory
The error of a Big Bang cosmic beginning
The error of Black Hole singularities
The error of the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle
The source of energy of "over unity" devices (spin connection resonance, and the conservation of angular momentum of space-time torsion)
The source of energy for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (spin connection resonance at the atomic scale)
Time modulation based on spinning electromagnetic fields, and spinning flywheels
Gravity modulation based on spinning electromagnetic fields, and spinning flywheels
The Faraday Disk generator, and over unity from modulating the unipolar field
Anomalous energy from Spin Connection Resonance between gravity/time, and EM fields
The reason all subatomic particles have spin, and gyro-magnetic moment
The fact that three quarks are just space-time vibrations in three directions
The error of a "God" particle
The fact that the photon has mass, which invalidates all of General Relativity
Orbital precession, which is not explained by General Relativity
The Pioneer 10 gravitational anomaly, showing small, unknown gravitational forces
Frame Dragging of rotating masses, affecting satellite orbits, and rate of time flow
Why the Michelson/Morley experiment did not detect an "ether"
Why ring laser gyros must use "ether" to function
How to create strong magnetic fields, using the Inverse Faraday Effect
How the Aharonov–Bohm effect is caused by a totally isolated current flow
The fact that spin connection resonance explains all matter in the universe, except for a small number of original particles
The fact that the universe is much older than present estimates, and may have a steady-state existence
The possibility of LENR, at the core of the Earth, keeping the core molten for billions of years
Effects of the Nazi Bell project (Die Glocke) included gravitational effects (anti-gravity) and time effects. This was the most highly classified project in Nazi Germany, higher than the creation of nuclear weapons (which the Germans accomplished before the Allies did). Developing nuclear weapons was a very destructive idea, whereas anti-gravity and time manipulation were very constructive ideas. Hitler wasn't interested in mass murder (despite the false Jewish claims to the contrary), but he was interested in giving Germany and the world the technologies to destroy the sociopathic control structure (Rothschild central banks) that held the world hostage. So he abandoned nuclear weapons (just as he refused to use horribly destructive chemical and biological weapons throughout the six years of WW2), and he focused attention on the pursuit of anti-gravity transport. Besides the development of the Haunebu craft, this allowed the conversion of state-of-the-art German submarines to space vehicles by way of the simple addition of anti-gravity generators. Suddenly, the wild stories of Tony Rodrigues begin to hold a great deal of integrity.
Of note also is the idiotic nature of the Big Bang Theory, which I have long argued is demonstrably ridiculous. Point 27 suggests there may be no beginning point to the universe. If God needs no creator, then why does the universe? Maybe the universe is God, and vice versa.
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Mon Feb 07, 2022 6:43 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12355
Re: How Tesla did it
Something just happened. I stumbled upon this brand new video on YouTube that caught my eye late last night, but I didn't have time to watch it. This morning, I read some of the numerous comments on this 1-day old video, and I decided to watch it. There are lots of connections in this video to the posts in this thread, to Nassim Haramein, to Tesla's number wheel, to Leonardo da Vinci, to the power of prayer and positive thinking, to vibration, to being the change you wish to see in the world, to the Matrix of deception the ruling sociopaths impose on us, to divinity, and to the battle of good versus evil.
It does feel like there is something there.
I don't believe the bit on Goebbels being the cause of 440 Hz musical tuning standardization. That sounds like typical Jewish deception and manipulation being inserted into real knowledge in order to discredit it or at least muddy the waters. I will have to investigate this further. Besides, wouldn't 440 reduce to the number 8, the double toroid and the symbol of infinity, and thus be more divine than 442? And 440 Hz puts a resonance frequency block on humans from the neck down? Where the hell did that claim come from? So there is some nonsense in this video, but that doesn't mean it is all nonsense.
You Won't Believe This! Nikola Tesla, The True Nature of The Matrix, 369, and The Real Da Vinci Code (duration 29:17) If censored, archived copy here.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
I don't believe the bit on Goebbels being the cause of 440 Hz musical tuning standardization. That sounds like typical Jewish deception and manipulation being inserted into real knowledge in order to discredit it or at least muddy the waters. I will have to investigate this further.
And I did investigate further. And though it was easy to find plenty of examples on the Internet of people mindlessly parroting the Goebbels 440 Hertz myth, it was also possible to find more rational research into this subject.
As we can see, it becomes clear that the introduction of the 440Hz concert pitch (and the tone frequency of 440Hz being used) took place a long time BEFORE Hitler (born on 20 April 1889) and his regime came to power (1933). Naturally this does not rule-out the possibility that Nazi Regime might have been “in favor” of the 440Hz standard – like actually most other West European countries (except for France) in those days. But, to proclaim Goebbels’ involvement with or responsibility for the introduction and/or implementation of 440Hz as concert pitch, does not seem very realistic to me. -- source
Not only is it unrealistic, it's absurd. Goebbels job as Minister of Propaganda was to educate and enlighten the German people with the truth, not deceive and manipulate them with lies (which is the Jewish way of propaganda). As a result, Goebbels would have no reason to be involved in standardizing musical tuning, nor would Hitler. They had far bigger problems to solve, and they spent their time doing exactly that.
This is just another example of the Jewish effort to demonize and vilify everything connected to Nazi Germany by making up ridiculous stories that the bulk of the population (the Followers) believe without question and parrot as if the stories were fact. The Holocaust™ is perhaps the biggest example of that. There were indeed concentration camps (labor camps, not death camps) with gas chambers (for fumigating clothes to control typhus), and there were indeed lots of camp residents who died from the typhus epidemics near the end of the war (all those skeletal bodies that are used to "shock and awe" the public) when the gas chambers could no longer be used for fumigating clothes due to the total lack of Zyklon-B from Allied bombing. But no Jews were gassed to death in what the Jewish Holocaust museums try to pass off as homicidal mass gas chambers, which have no trace of cyanide gas in their walls. That "Big Lie" is a massive absurdity, yet everyone has fallen for it. The Jewish sociopaths actively push that story down the throats of the public even today, almost 80 years after WW2. They have to, because if the public ever woke up to the deception, the Jews would be exterminated like disease-ridden vermin, because their true nature would be revealed. Every Jewish pogrom throughout history followed this same pattern. The Jews abused the hospitality of their hosts until the hosts got wise and drove them out. Time after time after time it happened, across dozens of centuries, and each time the Jews learned to become better con-artists until they were the best con-artists on the planet. And that's where we are today.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 8:21 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12355
Re: How Tesla did it
Sonoluminescence, changing sound into light, is another unknown frontier of science made possible by the magic of resonance. Resonance changes everything. Tesla knew this, as he worked with "tuned" electrical circuits, or electrical circuits that were in resonance. I bet that's how he lit up the auditorium when there was no visible light source to account for the grand illumination that he produced after the normal lights were extinguished, plunging the auditorium into blackness. Like a magician, he filled the auditorium with light, while the electric lights were still turned off! David Adair reported this same kind of lighting (at 38:45 here) in the deep underground tunnels below Area 51, when he noticed the light that had no visible source and also cast no shadows.
Punching Water So Hard LIGHT Comes Out - Sonoluminescence (duration 27:10)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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