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How Tesla did it 
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And that's just using HHO to supplement the gasoline fuel in order to gain an extra 6 to 8 mpg. Stanley Meyer's system eliminated gasoline altogether, running on nothing but HHO. His fuel injectors took in water, split the molecules apart into HHO at the injector, and fed the gases into the combustion chamber. I'm pretty sure he used tuned resonance to shake the water molecules apart with great efficiency, which is how he could produce so much HHO gas with very little electricity required. The crude electrolysis methods used by most tinkerers take lots of amperage and deliver far too little gas to accomplish the same thing. Resonance is at least one of the secret ingredients, which is something Tesla (and Meyer) understood.

Most of these electrolysis canisters do well to produce 2 liters of HHO gas per minute. A small one liter engine (1000cc) at 3000 rpms pulls about 1500 liters of air through it in one minute, so that 2 liters of gaseous fuel is just a drop in the bucket, nowhere near enough to power the engine. That's why Stanley was offered one billion dollars for his technology (to keep it off the market), and that's why they killed him when he refused the offer.

Here is a truck rigged to run on water alone. They claim their HHO generator can produce 55 liters per minute using only 55 amps of electricity at 3 volts, which is 165 watts.

TRUCK RUNS 100 % on WATER NOT on GASOLINE - Is it a Fake ?

And this video was posted six years ago! Wanna bet these guys were shut down? I haven't heard a thing about them since, and their website is gone...

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:38 am
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Post Re: How Tesla did it
Stanley Meyer was a real person, with real passion, and a saintly purpose. He just wanted to make life better for humanity. That's why the ruling sociopaths gave the order to kill him.

And Stan fell.

And humanity did nothing.

demonstration of meyer's water fuel cell

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sun Dec 04, 2016 3:46 am
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Post Re: How Tesla did it
Nikola Tesla seemed to understand resonance like no one else. Resonance was also the key to Stanley Meyer's splitting of the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen using very little input energy. Here is somebody else who understands the power of resonance.

World's most efficient overunity ultrasonic water heater from WITTS[]

I want a water heater like this for my home. My electric bill would probably be cut in half at a minimum. I could even heat my home with hot water and kiss my natural gas bill goodbye too. Apply that to every household in America and the savings would be unbelievable. That's why we aren't allowed to have this kind of technology. The slaves are not "allowed" to have it by decision of the masters. The masters essentially own the slaves. This is very wrong. All humans are meant to be free. We must destroy the masters if we are ever to be free. This is the lesson that free energy will eventually teach us -- the lesson of equality.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Thu Dec 15, 2016 4:34 am
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Post Re: How Tesla did it
I have a real interest in Tesla's patent # 685957, filed in 1901. It is relatively simple, and I have the idea to combine it with a solar heating box, using the insulated aluminum panels in the heating box as Tesla energy collector plates. This would potentially produce both solar heat and "free energy" power from the same device.

There is a wealth of knowledge that I am making my way through here concerning Tesla's simple idea, which makes it clear that Tesla's idea is not simple by any means. I am currently reading the section entitled "Jes Ascanius’ Version of Nikola Tesla’s Aerial System", and I can already see that things can get complicated fast.

I can also see once again why the ruling sociopaths want to keep the practical effects of this technology under their control and out of the hands of the public.

The back story for this is that my natural gas company (a devilish monopoly) is trying to extort money from me in order to turn on my gas, to the tune of $127 dollars up front, before the gas will be turned on. The bulk of that is a "customer charge" of $10.08 a month for the past nine months, during which my gas was turned off, my account was inactive, and I was not a paying customer. The rest is a "seasonal charge" for not running my gas all year round (I only use gas for heating in the winter). Both charges didn't exist for much of my 30 year history with this gas company. Needless to say, I won't go along with their extortion, so I'm doing without gas heat this winter and possibly every winter.

I dream of inventing a cheap heating alternative that would put gas companies out of business. I would give away the invention just to have the satisfaction of watching those sociopathic companies fail.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:08 am
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Post Re: How Tesla did it
There's a pattern of suppression concerning so-called "free energy" generation. Inventors get bought out, threatened, or murdered. This started with Tesla around 1900 and has continued ever since. The knowledge of accessing free energy is discovered over and over again, but it is never allowed to be developed for the benefit of all mankind. This happens despite that fact that cheap fossil fuels are being depleted, environmental pollution is becoming increasingly dangerous, and human demand for energy is rising. Free energy would solve all of these problems, but the sociopaths that control us won't let us have it. That in itself is insane, which should tell you something about the sociopaths that control us.

Here is another example of free energy being discovered. It appears it has not yet been suppressed, probably because it is still mostly invisible to the public at large and poses no risk to the control mechanisms currently used by ruling sociopaths. I want a free energy 40kW power generator to run my home, making me completely independent of monopolistic gas and electric companies that hold me hostage. I bet most other home owners would like one too. There must be about a billion of us on this planet that want free energy. Opposing us is a tiny clique of only few hundred sociopaths. So far, we are losing.

Self Running 40kW 40,000 Watt Fuelless Generator Full Video

See these websites for more videos and information:

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:06 am
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Post Re: How Tesla did it
I just started reading the book Tesla – Man Out of Time. I'm not even finished with chapter 2, but what I have read has triggered a eureka moment in my mind. I think I know how Tesla did it.

The magnetic field of the Earth itself resonates at around 8 Hertz. This means that our planet is a resonator, an LC circuit.

It's been four and a half years since I posted that, and what should appear in my reading today but this:


This time I am reading The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, and the above diagram appears on page 265. It confirms my eureka moment. The circuit Tesla sketched in the diagram is an LC circuit, just as I predicted.

A resonating magnetic field like the Earth's can induce electric currents in a wire. It's free energy, available any time, anywhere on Earth.

At the poles, the resonating lines of magnetic force are perpendicular to the ground. Allow them to run through a coil of wire standing upright, and an alternating current is produced in the wire. It's free energy.

Above much of the Earth's surface (away from the poles), the magnetic lines of force run parallel to the surface. Allow them to run through a coil of wire lying on its side and oriented along the north-south axis, and an alternating current is produced in the wire. It's free energy.

Is there an energy production reason why the Giza pyramids and many other ancient megaliths are oriented along the Earth's north-south axis?

P.S. Am I glad I quit reading popular magazines and newspapers and stopped watching television over a decade ago, so that I can instead spend time learning about Tesla and how the world really works?


It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:51 am
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Post Re: How Tesla did it
Jimmy gets it, because he listened to Tesla. Listen to Jimmy:

Nikola Tesla Greatest Secret EXPOSED 2017 The One Thing He Said That NOBODY Mentions

They don't teach us about Tesla, because Tesla was not a sociopath. Tesla wanted to improve the world for all of humanity. Do you think the ruling sociopaths want that? Heck no! Sociopaths want their world improved at the expense of everyone else. Sociopath J.P. Morgan demonstrated that quite clearly when he shut down Tesla, who was about to transfer unmetered energy all over the planet. That's why we can't have cars that run on water (Stan Meyer), or free energy (Thomas Henry Moray), or anti-gravity (Thomas Townsend Brown).

We can't have what we are destined to have because organized sociopaths stand in our way.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:49 pm
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Post Re: How Tesla did it
One of the demonstrations Tesla did (that has never been repeated, because no one knows how), was to fill a darkened auditorium with light that had no visible source. There were two large metal plates on either side of the auditorium, but other than that, there was no explanation for the light.

Actually, it appears someone does know how. David Adair reports on this Tesla technology without even realizing it in his testimony about being taken to an underground military facility (a DUMB) at Area 51 to interact with an alien "craft".

Adair: But here's where it gets good. Now that I'm kind of calming down from . . . I didn't know there was anything underground.

I was leaning out, just to look around the people sitting in front of me so I could look further, right? And I noticed when I stuck out my arm, there's no shadows anywhere. Like a paint booth. Can't have a shadow because you'll get a run in the paint. You can't see it.

But here's the problem. I can't find any light fixtures. None. No indirect lighting, no direct light, just no lighting fixtures.

Perfectly illuminated, and I have no idea even today how in God's name did you do that?

I have thought that it might be atmosphere. But how do you illuminate an atmosphere? You're breathing your own light?

Wilcock: Did it look any brighter near the ceiling? Or was it just evenly illuminated?

Adair: Evenly illuminated. Perfect. Illumination right down in the corners, which you'll have . . .

Wilcock: Very strange.

Adair: Yeah, that's a word for it. -- source

Just by accident (or synchronicity), I opened "The Fantastic Inventions of Nicholas Tesla" to page 65 yesterday and read about his experiments with "streaming light filaments" between two wires (a capacitor). He concludes with the following on page 68 of the book:

I have purposely dwelt upon this apparently insignificant experiment. In trials of this kind the experimenter arrives at the startling conclusion that, to pass ordinary luminous discharges through gases, no particular degree of exhaustion is needed, but that the gas may be at ordinary or even greater pressure. To accomplish this, a very high frequency is essential; a high potential is likewise required, but this is a merely incidental necessity. These experiments teach us that, in endeavoring to discover novel methods of producing light by the agitation of atoms, or molecules, of a gas, we need not limit our research to the vacuum tube, but may look forward quite seriously to the possibility of obtaining the light effects without the use of any vessel whatever, with air at ordinary pressure. -- source, page 45

Tesla knew the air itself could provide our lighting. David Adair experienced it first hand. Chicodoodoo connected the dots.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Wed Sep 20, 2017 5:21 pm
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Post Re: How Tesla did it
Dr. Royal Rife discovered convincing evidence that cancer was caused by bacteria. Not only that, but he discovered a non-invasive cure that killed the specific bacteria involved according to the specific cancer in question. His method used electromagnetic resonance, the very thing Tesla had investigated several decades earlier.

Using his microscope to study tumours, Rife claimed he could see a cancer-causing substance inside the tumour. This factor he identified as bacterial, but he then argued that with his microscope he could see it change shape and form, and even develop viral properties.

The shape change and indeed the cancer-causing factor's release depended upon the medium in which it lived. He claimed quite simply that in certain conditions the cancer factor was inert or neutral, whilst in others it became active.

Instead of working on these medium changes, he started beaming light at the microorganism but he claimed to be able to find a frequency to each, so that he could both see and also by using electrical currents, 'blow up' microorganisms involved in a variety of illnesses like TB, leprosy, anthrax, herpes, cancer and many more. -- source

Sound crazy? The American Medical Association (AMA) wants you to think so. Rife's treatment was quick, cheap, and effective, and didn't require any drugs. And it worked, curing cancer cases conventional medicine called incurable. This was very bad for the business model of conventional medicine, so Rife was neutralized and his ideas ridiculed, by none other than the AMA.

Rife's treatment was recently rediscovered and trumpeted in a TED talk, which I posted about here. And cancer being caused by bacteria? Yes, that too is being rediscovered. And most likely, both will be squelched, because it is still very bad for the business model of conventional medicine. But it's very good for human health.

Unfortunately, money ruins everything, including human health.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Fri Feb 16, 2018 8:03 am
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Post Re: How Tesla did it

Einstein was smart enough to know the truth.

Einstein was also savvy enough to cash in on his artificial notoriety.

Around 1947, Albert Einstein was not only working on his unified field theory, he was also 'working on' Marilyn Monroe! Yes, even though the world's greatest scientist was 47 years older than the 21-year-old budding actress and model, Einstein was one of Marilyn's ardent suitors. Is this relationship between the 20th century's best known male and female icons documented? Yes.

At the Einstein Conference at the Aspen Institute (Colorado) in 2004, one of the presenters stood in front of a big screen projection of Marilyn and addressed a large auditorium that was full of attendees (including myself), "Albert Einstein & Marilyn Monroe had a relationship! It's documented in Shelley Winters' autobiography. Shelley & Marilyn were roommates when they were both young actresses in Hollywood. They would talk about the famous men - actors and non-actors - that they would like to sleep with and brag about their accomplishments! There are a couple of letters between Einstein & Marilyn that still exist and are kept with his papers at the Hebrew University in Israel. Marilyn said, 'He was the most energetic man I've ever been with!' -- source

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sat May 19, 2018 2:50 am
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