The rumor is that the PTB offered Stanley not the usual 10 million dollars to buy up his invention, but 1000 million dollars, with the intent to squelch the technology permanently. Stanley refused, as he understood how vital this technology was to the human race.
You can hear it right from Stan Meyer himself at 7:05 in the video below. "...the Arabs came to me and offered me a billion dollars cold cash..."
Stanley Meyer was killed because he was bringing greater good into the world. That should give you an idea of what kind of power is in control of the entire world, including you and me.
This man is conscious compared to much of humanity.
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Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:19 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12067
Re: How Tesla did it
Stanley Myer stood on the shoulders of others, like Andrija Puharich.
Alternating-current impulses augment naturally occurring vibrations in the H2O molecules. By boosting the vibrations out of control, Puharich makes the molecules fly apart into the component atoms.
A former physician, Puharich discovered the water-splitting technique a dozen years ago but has only recently presented his findings publicly.
Originally, he was investigating the DISRUPTIVE EFFECT of electrical resonances on blood clots and noticed a peculiar thing: in dilute blood, a SPECIFIC FREQUENCY made bubbles appear in the liquid.
Lab analysis showed that the bubbles were composed of oxygen and hydrogen. -- source
The effect of resonance is used to literally shake the water molecules apart into their component elements hydrogen and oxygen, which are then used as fuel to be recombined in a motor. Tesla showed how small amounts of energy acting at resonant frequencies can tear apart buildings and even entire city blocks. The same process can be used to tear apart water molecules using only small amounts of energy to give a fuel that produces large amounts of energy. Does that sound like a violation of "conservation of energy"? It does, but rather than dismissing the idea, we might consider that we may not know everything there is to know about energy, and our principle of "conservation of energy" may be simple-minded at best, and complete idiocy at worse.
I was taught in college that it takes as much energy to break apart a water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen as you get when recombining the gases to make water. It appears I was misled.
1. H2O Electrolysis + 249.68 Btu Delta G ==> H2 + (1/2)O2 per mole of water (1 mole = 18 gms.).
This means that it requires 249.688 Btu of energy (from electricity) to break water by electrical fission into the gases hydrogen and oxygen.
2. H2 and (1/2)O2 === catalyst ===> H2O - Delta H 302.375 Btu per mole of water.
This means that 302.375 Btu of energy (heat or electricity) will be released when the gases, hydrogen and oxygen, combine. The end product (the exhaust) from this reaction is water. Note that more energy (under ideal conditions) is released from combining the gases than is used to free them from water. It is known that under ideal conditions it is possible to get some 20% more energy out of reaction (2) above, than it takes to produce the gases of reaction (1) above. Therefore, if reaction (1) could be carried out at 100% efficiency, the release of energy from reaction (2) in an optimally efficient engine (such as a low temperature fuel cell), there would be a net energy profit which would make the use of water as a fuel an economically feasible source of energy. -- source
Using the magic of resonance, much less than 249.688 Btu of energy is needed to split the water molecule apart. Suppose it can be done with 10 Btu. That would mean you get 30 times more energy out than you put in.
That's a lot of free energy.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:44 pm
Joined: Wed May 18, 2011 10:33 pm Posts: 4156
Re: How Tesla did it
There is a natural order to our species, but the sociopaths have hidden the knowledge. Not only hidden it, but refuse to look at it. So, there is a perfect abundance system available for us, but we can't recognize it. This is the Con...
_________________ Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:35 pm
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Re: How Tesla did it
I'm having a mind-altering experience, and all I have in my system is a good meal that I fixed myself. Just for the record, I had ham; boiled potato; steamed cauliflower; stir-fried bell pepper, tomato, and eggplant; a half-glass of wine; and a full glass of weak ice tea with lime juice. Dessert was a whole-wheat mini-croissant with raspberry jam and a cup of cooked fruit. (Dang, life is good! )
It started when I watched these videos on magnets. I realized that my scientific education left out some of the most basic and puzzling attributes of magnets.
So, I was realizing I know squat about magnets and magnetic fields, despite my college physics courses, and I decided I had better dig into this some more. That's when I got a glimpse into how big the deception could possibly be when it comes to public education. I knew it was big, but I apparently was thinking too small. ( 123 )
I am once again reminded of Jordan Maxwell saying, "Everything you think you know is wrong."
I am also reminded of the unfathomable genius of Nikola Tesla, who might have been the exception to Jordan's observation.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:48 am
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Re: How Tesla did it
It is interesting to note the examples of "field effect" science that have been vilified or shut down by the ruling sociopaths (or the manufactured status quo, if you prefer).
Homeopathic medicine -- water memory
Dr. Royal Rife -- apparatus to cure disease using targeted resonant frequencies
Dr. Emoto -- human thought influencing water crystallization
Acupuncture -- addressing imbalances in the flow of "chi"
Stanley Meyer -- car that ran on water
T. Henry Moray -- free energy pulled out of the air
Nikola Tesla -- wireless transmission of free energy
There are many other examples as well of things that work or phenomena that are observed that fly in the face of traditional science. Clearly, there is something to these strange observations. In black-ops there is remote viewing, anti-gravity craft, direct manipulation of brain function via specific collimated EMF, and even stranger things that are kept secret from the public. If there was nothing to field effect science, why would even black-ops be pursuing it so vigorously and so clandestinely?
Magnets with their field effects are used in much of Tesla's publicly adopted technology, like motors and generators. These inventions transformed human existence, and they are essentially the inventions that "got out of control" and into the public mind before the global controllers could get science under their control. That control is in place now, and investigating field effects is verbotin. Even poor old Joe X in the videos above can't pursue his magnetic miracles in public for fear of being "taken out". Something is really wrong with this general overall picture of suppressed knowledge, and at its root is sociopaths.
Even here, I am still seeing every reason to maintain that the root of all evil is sociopaths.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:19 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12067
Re: How Tesla did it
Dr. Royal Rife would have changed history, but the sociopathic Powers-That-Be wouldn't let him.
Royal R. Rife was fascinated by bacteriology, microscopes and electronics. For the next seven years (including a mysterious period in the Navy during World War I in which he travelled to Europe to investigate foreign laboratories for the US government), he thought about and experimented in a variety of fields as well as mastered the mechanical skills necessary to build instruments such as the world had never imagined.
By the late 1920s, the first phase of his work was completed. He had built his first microscope, one that broke the existing principles, and he had constructed instruments which enabled him to electronically destroy specific pathological micro-organisms.
Rife believed that the minuteness of the viruses made it impossible to stain them with the existing acid or aniline dye stains. He'd have to find another way. Somewhere along the way, he made an intuitive leap often associated with the greatest scientific discoveries. He conceived first the idea and then the method of staining the virus with light He began building a microscope which would enable a frequency of light to coordinate with the chemical constituents of the particle or micro-organism under observation.
Rife's second microscope was finished in 1929. In an article which appeared in the Los Angeles Tunes Magazine on December 27, 1931, the existence of the light-staining method was reported to the public:
"Bacilli may thus be studied by their light, exactly as astronomers study moons, suns, and stars by the light wnich comes from them through telescopes. The bacilli studied are living ones, not corpses killed by stains."
Throughout most of this period. Rife also had been seeking a way to identify and then destroy the micro-organism which caused cancer. His cancer research began in 1922. It would take him until 1932 to isolate the responsible micro-organism which he later named simply the "BX virus". -- source
"Through the use of Dr Rife's powerful microscope, said to have a visual power of magnification to 17,000 times, compared with 2,000 times of which the ordinary microscope is capable, Dr Kendall said he could see the typhoid bacilli in the filterable or formerly invisible stage. It is probably the first time the minute filterable (virus) organisms ever have been seen.
"The strongest microscope now in use can magnify between 2,000 and 2,500 times. Dr Rife, by an ingenious arrangement of lenses applying an entirely new optical principle and by introducing double quartz prisms and powerful illuminating lights, has devised a microscope with a lowest magnification of 5,000 times and a maximum working magnification of 17,000 times."
"The light used with Dr Rife's microscope is polarized, that is, it is passing through crystals that stop all rays except those vibrating in one particular plane. By means of a double reflecting prism built into the instrument, it is possible to turn this plane of vibration in any desired direction, controlling the illumination of the minute objects in the field very exactly."
Rife believed that the minuteness of the viruses made it impossible to stain them with the existing acid or aniline dye stains. He'd have to find another way. Somewhere along the way, he made an intuitive leap often associated with the greatest scientific discoveries. He conceived first the idea and then the method of staining the virus with light. He began building a microscope which would enable a frequency of light to coordinate with the chemical constituents of the particle or micro-organism under observation.
Rife's second microscope was finished in 1929. In an article which appeared in the Los Angeles Tunes Magazine on December 27, 1931, the existence of the light-staining method was reported to the public:
"Bacilli may thus be studied by their light, exactly as astronomers study moons, suns, and stars by the light which comes from them through telescopes. The bacilli studied are living ones, not corpses killed by stains." -- source
Rife's polarized, frequency generator microscope
To finish the job, the medical journals, supported almost entirely by drug company revenues and controlled by the AMA, refused to publish any paper by anyone on Rife's therapy. So an entire generation of medical students graduated into practice without ever hearing of Rife's breakthroughs in medicine.
The magnitude of such an insane crime eclipses every mass murder in history. By 1960 the casualties from this tiny virus exceeded the carnage of all the wars America ever fought. In 1989, it was estimated that 40% of us will experience cancer at some time in our lives.
The inevitable conclusion reached by Rife was that his lifelong labour and discoveries had not only been ignored but probably would be buried with him. At that point, he ceased to produce anything and spent the last years of his life seeking oblivion in alcohol. It dulled the pain and his acute awareness of half a century of wasted effort - ignored - while the unnecessary suffering of millions continued so that a vested few might profit. And profit they did, and profit they still do.
In 1971, Royal Raymond Rife died from a combination of Valium and alcohol at the age of 83. -- source
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Tue Aug 18, 2015 4:32 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12067
Re: How Tesla did it
A recently discovered set of original Nikola Tesla drawings reveal a map to multiplication that contains all numbers in a simple to use system. The drawings were discovered at an antique shop in central Phoenix Arizona by local artist, Abe Zucca. They are believed to have been created during the last years of Tesla’s Free Energy lab, Wardenclyffe. The manuscript is thought to contain many solutions to unanswered questions about mathematics. -- source
Thinking outside the box, or discovering one of the boxes! Or both!
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Tue May 17, 2016 9:06 pm
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Re: How Tesla did it
Even though Tesla was shut down and marginalized, his work spread. Thomas Henry Moray pulled 50,000 watts of continuous electrical energy out of the air using his understanding of Tesla's work. Stanley Meyer shook water molecules apart using resonance to produce hydrogen and oxygen, powering a dune buggy that he drove across the country to demonstrate a working car that ran on water. Dr. Royal Rife used EMF resonance to destroy pathogens in the human body, demonstrating a 100% cure rate of terminal cancer patients.
All of these men were actively suppressed by the ruling sociopaths, and their ground-breaking work was sabotaged.
Eighty years after Royal Rife showed how he could cure cancer, another obscure scientist comes along and rediscovers the same phenomena. Do you think the ruling sociopaths are going to let an inexpensive miracle cure for many common diseases cut into their market of regimented power and control?
Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege
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Tue Sep 06, 2016 6:27 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12067
Re: How Tesla did it
Never mind the story of Moses parting the Red Sea. How exactly do plants split water?
An international team of scientists is getting closer to the answer thanks to unprecedented, atomic-scale images of a protein complex found in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria captured by ultrafast X-ray lasers.
“We have been trying for decades to understand how plants split water into oxygen, protons, and electrons,” said Yachandra. “Understanding how nature accomplishes this difficult reaction so easily is important for developing a cost-effective method for solar-based water-splitting, which is essential for artificial photosynthesis and renewable energy.” -- source
Did you catch that? We're talking about splitting water into "oxygen, protons, and electrons". That's a bit disguised, because water splits into oxygen and hydrogen. Those protons and electrons are essentially hydrogen. Hydrogen and oxygen are powerful fuels. They produce the unbelievable thrust that lifts Saturn V rockets to the Moon. They also powered Stanley Meyer's hydrogen powered car, which used water for fuel, not gasoline. And they killed Stanley Meyer to prevent the public from having that kind of empowering technology, which would have freed us from our debilitating economic dependence on fossil fuels and tyrannical energy conglomerates.
Do you think the ruling sociopaths will really allow us to have dirt cheap hydrogen fuel to power our cars, heat our homes, and provide us electricity?
New Snapshots of Photosynthesis Captured by SLAC’s X-ray Laser
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:17 pm
Joined: Sun May 22, 2016 10:26 am Posts: 57
Re: How Tesla did it
HHO Gas Car - Police Force uses water instead of gas to fuel cars
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