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Sociopaths -- who knew? 
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Post Sociopaths -- who knew?
Are there 12 million sociopaths in the United States alone? Is it true that sociopaths rise to the top into positions of power and control? Do sociopaths thrive in politics, law, and big business? What are the odds that the majority of Congress consists of sociopaths, given that there are only 535 members in Congress? Do we test any of them for psychological deviance? What do we know about the psychological makeup of the President? Isn't that important?

How about you? Got empathy? Know someone that doesn't? Would you even be able to tell, given that sociopaths are masters of deception and manipulation?

Just asking.

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Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:03 am
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People who enter into a corrupted political system - and we can all agree that the major political systems of the world are all corrupted beyond repair - are either too ignorant of the corruptions to be of any value as representatives of the people (e.g. more idiot, less sociopath) ... or they have corrupted themselves to the extent required to merge seamlessly with the syndicate (e.g. more sociopath, less idiot).

To wit, the honest and courageous politicians of the world are unelected/unappointed. They may be a grade school teacher by vocation ... and politician by arguments and avocation. Or they may be rural doctors by profession ... and politicians by impression (on their patients). Etc.

As for the US Congress ... assume that all congress critters are system-aggrandized sociopaths that are projected a dozen or so rungs above their actual perch on the moral ladder ... and be pleasantly surprised when a few climb ... for most are descenders.

12 million sociopaths seems a bit low, Chico. If one fine tunes the analysis, one will probably find varying degrees of sociopathy in the American masses. A full 50% of the American sheeple can be brought under this broader multivalent tent of sociopathy. IMO.

Pax Republica

Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.

Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:40 pm
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The system is indeed to rotten at the core to fix. An exorcist of the highest caliber to uproot this ole tree is in order. Leaders who can't recognize this Fact should be tagged and bagged as far as I'm concern. Lock them up and send them to re education camps if I may be so bold.

Imho sociopathy is at epidemic perplexities, drowning life recognition to the point of needing a periscope to the world. I am saying 85% contamination and that is factoring children.

I would even further suggest that non sociopathic states of being are in need of deep concentration and direction to be had.

Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:00 am
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Post Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
UncleZook wrote:
12 million sociopaths seems a bit low, Chico. If one fine tunes the analysis, one will probably find varying degrees of sociopathy in the American masses. A full 50% of the American sheeple can be brought under this broader multivalent tent of sociopathy. IMO.

magamud wrote:
I am saying 85% contamination and that is factoring children.

You might think, given my enthusiastic preaching on the evils of sociopathy, that I would endorse such high figures, but I do not. The number is under 6%, probably closer to 2%, with the worst offenders in positions of power and control making up maybe less than .02% of the population. A lifetime of observing people convinces me of that, because most people feel empathy for others.

Now, "contamination" is something completely different. The 1% are indeed trying to recreate us (the 99%) in their image. They lie to us, deceive us, manipulate us with propaganda and other forms of mind control, drug us with poisons and pharmaceuticals, desensitize us with on-screen violence, distract us with mindless entertainment, re-educate us, and do everything they can imagine to mold us into good little sociopaths. They make us want to grow up to be just like them!

The arrogance and the pathology involved is simply disgusting. If we could see the hard-core sociopaths as they really are, we would kill them without a moment's hesitation, despite our feelings of empathy, which are completely out of place when confronted with this kind of "evil". Sociopaths are incompatible with the concept of "good", particularly the common good. They will kill us in a heartbeat if it suits their purpose. Witness 9/11.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:22 am
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.02% of the population.

Ironically your projection is more frightening then mine and I care not to think on such low expectations for human kind.

most people feel empathy for others.

Unfortunately its how empathy is applied in this situation. Many upon many catch pockets to put your empathy somewhere, so you can cover up your awareness.

Now, "contamination" is something completely different.

I think its more like this from my pov.

They make us want to grow up to be just like them!

We are scientific Replicants and high technology with esoteric knowledge has and is being used imho.

we would kill them without a moment's hesitation

I agree and the scene from Apocalypto comes to mind when the Father is explaining to his son the concept of Fear....

Apocalypto - Fear 1:09

Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:31 pm

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Post Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
Are there reliable ways to test for a sociopath?

Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:52 am
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Post Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
meembob87 wrote:
Are there reliable ways to test for a sociopath?

If there were, you can bet the ruling sociopaths would make every effort to squelch the technology. I actually suspect that has already happened. One supporting piece of evidence is the recent reclassification of clinical psychopathy in the DSM-IV-TR to the rather innocuous "Antisocial Personality Disorder" (ASPD).

I recall seeing tests using MRI brain scans that record the neuro-electrical activity levels in different areas of the brain. The test subjects are shown brief images on a video screen, some of which are emotionally charged and disturbing to the majority of people because of their empathy for others. The brains of sociopaths react very differently to these images than the brains of non-sociopaths, as you would expect since sociopaths lack empathy for others. Yet current testing methods for sociopathy rely on responding to written questionnaires, a very primitive and unreliable methodology by comparison.

By the way, welcome to United People, meembob87. Your question is remarkably pertinent. Excellent first post.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:40 am

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Post Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
Perhaps there is a test for sociopathy that exists and is reliable. However, let's say that the MRI imaging is used. My fear would be that, given our limited understanding of the brain, some people who might have made excellent leaders would be branded sociopaths (perhaps they simply have a different response in another area of the brain), or we would overlook other sociopaths who also respond differently. The best solution would be to judge the leader based on his or her actions, but the problem with that is it may be too reactive (the sociopath could already have put defense mechanisms in place) and that it would require transparency. And that seems to be a catch 22, for how can we implement measures to ensure more transparency if the people at the top are, in a sense, fighting for the survival of their psychological type and doing all that they can to hide among the majority...while at the same time molding us into a sociopathic society?

Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:59 pm

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Also, thanks for the welcome. I have enjoyed reading many of the threads, and hope to even post from time to time now. :)

Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:00 pm
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Post Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
meembob87 wrote:
My fear would be that, given our limited understanding of the brain, some people who might have made excellent leaders would be branded sociopaths (perhaps they simply have a different response in another area of the brain), or we would overlook other sociopaths who also respond differently.

This is a valid concern that many have raised. A sufficient level of testing accuracy must be available. There is also the risk of a "witch-hunt", where the results of being labeled a sociopath are excessive (like being condemned to death). However, if the results of being "tagged" as a sociopath are relatively minor, like simply being disqualified from holding positions of power and control, then that relaxes the requirement of a highly accurate test. With such a system, if I am mistakenly tagged as a sociopath, and I am no longer allowed to hold public office, it's no big loss. My life can still be comfortable and normal. Of more concern is if I am mistakenly tagged as a non-sociopath and can rise to positions of power and control. In that case, we have to rely on the small incidence of that happening (because the test is usually accurate), and the self-policing (of a group) that can occur from having mostly non-sociopaths in positions of power and control.

And that seems to be a catch 22, for how can we implement measures to ensure more transparency if the people at the top are, in a sense, fighting for the survival of their psychological type and doing all that they can to hide among the majority...while at the same time molding us into a sociopathic society?

Excellent observation. Now you can see why the sociopaths have enjoyed such incredible success, where the 1% can dominate the 99%. It is a kind of reverse Catch-22. Sociopathic criminals are not caught and brought to justice currently because they can classify their crimes as secret "in the interests of national security", thus creating the perfect environment to ensure their success.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:39 pm
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