"So it makes me think that war is just part of humans trying to coexist." -- @ 1:43:40 in the video below
This is what normal people mistakenly think when they have no knowledge of the psychology of sociopaths. War is not "just part of humans trying to coexist." War is part of sociopaths trying to dominate others, to exercise power and control over others. War comes from sociopaths! This is why knowledge of sociopathy is so vitally important!
"The anthropologists do not know why it is that some people interpret this person with suspicion and then might kill him, and others would interpret that person as a teammate." -- @ 1:45:07 in the video below
Yes, anthropologists have no knowledge of the psychology of sociopaths. Normal people trust others by default. Sociopaths are suspicious of others by default. This difference is a natural consequence of their differing psychologies!
War, nuclear weapons, and MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) are all by-products of the moral insanity that sociopaths possess. These ideas are not pursued by normal people who have empathy unless they are being pushed along by sociopaths.
All human evil comes from the mind of the sociopath. That includes war and its most insidious extreme, nuclear war. Listening to Annie Jacobsen and her knowledge of the machinery of nuclear war that the insane sociopaths have prepared for us makes me very pessimistic for the future of humanity, because I know how sociopaths think. They will start a nuclear war, just as they started global warfare with WW1 and WW2. It's inevitable, unless we start managing the sociopaths in the human population. We either have to manage them, or they will kill us all.
Nuclear War Expert: 72 Minutes To Wipe Out 60% Of Humans, In The Hands Of 1 Person! - Annie Jacobsen (duration 2:11:42)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:03 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12325
Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
Moshe Yatom, a prominent Israeli psychiatrist who successfully cured the most extreme forms of mental illness throughout a distinguished career, was found dead at his home in Tel Aviv yesterday from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. A suicide note at his side explained that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been his patient for the last nine years, had “sucked the life right out of me.”
“I can’t take it anymore,” wrote Yatom.
“Robbery is redemption, apartheid is freedom, peace activists are terrorists, murder is self-defense, piracy is legality, Palestinians are Jordanians, annexation is liberation, there’s no end to his contradictions. Freud promised rationality would reign in the instinctual passions, but he never met Bibi Netanyahu. This guy would say Gandhi invented brass knuckles.”
Psychiatrists are familiar with the human tendency to massage the truth to avoid confronting emotionally troubling material, but Yatom was apparently stunned at what he called the “waterfall of lies” gushing from his most illustrious patient. His personal diary details the steady disintegration of his once invincible personality under the barrage of self-serving rationalizations put forth by Netanyahu.
“I’m completely shocked,” said neighbor Yossi Bechor, whose family regularly vacationed with Yatom’s family. “Moshe was the epitome of the fully-integrated personality and had cured dozens of schizophrenics before beginning work on Bibi. There was no outward indication that his case was any different from the others.”
But it was. Yatom grew increasingly depressed at his complete lack of progress in getting the Prime Minister to acknowledge reality, and he eventually suffered a series of strokes when attempting to grasp Netanyahu’s thinking, which he characterized in one diary entry as “a black hole of self-contradiction.”
The first of Yatom’s strokes occurred when Netanyahu offered his opinion that the 911 attacks on Washington and New York “were good.” The second followed a session in which Netanyahu insisted that Iran and Nazi Germany were identical. And the third occurred after the Prime Minister declared Iran’s nuclear energy program was a “flying gas chamber,” and that all Jews everywhere “lived permanently in Auschwitz.” Yatom’s efforts to calm Netanyahu’s hysteria were extremely taxing emotionally and routinely ended in failure. -- source
This is an example of a professional psychiatrist who has no working knowledge of sociopathy. Netanyahu behaves exactly like a sociopath, and yet this psychiatrist can't see it? Yep. I can see it clear as day, which is why long ago I could confidently say that Netanyahu is a classic sociopath. My opinion is unchanged. In fact, this story of Netanyahu's psychiatrist being driven to commit suicide confirms my assessment once again.
I have a friend that is a classic sociopath, and I have experienced exactly what Moshe Yatom experienced with Netanyahu. There is no reasoning with a sociopath, there is no changing a sociopath, and so there is no curing a sociopath. If you do not know the person you are dealing with is a sociopath, and if you try to rationalize why the sociopath is not behaving as you would behave in his shoes, you can easily end up shooting yourself in the head as well, because none of it will ever make sense to you. But on the other hand, if you know well what a sociopath is and how they behave differently from normal human beings, everything will make sense to you. The problem is the sociopath you are dealing with, and not you as a normal person.
I have italicized the typical behaviors of sociopaths in the above quote so that everyone will learn to recognize these toxic people. You will note the resemblance to American politicians, who are mostly sociopaths bought and paid for by even bigger sociopaths who control them. Sociopaths are the biggest problem humanity has. I maintain that almost all human evil comes from the diseased minds of sociopaths.
Note: There are many websites claiming this quoted article is satire and totally untrue. It appears to be lacking links to verifying sources. Nevertheless, my personal interactions with a real sociopath over the space of 14 years mirror those reported in the article almost exactly. While this article may be satire, it contains a great deal of truth about the behavioral dynamics between normal people and sociopaths. Dismiss those concepts at your own risk.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:53 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12325
Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
Modern government in general—ranging from the militarized police in SWAT team gear crashing through our doors to the rash of innocent citizens being gunned down by police to the invasive spying on everything we do—is acting illogically, even psychopathically. (The characteristics of a psychopath include a “lack of remorse and empathy, a sense of grandiosity, superficial charm, conning and manipulative behavior, and refusal to take responsibility for one's actions, among others.”) -- source
Modern government is sociopathic precisely because it is run by sociopaths.
The Jewish lobby controls the U.S. president, the vice-president, nearly all the members of Congress, nearly all the Cabinet heads, the Supreme Court Justices, and for more than 100 years, the Federal Reserve (the U.S. central bank) and our money. The Rothschild family, also Jews, funds it all, without even breaking a sweat. Their wealth, derived from controlling the central banks of nearly every nation on Earth, is thousands of times greater than the wealth of what we are told are the wealthiest people on the planet. There is really no comparison to their wealth. The Rothschild cabal creates money out of thin air, and they use it to buy our cooperation in their schemes to enslave us.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:50 am
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Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
Epstein allegedly boasted about knowing the famous political figures, billionaire businessmen and notorious criminals, according to Doe’s lawsuit.
She said she believed she was in a committed and monogamous relationship with Epstein before he ‘forcibly raped her’. She said the incident began when he was getting a massage at his mansion before he began kissing the masseuse. The alleged victim was upset but before she could leave the property he ‘physically forced her face down on the massage table and violently vaginally penetrated her,’ according to the lawsuit.
‘Given the violence behind the rape, Doe knew in that moment that she had to escape.’ But Doe said she was afraid he would retaliate if she reported him to the authorities so chose to break up with him and leave California. -- source
Jeffery Epstein behaved exactly like a sociopath would.
To a sociopath, rape is just an exercise in power and control over a weaker victim. It's not about sex. It's about dominance over another person. This was Epstein's girlfriend that he raped. He could easily charm her into sex and had surely already done so many times. Raping her was just showing her that he was the boss and called the shots. Essentially, Epstein was demonstrating that he owned her, like a piece of property, and he could do whatever he wanted with her.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat Jun 29, 2024 3:25 am
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Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
“They” does not refer to everyone at the CDC, nor to everyone at Pfizer – it refers to those in the top positions of power, who often get to those positions because of sociopathic personality characteristics and predatory behavior.
This is a critical lesson of past pharma scandals like Vioxx: all it takes is people in a few key positions of power to knowingly and maliciously harm masses of people; careers do not advance all the way to those positions without a willingness to engage in such behavior, and such behavior is rewarded, not punished, by broken judicial, corporate, and academic systems. It doesn’t take a massive conspiracy. As Edward Snowden said, “The worst conspiracies are hiding in plain sight.” Being a predator is not a requirement for working for pharma, but it is a requirement for advancement to the highest levels.
To give one specific example: Merck leadership recognized the fatal cardiac side effects of Vioxx, designed a new clinical trial to conceal those effects, smeared the doctors who (correctly) noticed that Vioxx was killing their patients, fabricated a seemingly peer-reviewed journal to promote their product, and still got to keep billions in profits after the class-action lawsuits were settled. Leadership at the FDA was a combination of complicit and incompetence throughout this process, and roughly 55,000 Americans died as a result. The perpetrators went on to boards at Harvard and leadership positions at other pharma companies. -- source
In our system dominated by leaders who are sociopaths, sociopathic behavior is rewarded! Has anyone gone to jail for eight years of Michael Obama pretending to be our First Lady? Has Bill or Hillary Clinton served any jail time for their uncountable crimes? How about George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Benjamin Netanyahu, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, Tony Blair, Emmanuel Macron, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and thousands of other sociopaths? No, it doesn't happen. Sociopaths take care of their own, at our great expense.
Sociopaths don't care about us. They want us to be obedient slaves, or they want us dead.
"Today it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people." -- Zbigniew Brzezinski
That quote is to indicate to all the non-sociopath fools out there which of those two options the sociopaths actually prefer. I just told you "They want us to be obedient slaves, or they want us dead." Zbigniew Brzezinski, an unquestionable sociopath high up in the pyramid of power, has told us "Today it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people." Study these two quotes, and figure out where this is heading. Does the fake COVID-19 pandemic make more sense now, especially given the harmful "vaccines" they relentlessly pushed on us all? Do the enormous numbers of excess deaths (tens of millions and still climbing) caused by the "healthcare" system and the bogus "vaccines" make more sense now?
Does the immense danger of humanity being led by sociopaths make more sense now?
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Jul 24, 2024 12:32 am
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Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
“In order to enslave the many, the greedy began to appropriate and accumulate the necessities of life and keep them tightly closed up, so that they might keep these bounties for themselves. They did this not for humanity’s sake (which was not in them at all), but to rake up all things as products of their greed and avarice. In the name of justice they made unfair and unjust laws to sanction their thefts and avarice against the power of the multitude. In this way they availed as much by authority as by strength of arms or overt evil,” wrote economist Michael Hudson.
By controlling the money supply they’re able to buy anything and anyone – anyone who serves the MONEY god that is. Said control abets the Jewish financiers to steer the US Government which in turn steers the world. -- source
You can call them the greedy, the selfish, the criminal, or the forces of evil, but no matter what label you choose, you are still talking about the sociopaths! They have the faulty psychology of deceiving and manipulating in the pursuit of ever-greater power and control, and the ultimate in power and control is to enslave. This is what the sociopaths are driving towards, to enslave all the non-sociopaths on the planet.
That, they will tell you, is just conspiracy theory. No, that is what sociopaths believe they were made for, and that is what they conspire to do.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:53 pm
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Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
For, behind the recent public self-branding of Kamala Harris as a kindly, jovial 'Momala', she has earned a nasty reputation as an alleged 'soul-destroying' workplace 'bully'.
Only four of the initial 71 staffers hired by Harris during her first year in office still remain in a job. The rest either quit or were fired, according to analysis by non-partisan watchdog Open The Books.
During research for my recent Harris biography ('Amateur Hour', published in January), the horror stories I heard from many of her former employees and read about in numerous reports – shocked me.
As far back as the 2010s, when Harris served as California's Attorney General, she was allegedly known for running a 'toxic' workplace. -- source
Hey, sounds like another sociopath we all hate, Hillary Clinton!
Yes, the pattern is clear. The ruling sociopaths engage other sociopaths to be their Minions. Kamala was selected because she's a sociopath. Like Hillary Clinton, she is toxic, a nasty person, amoral, fake, a con-artist, and fundamentally evil. Yet in public, she pretends to be the opposite.
What a disgusting person.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Thu Aug 01, 2024 5:02 am
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Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
In the view of Netanyahu preventing the flow of water, food and medicine to civilian people is considered a civilized behavior. Netanyahu sees collective punishment, indiscriminate killings, and the targeting of civilians who seek shelter in schools, mosques, churches, and hospitals as civilized acts.
So far, this madman has destroyed about 60 percent of buildings in Gaza and killed about 40,000 people – most of them women and children. Yet, he demonizes his victims, who have been subjected to the worst kinds of cruelty. -- source
This is the typical behavior of a sociopath!
Benjamin Netanyahu is a classic sociopath. Study him to understand better how sociopaths think and behave. Yes, from the perspective of normal people with normal empathy, Netanyahu is indeed a madman. But in his own mind, and in the minds of other sociopaths, he is normal! They consider us to be the abnormal ones, when we are many, and they are few.
People with a normal psychology need to understand that sociopaths do not have a normal psychology! But they hide it well by mimicking the characteristics of normal people. This act is so good that it renders sociopaths invisible to most normal people. This explains why sociopaths end up ruling our world. We don't see what they really are, we only see the facade that they project. That facade is expertly crafted to fool us.
Both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, the current candidates for president of the United States, are sociopaths. As usual, most Americans don't know that, and whichever candidate wins the election, the USA will have a sociopath as a national leader. As usual! This is because the positions of power and control in the USA are dominated by sociopaths. They rise to the top because they are attracted to power and control like moths to a light in the night. They accumulate in our leadership positions, and they cooperate to ensure that only sociopaths, i.e. people they understand, are the only people allowed to occupy those positions of leadership. In this way, they create a beneficial (to them) monopoly on the leadership positions, which are the positions of power and control that they are most attracted to. This, of course, is detrimental to the rest of us, but most of us are not even aware it is happening.
The barbaric acts that the Netanyahu regime is committing and the purely appalling remarks that he is making will not go unnoticed by historians. Surely, he will be remembered as one of the most brutal rulers the world has seen in modern history. -- source
Unfortunately, this will not be the case. Jews control the media, and they control the publishing of our history books. The truth about Netanyahu will not make it into the history books any more than the truth about the Holocaust has made it into the history books. So Netanyahu is more likely to be remembered as one of the most brilliant Jewish rulers the Jews have ever seen in modern history.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:30 pm
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Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
I don’t agree with Kamala Harris’ extreme leftist political positions, But this indicates a lack of morals. How can any human being ignore the cries of sexual abuse victims? They were children, for heaven’s sake. When she took over from Terence Hallinan, Kamala Harris had all the information to help the victims, but she did nothing except hide the evidence. -- source
Presidential candidate Kamala Harris is a sociopath. That's how she can "ignore the cries of sexual abuse victims". That's how she can "hide the evidence". She was bought off by the Catholic church, and she knew that if she honored this dirty exchange of campaign contributions for her immoral cooperation, she could rise up the power pyramid. And so here she is, the Democratic candidate for president of the United States. And she's a foul criminal and repulsive human being. But that's usually what it means to be born a sociopath. It's the same story with Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and on down the line of U.S. "leaders". They are scum because they are sociopaths, while they pretend to be good people. That's how they fool us.
Kamala Harris, Democratic Party candidate for U.S. President, 2024. "You fools are pathetic. Fooling you is child's play."
As San Francisco DA, Kamala Harris's Office Stopped Cooperating With Victims of Clergy Abuse (duration 5:44)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:28 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12325
Re: Sociopaths -- who knew?
Organized sociopaths.
Those two words should elicit fear in normal people. But they don't, because normal people don't understand sociopaths or why they become ultra-dangerous when they organize.
Individual sociopaths leave a wake of destruction behind them as they navigate through life, abusing and damaging hundreds or even thousands of people. Organized sociopaths, on the other hand, can do the same to millions or even billions of people! The COVID-19 psy-op is an example of how organized sociopaths can adversely affect most of humanity. And they are prepping to do the same thing again using a bio-engineered monkeypox virus.
Why hasn't anyone been jailed for the COVID-19 psy-op? Because the sociopaths behind it are organized. They knew better than to unleash their criminal psy-op until they had control over the legal system and the various important governments. Sociopaths write the laws now, so they can grant themselves legal immunity before they commit their meticulously planned crimes. Notice how the big pharma companies had blanket immunity from lawsuits already in place before the fake COVID-19 pandemic appeared. By being organized, sociopaths can plan bigger and better cons against humanity. And that's exactly what we are seeing.
WEF Document Confirms 6 Billion Humans Will Die in 2025 (duration 15:12)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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