Welcome to the United States, hypocrisy's long-time poster child!
Today I opened up a browser on a little-used computer and found an article from PressTV criticizing Israel that would not display (Error 403)! Why not? Because my country's criminal government decided in its criminal wisdom that free speech was not an inalienable right of the People!
On June 22nd (2021), the US federal government seized some 36 news outlets, 33 of which were based in Iran, citing “disinformation campaigns and malign influence operations” as justification in their official statement.
Of note among the news outlets censored was PressTV, an English-language news outlet owned by the Iranian state itself. PressTV has remained critical of US sanctions on Iran, as well as interventionism from the US and UK alike. PressTV has also posed itself as a staunch critic of Israel's continued occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people, and has posited that its support of Palestine may be the root of the US's effort to silence them. The news outlet also made note that many citizens within the US have takewithn to the streets in recent months to demonstrate solidarity with the Palestinian people. -- source
I believe I posted about this event already in the forum back when it happened some 19 months ago, and here I am seeing its effects again as if for the first time. The hypocrisy of the U.S. government is just so .... outrageous! It is, as I said, criminal. It is anti-constitutional, and according to the Supreme Court (once upon a time), runs counter to the supreme law of the land and is thus illegal, criminal, reprehensible, and no doubt treasonous.
Yes, the United States government is a traitor to the Constitution and the American people. How's that for hypocrisy?
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Feb 05, 2023 1:32 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Hypocrisy
Just this week AT&T shut down the fastest growing and fourth largest cable news network, Newsmax TV, depriving 13 million viewers of access to its reporting. This attack on the First Amendment came on the heels of Twitter’s exposure of the way the FBI had put its platform on the federal payroll and dictated its censorship of tweets that could have changed the results of the last presidential election. The same fascistic arrangement was made with other tech social media giants like Facebook. -- source
PressTV, and then Newsmax? It appears censorship is the new free speech! Gotta love America! Either that or you will be "disappeared". Ah, freedom.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:27 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Hypocrisy
Legacy media have for the most part shied away from reporting on Hersh’s Substack article, which detailed how US Navy divers placed C4 charges on four Nord Stream pipelines off Denmark’s island of Bornholm during a NATO exercise last summer.
Outlets that did cover Hersh’s report largely limited themselves to trying to smear him. Reuters ran a piece titled “White House says blog post on Nord Stream explosion ‘utterly false’” in an apparent bid to diminish the Pulitzer Prize winning reporter, who has over 50 years of investigative experience under his belt, by labeling his work a “blog post.” Business Insider ran an even more aggressive piece, titled “The claim by a discredited journalist that the US secretly blew up the Nord Stream pipeline is proving a gift to Putin.” Snopes, a “fact-checking” service known for attacking narratives that challenge the establishment line, dubbed Hersh’s report a “conspiracy,” and pointed out that his story “relies on [an] anonymous source” (but apparently that’s not a problem if The Washington Post or Politico does it). -- source
News agencies spread misinformation. Magazines spread misinformation. Fact-checkers spread misinformation. They all have a proven track record of spreading misinformation. To the contrary, Seymour Hersh, has a proven track record of uncovering the deliberately hidden truth. Hersh is not the hypocrite, the ones smearing him are.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Feb 15, 2023 4:12 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Hypocrisy
Hypocrisy is what sociopaths do.
In a speech at the Munich Security Conference, U.S. Vice-President Kamala Harris told attendees "The United States has formally determined that Russia has committed crimes against humanity." It APPEARED to attendees that this will become the basis for actual war between the US and Russia. The saddest part: It is a deliberate fraud. -- source
Kamala Harris accuses Russia of crimes against humanity at Munich Security Conference (Duration 1:09)
Kamala Harris is an actress paid to play the role of the Vice President of the United States. This is just theater. She is a fraud, just like Joe Biden. Our government leaders are all frauds. Let's not make the mistake of believing that they are legitimate. They are illegitimate. They are bastards. They are sociopaths.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:20 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Hypocrisy
Congress caught in a Big Lie, blames the messenger, and demands the messenger be silenced!
Most politicians are hypocrites, because most politicians are sociopaths, bought-and-paid-for (and compromised) by the ruling sociopaths.
Tucker Carlson Tonight, Jan 6th Video Released. March 7 2023 (duration 40:12)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
The suppression of truth is occurring everywhere in the Western “democratic” world. Julian Assange has been in prison for a decade without due process of law simply because he reported leaked documents that revealed US war crimes and US deception of its allies.
Quite right. Hypocrisy has become the new normal.
We do not have a democracy here in the USA. We have a sociopathocracy (rule by sociopaths). We do not have "due process of law". Crimes are committed by the U.S. government with total impunity. Julian Assange is an actual hero who is tortured in prison for revealing the crimes of our so-called leaders. The irony is total, as everything we are taught to believe is false.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." — William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)
The disinformation program has been completed.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:29 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Hypocrisy
The majority of the U.S. Senate are hypocrites. They take an oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution:
Senate and House of Representatives Oath of Office
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.” -- source
On July 19, 2023, which is only two days ago, 83 out of 100 Senators publicly refused to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. In effect, they violated their oath of office and are traitors to our nation. Officially, they should be hanged.
The question was put to the U.S. Senate by Rand Paul:
On Wednesday, the Senate voted on an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would have made clear that only Congress can declare war despite Article 5 of the NATO agreement. Article 5 says that an attack on any NATO nation means every member country must join to defend it. Paul wanted to clarify that NATO doesn’t supercede Congress’s constitutional war powers.
“The power to declare war is the most important power, the most important vote that any legislator will ever entertain,” Paul said on the floor. Paul chided his colleagues for not taking more responsibility for the senatorial duties when it comes to war. “Why is this important? Because in 2001 people voted to go to war and this body still thinks that that vote binds us to war with no further vote,” the senator said. “We do need to reaffirm the power and the necessity of declaring war, because we are ignoring it by continuing to be involved in military activity and war around the globe without ever voting on it as we are mandated by the Constitution,” Paul ended.-- source
83 out of 100 senators will not do the job they swore to do! They are liars, hypocrites, and traitors, and they should be held accountable for their crimes. But they won't be, because this nation is a façade, a deliberate illusion to fool the people into thinking they govern themselves, when in fact they are ruled over by hidden tyrants that I identify as the ruling sociopaths.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
But two presidential crimes really stand out. Bill Clinton’s government murdered American citizens at Waco, in their own home. If that isn’t an impeachable offense, what would be? Well, how about Barack Obama assassinating an American citizen with a drone, bragging about it, and then murdering his sixteen year old son for good measure? Isn’t actual murder at the top of the list of criminal offenses? So shouldn’t it be at the top of impeachable offenses as well? But no, instead we have Donald Trump being impeached over an innocuous phone call, and prosecuted despite what amounts to virtually no credible evidence.
Donald Jeffries has a knack for identifying hypocrisy. Both Clinton and Obama should have been hanged. I believe Trump should be hanged too, but not until we take care of the bigger fish, who merit a stretched neck mush more than Trump. Justice cannot exist in parallel with hypocrisy, and hypocrisy is guaranteed when sociopaths rule. And that's exactly what we have, rule by organized sociopaths. What's the term for that? Oh right, a democratic republic. How's that for hypocrisy?
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Aug 06, 2023 5:04 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Hypocrisy
I have to give NATO the Hypocrisy Prize of the Week for this little ditty:
Allies condemn Russia’s decision to withdraw from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), and its war of aggression against Ukraine which is contrary to the Treaty’s objectives. Russia’s withdrawal is the latest in a series of actions that systematically undermines Euro-Atlantic security. Russia continues to demonstrate disregard for arms control, including key principles of reciprocity, transparency, compliance, verification, and host nation consent, and undermines the rules based international order. -- source
Talk about accusing your opponents of your own malfeasance! I'm sure NATO sociopaths were very proud of their wordplay in this document. Duping delight was probably contagious as they polished their double-speak rhetoric. They really exposed themselves wonderfully this time.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Thu Nov 09, 2023 2:22 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Hypocrisy
Wow, I just had my mind blown by what I read this morning from Robert Anton Wilson, which makes me realize how brainwashed we all are.
In the Preface to Cosmic Trigger Vol 1, Wilson explains at length how he has no beliefs, that he doesn't believe anything.
I don't believe anything I write or say. I regard belief as a form of brain damage, the death of intelligence, the fracture of creativity, the atrophy of imagination. I have opinions but no Belief System (B.S.)
Now I read in Cosmic Trigger Vol 3 this sentence on page 79:
If you can swallow this, you can next try believing that all the evidence for the Nazi Holocaust results from fake photos and perjured testimony devised by a Vast International Conspiracy of Zionists... By the way, why don't the Holocaust Deniers try something really daring and question all the evidence that World War II happened?
While I can clearly see the hypocrisy here, most people cannot. Robert Anton Wilson does believe something, that the Holocaust is undeniable fact, and that Holocaust Deniers clearly have a false belief system. As a "Holocaust Denier" myself, deeply familiar with the arguments and evidence for and against the Holocaust, it's obvious to me that Wilson is ignorant of the Holocaust Lie, and he probably always will be, unless he looks into the issue of Holocaust deception, which he won't because in his belief system (the belief system that he insists does not exist), the issue has already been decided.
Aren't we all in the same "trap" as Robert Anton Wilson, holding false beliefs that we are convinced are unquestionably true? Does living in a world of deception make hypocrisy ubiquitous?
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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