Last week an extraordinary article appeared in, of all places, NBC News, reporting that the US intelligence community is knowingly feeding information it does not believe accurate to the US mainstream media for the American audience to consume.
That's a polite way of admitting that the CIA tells the mainstream media what to broadcast. Remember that Jews own the mainstream media, and Jews run the U.S. government, including the CIA. The demolition of the twin towers (and Building 7) in New York City on 9/11 was a joint CIA/ Mossad operation. This is why the CIA can tell the Jewish-owned mainstream media what to report — the same Jewish cabal of rich and powerful sociopaths is behind all of these organizations.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Fri Apr 15, 2022 6:59 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Freedom of the Press
There is no "free press" in the United States. All we have is a propaganda mill churning out mind control and brainwashing.
Operation Mockingbird: CIA Control of Mainstream Media - The Full Story (duration 5:14) Archived copy here.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:40 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Freedom of the Press
As Glenn Greenwald noted, try satirizing Israelis in the manner that Charlie Hebdo satirized Muslims, and you will find out how little free speech there is. -- source
That is spot-on.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
As concerns the information made available to the public, virtually all the media is under the control of these pharmaceutical giants or others who are benefitting from this “pandemic”. Their stories are all the same, both in content and even wording. Orchestrated coverups occur daily and massive data exposing the lies being generated by these information controllers are hidden from the public. All data coming over the national media (TV, newspaper and magazines), as well as the local news you watch every day, comes only from “official” sources—most of which are lies, distortions or completely manufactured out of whole cloth—all aimed to deceive the public.
That's not a free press. That's an enslaved press, a bought-and-paid-for press.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat Jan 21, 2023 11:51 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Freedom of the Press
The press is not free. It is a propaganda machine owned by Jews or Jewish collaborators and directed by the ruling sociopaths.
The Associated Press news service will give you the facts, or should I say, it will trick you into believing a lie.
Before you kiss or sleep with a vaxxed person... (duration 5:16)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Fri Jan 27, 2023 7:48 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Freedom of the Press
British media outlets have already written articles claiming that Russia is the culprit of an expected dirty bomb incident in Ukraine.
This is according to award-winning British journalist and Daily Mail correspondent Martin Jay, who expressed dismay upon learning that some of his colleagues have already written articles claiming that Russia is responsible for a dirty bomb attack that hasn't even happened yet. -- source
While I cannot be sure how accurate this report is, I can recall our "free" press reporting the collapse of Building 7 on September 11, 2001 before the building had collapsed. In fact, the building could be seen standing in the distance behind the reporter who was reporting that it had collapsed.
So yes, reporting on unexpected events that haven't happened yet is a hallmark of a totally controlled press that is being scripted.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:56 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Freedom of the Press
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “The United States funds journalism in almost every country in the world. It owns newspapers. It has journalists, thousands of journalists on its payroll. They’re not supposed to be doing that in the United States. But in 2016, President Obama changed the law to make it legal now for the CIA to propagandize Americans. We can’t look at the Ukraine war and how the narrative has been formed in the minds of Americans and say that the CIA had nothing to do with that.” -- source
Any questions?
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Jul 10, 2023 11:12 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Freedom of the Press
MOSCOW, September 6. /TASS/. A clandestine lab found in the US state of California held about 1,000 transgenic animals and biological materials with at least 20 pathogens, including COVID-19, said Chief of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov.
"In March 2023, a ‘clandestine’ laboratory conducting activities with pathogenic microorganisms was discovered in an abandoned industrial building in Reedley, California. It contained about 30 refrigerators and freezers, thermostats and equipment for cultivating microorganisms. About 1,000 transgenic laboratory animals and about 800 samples of biomaterials were found on the laboratory’s premises. Analysis by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention revealed the presence of at least 20 pathogens in the samples, including COVID-19, HIV and hepatitis pathogens," he said at a news conference dedicated to the analysis of documents related to US military biological activities. -- source
Why didn't our "free press" report this to the American public, instead of the Russian press?
Well, the answer should be obvious. We do not have a free press. Our press in America is totally controlled.
We are being deceived.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat Sep 09, 2023 2:43 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Freedom of the Press
The arrest this week of a journalist in France, in connection with their reporting in 2021 that French intelligence had been used by Egypt to kill civilians – could be viewed as an infringement of press freedom, Amnesty International has said. -- source
"Could be"? Even Amnesty International is trained to censor itself. Allow me to say what Amnesty International would like to say, but cannot: The arrest this week of a journalist in France is an infringement of press freedom. It is, more exactly, an infringement of free speech. And it is business as usual for the ruling sociopaths, who absolutely do not want the public knowing what they are planning for us. What are they planning for us, you ask? Full spectrum dominance, which is sociopath double-speak for slavery.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:44 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Re: Freedom of the Press
The non-Western world majority has turned sharply against Israel—even more sharply than it turned against the US in its war on Russia through Ukraine. Yet Western media continue to manufacture and inhabit a bubble completely divorced from moral and strategic reality. They can’t even imagine Israel being in the wrong, even though it obviously is. They can’t imagine Hamas being noble and chivalrous fighters, and Israelis being cowardly child-killing terrorists, though such is obviously the case. They can’t acknowledge that the vast majority of the world disagrees with them for very good reasons, not because of “anti-Semitism.” And above all they can’t imagine that Israel, despite (or because of) its genocidal assault on civilians, is losing the war. -- source
Western media is owned and controlled by the Jews. That explains why it is completely divorced from reality. It is an instrument of mass mind control used by the Jewish sociopaths to brainwash the public. All news of the Gaza war disseminated by Western media is focused on broadcasting Israeli propaganda. It's not about delivering truth, it's about conning the public.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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