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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Band of crooks
And once again, with Anne Heche, who was going up against the powerful sex traffickers and pedophiles in Hollywood. The ruling sociopaths are the ultimate Mafia, and they murder their opponents with impunity. It was reported in the media after the crash that Heche was under the influence of cocaine. This was just another lie to cover up the murder.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Fri Dec 09, 2022 5:45 pm |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Band of crooks
As you know, I was the dreaded enemy of the I.R.S. My legislation in the last I.R.S. Reform Bill changed the Burden of Proof law. Before that, you had to prove you were innocent in a tax court. The burden of proof was on the taxpayer. The I.R.S. said you owed . . . but the I.R.S. did not have to prove it. Unbelievable! Now that the I.R.S. has to prove their charges, the following statistics tell the true story: Comparing One Year Before the changes to One Year After: 1. Wage Garnishments dropped from 3.1 million to 560,000; 2. Taxpayer Property Liens dropped from 680,000 to 161,000; 3. Foreclosures on individual family-owned homes dropped from 10,063 to 57! That's right: only 57 homes in all 50 states! Fact is, the I.R.S. was seizing our homes -- over 10,000 every year -- when they had neither proof nor the right to do so! Congress allowed the I.R.S. to intimidate us and frighten us. Think about it! And then maybe you can begin to understand why I love America but hate the Government -- and why the Government hates me. The Justice Department had to get rid of me, but I'll be damned if I would back down! America is in trouble . . . not from without, but from within! The Central Government has become too powerful. Citizens fear the Government. This is wrong. This is dangerous! I know the Government covered-up and promulgated LIES about Waco, Ruby Ridge, Pan Am Flight 103, Hoffa, and JFK. The Government knew I was right when I called Janet Reno a traitor. Janet Reno sold us out when she refused to investigate a $10-million payoff to the Democratic Party from a general in the Red Chinese Army. Think about it! And the Government knew that I had known why Reno was forced to betray America! I'm proud that I tried to do something about it! Someday the truth will come out. (I hope China never attacks us!) --(Signed) Jim Traficant, former Democratic Congressman from Ohio -- source
We need more enemies of the IRS like Jim Traficant! The IRS is under the control of a band of crooks and works against the best interests of the American public. Of course this is the case, since the income tax law of 1913 has been steadily changed to work against the best interests of the American public. This is how government by sociopaths works. What type of government do we really have? Democracy? A republic? Hell no! It's a sociopathocracy.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:24 pm |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Band of crooks
You must know by now that Biden and his son and his entire family are a band of crooks. They should all be in jail. But because they serve the ruling sociopaths, who are even bigger and more powerful criminals, the Bidens have immunity from prosecution. This is simply wrong, needless to say.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:49 am |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Band of crooks
This is basically true of all sociopaths. They lie quickly and easily whenever they can gain more benefit than telling the truth.
Despite financial records suggesting otherwise, Biden refuted the notion that his family received over $1 million in payments from accounts associated with Hunter Biden’s business partner, Rob Walker, and their Chinese business dealings in 2017, Fox News is reporting, citing information provided via a congressional investigation. Last week, Republican lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee disclosed that they had acquired bank records indicating that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s brother Jim, and Beau Biden’s widow, Hallie, had received payments from Rob Walker, Hunter’s business partner, and their joint venture with Chinese energy company CEFC. Hunter Biden’s legal team spokesperson acknowledged the payments but clarified that the accounts belonged solely to Hunter, his uncle, and Hallie, and no one else, the report said. When approached by a reporter on the White House lawn on Friday, Biden denied that any payments had been made. “That’s not true,” he responded after being asked about what Republicans have discovered. Except…it is true, via Fox News: -- source
By denying the pay-off, Biden is just acting normally for a sociopath. Almost everyone at the top of the government hierarchy is a sociopath. At that level, it is a private club of sociopaths, and they ensure that any non-sociopaths attempting to "serve the nation" are denied access. Only sociopaths are allowed entry. So of course Biden is a liar, a deceiver, a con-artist, a criminal, a pedophile, a traitor to the nation, and a loyal servant of even greater sociopaths. It's in his genes, because he is a sociopath.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:02 pm |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Band of crooks
Washington D. C.I was just reading Hitler explain in Mein Kampf why no one is held accountable in a parliamentary form of government. As a young man in his early twenties, Hitler spent a lot of time studying the functioning of the parliamentary body in Vienna, Austria, where he was living a life of poverty. He wasn't chasing girls or hanging out with his buddies in the bar. He was critically examining the parliamentary form of government modelled on England's Parliament, which he initially held in high esteem. This is how he learned that parliamentary forms of government do not work. Like almost everyone else at the time, he believed in democracy. That's right, Hitler started out with the same brainwashing as all the rest of us -- democracy good, dictatorship bad. But he eventually came to realize that one good man, who was truly pursuing the best interests of his people, was vastly superior to a democratic form of government that is always corrupted and undermined by the money powers. That one good man would bear on his shoulders all responsibility for his governance, an accountability that Hitler would later embrace and be recognized for almost unanimously by the German people.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Mar 26, 2023 3:09 am |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Band of crooks
The United Nations is a criminal organization. It is also one of the top instruments used by the band of crooks for controlling the world. It is a deception and manipulation of the ruling sociopaths, pure and simple. They created it, they tricked the entire world into supporting it, and they control it. Everyone working for the United Nations is essentially a slave, as you will hear Mr. Georgescu describe in the interview below. And most of the world has no clue of how they have been conned. Oligarchs own the U.N. (duration 1:04:22) Alternate copy here.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon May 22, 2023 7:33 am |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Band of crooks
Hunter Biden is a crook. His father, Joe Biden, is a crook. They are part of the band of crooks that runs the American government. They commit crimes against us practically every day. How can we let them get away with this? Hunter Biden (crook), Gary Shapley (IRS whistleblower)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun May 28, 2023 2:44 am |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Band of crooks
Biden will never be impeached, even though he should be. Congress is just going through the motions to give the impression that they are carrying out the People's will. They are not. They are crooks too, in cahoots with Biden and his handlers, who are also the handlers of every Congressman.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Jun 26, 2023 9:48 pm |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Band of crooks
Criminals control the legal system now, which is why they can get away with their crimes. There is no legitimate judicial system left to hold them accountable. When criminals cannot be held accountable, a huge crime spree results. That is what the world is experiencing in the current decade. A band of crooks (sociopaths) rules over us.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:00 pm |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Band of crooks
This is what all the U.S. bioweapon labs in Ukraine were working on. This is a weapon targeting all living things, much like a nuclear bomb, only worse. There could hardly be a bigger crime against humanity than this, and the U.S. government is responsible for this horror. There can be no doubt that the U.S. government is illegitimate, a criminal enterprise of the highest order, and a tool of the worst sociopaths humanity can produce. It's not just NATO that should be dismantled. The entire U.S. government should be dismantled, and quickly!
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:43 pm |
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