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2024 elections https://hm.dinofly.com/UP/forum/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=1263 |
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Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Thu Apr 06, 2023 3:06 am ] |
Post subject: | 2024 elections |
The 2020 elections were so rigged that it doesn't seem worthwhile to bother to vote. But RFK Jr. just announced he is running for president in 2024! That would be the easiest decision of my life for me as a voter to give him my vote. Normally, the ruling sociopaths would be doing everything possible to derail a man of integrity like JFK Jr. from running for president. The ruling sociopaths do not control him, so they cannot allow him to become president. It therefore seems to me that they either have the election rigging firmly under their control, or they have the legislative and judicial branches of government completely under their control, or they are setting up JFK Jr. for assassination. If I know the sociopaths, it's all three. |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Thu Apr 06, 2023 3:50 am ] | |||||||||
Post subject: | Re: 2024 elections | |||||||||
By the way, the Jewish-controlled New York Post makes their bias and discrimination against RFK Jr. crystal clear in their article regarding JFK Jr.'s announcement to run for president. See if you can spot their character assassination:
It's pretty clear that the Jews are hinting that they would be happy to assassinate a fourth Kennedy. They've done it three times already, so why not flex their evil muscles again and show us one more time who is boss? They love getting away with murder, as it shows the goyim how untouchable they are. Note also how the Jewish press plays the Nazi/Holocaust card by highlighting an Anne Frank reference that JFK Jr. made. The Anne Frank diary was a fake written by Anne Frank's father ( 1 2 3 4 ). It's total Jewish propaganda, just like the whole Holocaust™ fairy tale. That's how you can recognize the Jewish sociopaths at work. Like all sociopaths, if you know what to look for, they always expose themselves. |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Sun Jul 02, 2023 2:46 am ] | |||||||||
Post subject: | Re: 2024 elections | |||||||||
So much for RFK Jr. being the real deal. He's just the lesser of your typical evils that are presented as presidential candidates. Israel, controlled by the sociopaths, controlled by the Rothschilds, runs the U.S. show. Just like the Jews run Hollywood, they also run the United States. |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:51 am ] | |||||||||
Post subject: | Re: 2024 elections | |||||||||
JFK Jr. is going to speak truth to Jewish power, and the Jews know it. So they are already beginning their campaign of trashing JFK Jr.'s reputation. Yes, that is the Jewish-controlled New York Post newspaper kicking off the attack. Aren't they devious, those evil Jews? Yes, but that's how they always behave. For his part, JFK Jr. is making a mistake by groveling at the feet of the Jewish cabal after their opening round of warfare. He has the truth on his side, so why crumble and placate the Jewish Golem monster? Choosing this path indicates JFK Jr. will not speak truth to Jewish power. He has already folded. Can he still be a legitimate candidate for president in 2024? I doubt it. So there will be no legitimate candidates for president in 2024. I may not have to waste my time going to the polls to vote. Seeing how the 2020 election was totally rigged, I should already know it is a waste of time to vote regardless of who the candidates are. The elections are a total psy-op on the American public, and the American public is too dumb to know they are being played. And that is business as usual for the ruling sociopaths. |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:35 pm ] | |||||||||
Post subject: | Re: 2024 elections | |||||||||
Perhaps I should have put this in the thread "Liar, liar, pants on fire!" If you will recall, Trump told the public in 2016 that he would prosecute his opponent Hillary Clinton if he was elected president. He was elected president, and he didn't prosecute Hillary. So why should we believe him now? We shouldn't. He was born a sociopath, has lived his entire life as a sociopath, and will die a sociopath. That means he will say anything to get what he wants. |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:58 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: 2024 elections |
This video interview of RFK Jr. by Tucker Carlson is absolutely riveting. The hidden history of our criminal government slips out of the vast knowledge RFK Jr. shares with everyone in this conversation. Donald J. Trump for president, or Joe Biden? Why would anyone want those sociopaths leading our formerly great nation when RFK Jr. is clearly the best man for the job? There is simply no comparison! What a sick joke the former president and the current president are when compared to the humble yet erudite son of the assassinated presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, who was a great man in his own right. America needs RFK Jr. as our president, but with elections totally rigged now, how will that be possible? |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Sun Aug 20, 2023 7:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: 2024 elections |
Wow, another riveting Q&A with RFK Jr.! This man is astounding, even in a hostile media environment such as this one. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Town Hall on NewsNation | RFK Jr. Town Hall (duration 1:21:03) Archived copy here. NewsNation claims "fact-driven, unbiased coverage". After watching this video, I can see that this is pure BS. Elizabeth Vargas is a self-righteous bitch who needs to be slapped off the stage for her biased, vindictive "hosting" of RFK Jr. She thinks she has the "facts" but doesn't realize the extent of her ignorance, all due to believing the "experts" whose bias matches hers. Kennedy says at the end of the interview that his administration will be about moving government back to telling the truth. I have long waited to hear a presidential candidate say that and, at the same time, believe it. This time I do believe, and I will vote for RFK Jr. unless a better candidate appears, which is highly doubtful. Already, RFK Jr. is the best candidate I have seen in my adult lifetime. Nearly all the others were lying sociopaths, Ron Paul being the only exception I can think of at the moment. While I am delighted that RFK Jr. would change government policy from lying to truth-telling, I am also concerned that our totally corrupt and rogue intelligence agencies would never accept this and are already planning Kennedy's elimination upon hearing him say that. The sociopaths in those agencies would love to add to their string of clandestinely murdered Kennedys. That's how bad our government is nowadays. It's a cesspool of evil sociopaths running the show. |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Mon Oct 09, 2023 4:13 am ] | |||||||||
Post subject: | Re: 2024 elections | |||||||||
Well, that was easy. Now I know I won't be voting for RFK Jr for president. I thought he was the only legitimate candidate, but now I see he is in Israel's back pocket. Any presidential candidate that backs that thieving nation will not get my vote!. Not that it matters, given how the 2020 presidential election was completely rigged. |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Thu Mar 07, 2024 6:20 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: 2024 elections |
In the past, we have had to select the lesser of two evils for our president. And guess what? We always got evil. Now, it looks like they are asking us to select the lesser of two liars, between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Do you think we will have a liar for president? Yep, it's guaranteed. I cannot count the lies in Donald Trump's Super Tuesday victory speech, because there are too many, and I am too disgusted by his outrageous lying. This man is revolting, but so is Joe Biden. A criminal cartel runs our country anyway, regardless of who plays the president, so nothing is going to change for the better under the existing system of criminality and corruption. We need an Adolf Hitler in this country to give the boot to the Jewish mafia that runs the place and get our nation back to its vaunted principles of equality, honesty, and hard work. But the Jewish mafia has everyone brainwashed that Hitler was the world's most evil man, and that he gassed 6 million innocent Jews during WW2, when both claims are totally false. That is the power of the lie. It can make us believe the craziest things imaginable that then contribute to ruining our lives. |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:11 pm ] | ||||||||||||||||||
Post subject: | Re: 2024 elections | ||||||||||||||||||
Spoken like a true Jew! Trump supports the genocide and murder of Palestinians in Gaza, and he won't hear of any mention that the Jews could be conning us.
Spoken like a true Jew! Robert Kennedy Jr. supports the genocide and murder of Palestinians in Gaza, and he won't hear of any mention that the Jews could be conning us. And Joe Biden? Same story. The Jews control our politics and our government here in the United States. They make up only about 2% of our population, yet they control 98% of our government. And they are busy passing laws that will make it illegal to speak this truth. They are criminals and traitors, just like our 2024 presidential candidates. |
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