America and all of western civilization is crumbling at astonishing speed. Food, energy, transportation, election integrity, free speech, religious freedom, public safety and the currency itself are all eroding right before our eyes, all while brain-dead Biden claims that Republicans are “a threat to democracy.” -- source
The public has been brainwashed for decades to consider this kind of talk "conspiracy theory".
Well, the public was fooled, because it is all coming true.
The term "conspiracy theory" was introduced to the public by the CIA via the mainstream media around 1964 in order to shut down any information that ran counter to the official story of the Kennedy assassination. Any alternative explanation that got too close to the truth was labelled a "conspiracy theory". Because around 80% of the population are Followers, this tactic worked extremely well. Followers believe what the authorities tell them and parrot it amongst themselves. Even today, with the world crumbling in front of our eyes, the Followers still behave the same way.
Given the fake COVID-19 vaccine psy-op that has unfolded over the past 18 months, I wonder if the Followers are soon to be decimated, reducing their percentage in the population to 10% or less. It's already starting, unless you want to call it "conspiracy theory".
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Yes, "conspiracy theories" are becoming the truth.
After buying Twitter and digging into it, Elon Musk has already said, "To be totally frank, almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true." Twitter is just the microcosm that reflects the macrocosm.
At the macrocosm level, we can say, "To be totally frank, almost every conspiracy theory that people had about the _____________ turned out to be true."
Select your preferred term here to fill in the blank:
ruling sociopaths
Jewish cabal
(roll your own)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Jan 02, 2023 4:45 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Conspiracy "theory"
Ron Unz wrote:
But by purest coincidence, another massive cover-up may also now be collapsing, on a topic that has been my central focus for the last couple of years.
The global Covid epidemic has been one of the most important world events of the last hundred years, probably only rivaled by the two world wars and the Great Depression. More than 18 million people have already died, including over a million Americans, and the daily lives of many billions have been enormously disrupted. -- source
No Jews ever died in German concentration camp gas chambers during WW2, despite the "6 million" figure the Jews like to toss around like it is undeniable fact. But supposedly 18 million have died from the fake COVID-19 pandemic, while the fake COVID-19 vaccines were pushed as "safe and effective" but have subsequently killed and maimed hundreds of millions across the globe?
So in a world of deception, conspiracies don't exist? Of course they exist. They are the bedrock upon which the deceptions are built.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Jan 02, 2023 8:36 pm
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Re: Conspiracy "theory"
Whitney Webb is amazing at doing the research and connecting the dots. When that kind of work is done, it becomes obvious that secretive planning and cooperation, i.e. conspiracy, is the bedrock of the ruling sociopaths' evil agenda. Of course they sell the agenda as "good for humanity", but that's just how evil operates, via deception and manipulation.
She's EXPOSING how the deep state mafia controls all of us | Redacted Conversation w/ Whitney Webb (duration 1:05:31)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:44 am
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Re: Conspiracy "theory"
I am not a conspiracy theorist. I study conspiracies, which makes me a conspiracy scientist. Conspiracies exist, they are real, and they are much more common than ordinary people can imagine. That's because the big conspiracies do not originate from ordinary people. They originate from sociopaths. Because sociopaths are a very tiny minority of the population, and because sociopaths hide their true nature so expertly, ordinary people do not know they are being led by sociopaths. Ordinary people do not know they are being deceived and manipulated by sociopaths. And of course, ordinary people do not know how to recognize sociopaths, because they really don't know what a sociopath is.
Given all that, is it any wonder that the ruling sociopaths have successfully brainwashed the public to dismiss any talk of their conspiracies as "conspiracy theory"?
INFILTRATION FROM WITHIN - The Deep State War Series - EPISODE ONE - Part 1/2 - FINAL CUT (NEW) (duration 1:57:17)
July 10, 2023: The Bitchute copy apparently has been removed. I am posting a Rumble copy below.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Fri Feb 24, 2023 10:04 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Conspiracy "theory"
Censorship defenders finally admit they hate First Amendment, want free speech curtailed as policy of “national interest”
Up until recently, the powers that be expected us all to believe that there is no coordinated effort to silence Americans' free speech, and that anyone who suggests such is spreading wild conspiracy theories. Now that the government's massive Censorship Industrial Complex has been exposed as real, the new narrative is that censorship is a good thing because it promotes the "national interest."
This pivot occurred in response to a recent lawsuit in which a federal judge out of Louisiana ordered the crooks in Washington, D.C., to stop colluding and conspiring with social media companies to erase users' First Amendment rights. The case is known as Missouri v. Biden, which we have covered extensively in recent months.
Social media isn't fun and games, it's a tool of the deep state to control what you read and say
When it was first introduced, social media was branded and sold to the masses as a way to connect and share photos and life events with friends and family members. The truth, however, is that these platforms are used as spying and surveillance apparatus that are now being used to promote the interests of the deep state.
Things really ramped up during the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) as far as censorship goes, with all the major players flagging everything truthful about the lockdowns, masks, and "vaccines" as "misinformation." Now, those infringed by these policies are fighting back, and the perpetrators are running scared trying to excuse away their crimes. -- source
Government censorship? Conspiracy theory! Until they are exposed in court....
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Tue Jul 11, 2023 1:55 am
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Re: Conspiracy "theory"
RFK Jr understands that conspiracy theory is often conspiracy fact. It only takes a little bit of questioning before it becomes evident that Robert F. Kennedy was shot in the head from behind, and was never hit by any of the bullets from the pistol fired by Sirhan Sirhan, who was in front of him. Sirhan, the fall guy and supposedly "lone gunman", was an Arab, which to me is an obvious signature that the Mossad was involved in that assassination. The Jews always blame their enemies for their crimes (USS Liberty, 9/11, USS Cole, etc.).
SHOCK: RFK Jr Reveals REAL Killer of His Father, Thane Eugene Cesar, Lockheed Martin/CIA Operative (duration 8:58)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Jul 17, 2023 9:37 pm
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Re: Conspiracy "theory"
RFK Jr. knows a lot about the assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy. He has talked to some of the men that were part of the assassination team. Only some, because most were eliminated.
Morales was put in charge of the assassination. He employed people he had been working with in Miami to undermine the government of Cuba. This included figures in the ant-Castro Cuban community. It also involved American military advisers to groups like Alpha 66. The Cubans believed that the reason for this plot was that after the assassination of JFK, LBJ would order the invasion of Cuba. In fact, this was never the objective. It was part of the overall conspiracy to keep Castro in power. The presence of a communist state so close to the United States helped to reinforce the communist threat and the need for massive arms spending.
The Cubans would obviously feel betrayed when they realised Castro would not be toppled. Those Cubans who knew anything about the assassination had to be got rid of. Soon after the assassination most of this group were sent on a mission to kill Castro and create a reason for the United States to invade Cuba. This group was betrayed to the Cuban Secret Service. As a result they were executed in Cuba. A few Cubans remained. Some of these were the victims of hit men (who had no idea why they were killing them). -- source
In an interview of RFK Jr. by Tucker Carlson, RFK Jr. talks about David Morales, who was in charge of putting together the assassination. Morales himself was eliminated, probably poisoned in Washington DC, despite his best efforts to protect himself. He himself had said he could be targeted, because he "knew too much".
David Sanchez Morales made his last trip to Washington in early May, 1978. Ruben Carbajal had a drink with Morales a few days later. Carbajal told him he looked unwell. He replied: “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Ever since I left Washington I haven’t been feeling very comfortable”. That night he was taken to hospital. Carbajal went to visit him the next morning. As Carbajal later recalled: “They wouldn’t let no one in, they had his room surrounded by sheriff’s deputies.” Later that day (8th May) the decision was taken to withdraw his life support. Morales’s wife, Joanne, requested that there should not be an autopsy. -- source
It is important to realize the extent of the deception and manipulation that exists between the Sociopaths and the Minions that serve them. Those Minions are told whatever plausible story is necessary to get them to believe in their mission. There is no honor among thieves, and likewise there is no loyalty of Sociopaths to the Minions. The Sociopaths pretend like there is, convincing the Minions that loyalty is of primary importance. But the Sociopaths will betray the Minions in a heartbeat, if it is the proper move in the "game" to make.
Of course, the Sociopaths have no loyalty towards any group. That is simply the nature of their psychology, which is centered around deception and manipulation in the pursuit of power and control. Nothing else matters, though they will pretend most convincingly otherwise.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Fri Aug 18, 2023 5:53 pm
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Re: Conspiracy "theory"
It’s unfortunately true that, back when we went to school, we were taught almost entirely by rote. We weren’t asked to learn why the world believed that warfare was necessary; we were only told to memorise the names of the generals and the dates that the wars took place.
If we were asked to read the works of great writers, we weren’t expected to develop an understanding of their insights; we were merely expected to memorise some famous quotes by them.
And, once we had passed our exams, it was perfectly acceptable for us to forget what we’d memorized.
In short, a primary principle of “normal” education was that all that mattered was that we could parrot back whatever we had been fed most recently.
No surprise, then, that, in adulthood, we do the same. Of course, adults tend to study less than when they were in school. They rely instead on the evening news to keep them informed. We hear the latest urgent breaking news, and we pay careful attention. We then follow the instructions we receive from the “experts” doing the speaking and wait until the following evening to receive further indoctrination and instructions.
Along the way, we also hear “non-authoritative” information and are careful to classify such information as “conspiracy theory.” Such information enters the temporal lobe only briefly. In most cases, the human brain has been trained to delete such information, as it has no value with regard to following instructions. Worse, it makes us question that instruction. The temporal lobe becomes adept at deleting such information as though it had never been received. -- source
We are trained to be parrots, and we are trained to obey the authorities. Anything that might seriously challenge our brainwashing is given a disparaging label, like sacrilege, heresy, blasphemy, or more recently, conspiracy theory.
Who benefits from this? The "authorities"! Ultimately, that means the authorities at the top of the human hierarchy, the ultra-rich, ultra-powerful ruling sociopaths. That is why they make sure we are trained to be parrots, we are trained to obey, and we are trained to disbelieve anything they tell us is conspiracy theory.
Hey, it works for them! But does it work for us, the many, the vast majority, the "normals"?
Hell no!
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:11 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12329
Re: Conspiracy "theory"
Whitney Webb probably has more knowledge about the connecting links between the conspirators than any other investigative journalist on the planet. Once you see these connecting links, there is very little doubt that the conspiracies associated with these cooperating sociopaths are not theories, but axioms. Sociopaths conspire. It's simply what they do to further their own self-interest.
The term "conspiracy theory" was introduced into the public vernacular by the CIA after the assassination of U.S. president John F. Kennedy. That assassination was a huge conspiracy that the CIA was involved in, and the CIA wanted to discredit anyone questioning the false narrative fed to the public explaining the assassination. Labeling dissidents opposing the false narrative "conspiracy theorists" was essentially a psy-op designed to cover up the bigger psy-op of the assassination. It worked so well that it is still employed to this day against anyone seriously questioning any false narrative, whether it the 9/11 psy-op, the COVID-19 psy-op, or the Ukrainian war psy-op. Stray from the official narrative, and you will be called a conspiracy theorist by the brainwashed public, who have no idea how they have been fooled.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- CIA Director William Casey, February 1981 (source)
Forty-two years later, it is clear to me that the CIA's disinformation program could easily be considered complete.
Controlled Banking System Demolition? Whitney Webb on CBDCs, WEF & Internet Privacy, CEO Jamie Dimon (duration 1:16:33)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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