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Universal Spectrum -- busted! 
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Post Universal Spectrum -- busted!
Hypocrisy -- the practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.

I'm not a fan of hypocrisy. I think the way to defeat it is to reveal it. Doing so has been a common thread woven into my forum experience. When Avalon claimed to be a truth-seeking forum while quietly censoring people critical of Bill Ryan or his "truths", I stepped forward to help reveal that. When Atticus1 claimed to be a forum of enlightened people seeking action, but turned out to be a sociopath's con-game, I spoke out against that. When Nexus claimed to be the people's forum and turned out to be run by a deceptive dictator, I exposed that.

Well, things are still trending in the same direction. Now it's Universal Spectrum on the hot seat. And if United People ever steps onto the path of hypocrisy, I expect to see a thread here revealing that front-and-center too.

The evidence against Universal Spectrum is as follows:

Exhibit A - declaring that posts containing questions or comments about other forums will be quickly, and gleefully, deleted. Yes, talking about other forums is verboten, says administrator and censor Fredkc.

Exhibit B - turning a blind eye to UncleZook's hypocritical, un-moderator-like behavior at UP, while allowing him to moderate at Universal Spectrum.

Exhibit C - banning members (Heebert) for no apparent reason, other than speaking irritating truths and questioning dogma.

Exhibit D - deleting entire threads (Noxon's) for no apparent reason, other than members speaking irritating truths and questioning dogma therein.

Exhibit E - calling three prominent UP members "cowards" and "assholes" on Pub Live Chat #7 (beginning at 22:25), and then being afraid to allow them on Pub Chat.

Exhibit F - conspiring as a group to exact revenge on UP via "Ruby" (a group of angry, conspiring, Universal Spectrum members), who posted the group's immature, cobbled-together hate speech at UP in a lame attempt to character assassinate UP members.

Exhibit G - And this just in, Universal Spectrum member Pintorider is mysteriously and quietly banned, for no apparent reason.

In a way, Universal Spectrum's hypocrisy is to be expected. These are the same recycled, brainwashed members from Nexus, Atticus1, and Avalon, whose egos can't get enough mutual stroking, and who don't see anything wrong with the forum model they were raised on and keep repeating.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:08 am
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Post Re: Universal Spectrum -- busted!
Exhibit H - censoring members for no good reason.
People on other forums can ***** about us and what goes on here all they want, but it will stay there and won't be posted here.

Evidently, L&G quoted something I said, but I don't know what it was since the censoring moderators at Universal Spectrum deleted it from her post.

Zook gives some clues concerning the censorship in his post here to L&G.

Zook_e_pi wrote:
Unfortunately, by bringing Chico's quotes here, you have brought some drama onto Universal. As to why you have done that, only you are privy. So be it. Chico can defend himself at his forum (wrt Pub#7) ... and he is currently doing that ... and more. He's been trying to sabotage Universal for a little while now.

Of note is that quoting Chico creates "drama", which evidently cannot be tolerated at Universal Spectrum. This is the justification moderators invoke at US for censoring members there, and that justification is just plain wrong. It is completely contrary to the widely recognized individual right to free speech that should be the cornerstone of any public forum. And I will remind Zook, a self-professed (ad infinitum) truth-seeker, that truth is very likely to cause drama. If you want truth, you have to accept drama.

As for the charge of me "trying to sabotage Universal", that is just an outright lie on Zook's part. All I do is point out the truth, that US censors and bans without justification, exactly like Nexus and Avalon do. I personally would like to see all the forums thrive in an honest and transparent manner. They fall down hard because they are neither honest nor transparent.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:52 pm

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Post Re: Universal Spectrum -- busted!
This is a post from Non-universal Spectrum's now closed "The Pub Live Chat 07 - March 03, 2013" thread which I'm sure the controllers of that forum would like to make "disappear" like Noxon's one, I've got screen shots so let um try, cus I will "gleefully" post them here if that happens, wot ya say Fred! ;)

I just listened to the No 7 and I must say it left me a little put off.

Firstly was Uncle Ted calling everyone Cowards just for not wanting to join the club. WAY OVER THE TOP thank you.

It seemed to have an air of George Bush. -


Some of us do not want to join a GROUPTHINK group and wish to remain an individual and have individual thoughts that are not swayed by the group. If you do not join us you are a coward.

Definition of GROUPTHINK.

Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an incorrect or deviant decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative ideas or viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.

Loyalty to the group requires individuals to avoid raising controversial issues or alternative solutions, and there is loss of individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking. The dysfunctional group dynamics of the "ingroup" produces an "illusion of invulnerability" (an inflated certainty that the right decision has been made). Thus the "ingroup" significantly overrates their own abilities in decision-making, and significantly underrates the abilities of their opponents (the "outgroup").

Secondly.........when did it become a good idea to denigrate individuals and OTHER forums ON AIR.

Why did Vaj post a message to Canzirka telling her off, after she just self-moderated and sorted out any understanding with the member. Canzirka never used the name of the OTHER FORUM at any time.

SO WHY THEN .... did Zookie and Vaj denigrated another Forum, naming names, naming the forum, naming individuals and insulting them, especially Zookie who knew it would cause a storm over that the OTHER FORUM, as it has.


People on other forums can ***** about us and what goes on here all they want, but it will stay there and won't be posted here.

So, I want to know if the forum rules also apply to THE PUB.


If you guys need to snipe at each other and needlessly bring up that "other place" please keep it out of the thread and put it in PMs to each other..

Keep the discussion pertinent please.


VAJ.....Carzinka has sent you 5 emails that have have not been replied to. Is this reasonable for a MODERATOR to ignore a members request to communicate.

Please do the job that is expected of a MODERATOR and please just give the right of reply out of common courtesy and respect for OTHER MEMBERS rather then back stab OTHER members in the back room and control the sway over other members opinions.

Part of the reason I do not participate in the back room is I have a dislike of back room gossip about other members. Very off putting.

A need for some forum protocols regarding discussing other members behind their backs.

This problem is coming to a head, it needs to be sorted out. Thank you.

It is not condusive for a forum that wants to promote open dialogue and open communication to hold judgement in the back room about OTHER members.

I generally do not want to get involved in drama, but I have been silent for awhile and watched this go on.

So what was their response?

Administrator Bethany was the first one to respond, oddly she mentioned nothing about L&G's second point: "Secondly.........when did it become a good idea to denigrate individuals and OTHER forums ON AIR.", just some lame excuse for why ViagraYaya is ignoring one of their members.

Business as usual I guess for Nexus 2.0, or would that be Avalon 3.0?

Super Moderator Scott came along second, here's what he said:

Scott wrote:
As far as back room antics, its easy to identify for anyone on forums for any length of time.

So! What does this mean, are you saying it's OK?

Scott wrote:
Pub chat is open to all members, same goes for US group Skype chat.
If any member wants to have to join the Pub live chats or US skype room they are available if not well that's ok as well, free will and all.

Well at least your saying "members" now instead of US's earlier claims of "open to everyone" :lol:

Scott wrote:
It isn't a private club if all members are welcome, that's like saying "Because I choose not to participate and others do, that immediately makes everyone else stuck up"

I see Scott has been keeping up with the current discussion here about Non-universal Spectrum, "private club" indeed! :lol:

"It isn't a private club if all members are welcome, that's like saying "Because I choose not to participate and others do, that immediately makes everyone else stuck up"

Am I detecting a little attitude here Scott, "huh?" :lol:

Scott wrote:
The mods have spoken about some of the things that have been said in the Pub as well as on the forum and I can understand how offence could be taken.

If you understand "how offence could be taken" don't you think it would be better to discuss these issues out in the open with the members instead of "Nexus/Avalon style", behind closed doors?

Scott wrote:
US was created to NOT be that place from day 1, that decision was made by all the Admins/Mods that have seen more than enough of that Admin/Modding on other forums.

:lol: Explain the Nexus/Avalon style unexplained bannings and censorship then! :lol:

Scott wrote:
At any rate, any member that has concerns that are not agenda driven are given attention by the team.

So are you saying that loveandgratitude's concerns are "agenda driven"? As I really don't see any of them addressed by you here!

JFTR, anyone mentioned here that would like to post a response or comment on this that aren't members yet, are more than welcome to join United-people to do so. :D


To be continued....

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Last edited by andywight on Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:51 am
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Post Re: Universal Spectrum -- busted!
Andy's post above prompted me to go back and read some posts from the now closed Pub Live Chat #7 thread at Universal Spectrum.

By the way, why close a thread? Threads will die when no one is interested in them. Having authority figures close them is just another form of power and censorship. Do you see any threads closed on United People? No, and I hope you never will.

I read the following at Universal Spectrum that really jumped out at me:

By the way, the chat room was the thing that destroyed Nexus.

I know a few things about what destroyed Nexus, and it wasn't a chat room.

No form of communication is going to destroy a legitimate, planar, honest, and transparent forum. None!

Any form of communication can destroy a manipulative, hierarchical, dishonest, and secretive forum. Any!

Nexus failed because of hypocrisy, deceit, manipulation, dishonesty, conflict of interest, greed (money), power-lust, and ego mania. It wasn't a chat room that did it. Far, far from it.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:09 am

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Post Re: Universal Spectrum -- busted!
andywight wrote:


To be continued....

Next came "tough guy" ViagraYaya, this is what he had to say:

VagraYaya wrote:
Okay.. L&G and Canzirka, I'll bite, this once.

First, it should be known that I am a moderator ONLY at The Pub section of this forum and nowhere else. I'm not big on moderating anything, but I see you both need a little clarity.

I sent you this Skype contact request:

Tough guy ViagraYaya.PNG
Tough guy ViagraYaya.PNG [ 39.38 KiB | Viewed 6281 times ]

As with Canzirka's emails, you did not to reply.

So what does this say about you ViagraYaya?

What this clearly demonstrates, especially considering that you publicly called me a coward on "The Pub Live Chat 07", is that it's you that's a coward not me, how about that for a little CLARITY ViagraYaya? :D

VagraYaya wrote:
I did not Tell Canzirka off, I put my mod hat on and directed my comments at the 3 people who were participating in that sniping, I did NOT single out Canzirka.. Read my words that you quoted, I said: "You Guys" You need to read more closely, or did you just distort my quote in order to create drama?

Like your buddy UncleShill you really have challenges hiding your elitism!

"I said: 'You Guys' You need to read more closely, or did you just distort my quote in order to create drama?", again like one of Uncleshill's favorite tactics, accusing everyone else of doing what he does himself!

VagraYaya wrote:
No.. The Forum is the forum and The Pub is The Pub.. Yup, it appears that there is a double standard, or maybe a lack of a standard. I think though, that I might implement one more rule there.

Good for you, and at the same time you may want to explain the forum rules that allow members to banned without warning and how whole threads can be deleted without any explanation or reasons given to the membership!

VagraYaya wrote:
There are not a lot of rules on The Pub. One we decided on before the first one was to not slag specific people on other forums or name those forums, we weren't interested in that. We could talk in generalities about what might be going on at other places without naming them. We do want the conversation to be raw and real, even contentious if it arises, but hopefully civilized. On the last Pub, I was too loose about that rule and should have edited that part out. There is almost no editing that is done on the Pub. This is on purpose. There sometimes is if there are technical glitches that arise and the conversation turns to solving them. That happened on the last one. We had some noise problems and a Skype problem that forced us to restart the call. That was all taken out. I think I will implement another rule; that being no obvious baiting of other members who are not present there to respond to it. And I am not a fan of gossip. I would much rather talk about ideas. No needless sniping..

Bullshit you were giggling like a little girl when UncleShill started running his mouth about us!

"I was too loose about that rule and should have edited that part out" So you admit editing out a "technical glitch", but allowed yours and UncleShill's slander, interesting admission!

So ViagraYaya are you saying that the obvious baiting of other members who are not present there to respond to it, gossip and needless sniping is only wrong if this is brought to you attention? You certainly have interesting moral standards!

VagraYaya wrote:
That said..


To calirfy, the US Gathering Skype room is not a "Back Room" because everyone who is a member is invited to participate.

What a "Back Room" or Backchannel is is what you and Canzirka do in PMs and what you possibly do with others on other forums. You copy info said in rooms that some people choose not to be involved in or do not have access to, and scuttle off and repost it via PM to Canzirka or maybe other people, or I wonder, maybe even to other people on other forums. It is obvious and amounts to destructive gossip. This "Backchanneling" is an abuse of the US Gathering Skype room and creates other major problems. The creation of problems is either unintentional, or intentional and is always very suspicious. So despite what you claim above, it is EXACTLY what you do. How do you know that Canzirka sent me PMs? How does she think she knows stuff about me that I have not told her or posted about on the forum or any other places. This is ALL about creating drama, nothing else, and the two of you seem to like it a lot, or are maybe doing it strategically.

My advice to you ViagraYaya is to keep your mouth shut as much as possible, cus it seems the "Crusty Bloomer Brigade" have your number! :lol:

VagraYaya wrote:
It is suspicious and we are watching..

:lol: You really can't make this shit up, and this from a moderator on an alleged truth-seeking forum, Universal Spectrum you are "well and trully" BUSTED ! :lol:

To be continued....

Think twice before you speak, especially if you intend to say what you think.

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Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:24 pm

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Post Re: Universal Spectrum -- busted!
Yeah they (US) deleted my -meant to be silly- thread last week.

2 things to watch out for:
1. lack of sense of humor
2. heirarchy

As long as US accepts the hatred of Beaver and the homophobia of Uncle Ted and bans a funny thread, (not to mention the strange/weird attitude of Vjaraya) well you know the whole damn thing is Bullshit.

Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:29 pm
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Post Re: Universal Spectrum -- busted!
Andy, you are like a bloodhound with a keen sense of smell for hypocrisy. The other forums don't know what they are missing (or perhaps they know exactly what they are missing -- exposure!)

ULY, thanks for that report. So another entire thread at Universal Spectrum has been deleted? And one that was relatively innocuous. Absolutely incredible... Seeing no mass exodus from that forum leads me to believe that some people have been brainwashed to the point that they think being censored is acceptable. Now there's a sad state of affairs. It's like slaves being brainwashed to believe slavery is a natural condition.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:45 pm
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Post Re: Universal Spectrum -- busted!
For the public's convenience, here is the two minute audio clip referenced in Exhibit E of the opening post. The initial speaker is UncleZook, and the subsequent speaker is Vajrayaya.

I suggested to Zook after the Pub Live Chat #7 had taken place that we have our long-desired group Skype call during any Universal Spectrum Pub Live Chat, and Zook welcomed the idea. Evidently, Vajrayaya did not and overruled the whole idea. Vajrayaya states in the audio clip that we three UP members (I assume he means me, Andy, and Mags) are "nasty" and "assholes" in text, and claims it would be harder for us to be nasty, reactive, and volatile people in personal conversation. We would be unable to maintain that "false front", he says. He concludes by calling us cowards.

I can't help but wonder where Vajrayaya got those impressions, and why he wouldn't want us on Pub Live Chat, unless it might prove his opinions to be completely unfounded and highly prejudiced. That would make for a great conversation on Pub Chat, right along the lines of the "Mirror Mirror" thread I posted on Nexus last year, which has since been entirely deleted. Not to worry, though, for I could post a complete copy of that thread for reference before the relevant Pub Chat takes place. There's nothing like a little self-reflection in public, eh Vaj?

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:50 am
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Post Re: Universal Spectrum -- busted!
Just have a open debate on which board has integrity. Or less of it. It's very simple. The gypsey woman incident and dealing with Zook shows this boards dynamics on limiting liberty and exhibiting Judgement which imho will pass Due process.

Banning and being flippant in limiting liberty is not a trivial manner as exhibited by truth boards such as, Avalon, Camelot, Nexus and Universal spectrum. Our current system of Royals do that type of behavior on a daily basis effecting the lives of millions of humans. Who can logically participate in that type of system anymore?

Perhaps for most they dont take it seriously. They are just living some fantasy Avatar role. Thats all well in good, but when faced with real issues on a daily basis how does that help ones maturation? Integrity? Knowledge? Wisdom?

Thats right it doesn't. It works against them. Know thyself...

Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:55 pm
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Post Re: Universal Spectrum -- busted!
This morning I was thinking about Zook's burning desire to engage Andy and me in a recorded Skype conversation. I was wondering why Zook is so obsessed with the idea, while I am mostly indifferent. Zook is convinced that he can do with a voice conversation what he could not do in a written conversation -- reduce his opponents to a bag of sub-atomic particles.

Ideas don't really care what form of communication is used to deliver them. Conceivably, the ideas stand alone, independent, ready to be judged on their own merit and nothing else. But as humans, we tend to bring much more than our ideas to an argument. We bring our personalities, our gender, our appearance, our mannerisms, our sound, our inflections, our body language, our emotions, and a complex mixture of psychological "baggage" into the discussion. All of these things contribute a powerful influence that can push our listeners in directions where our ideas do not go.

I realized that the reason I like the forums so much is that they are the great equalizer. Forums allow for a greater degree of separation of ideas from ego. I get to deal with other human beings and never know their good or bad habits, their odor, their noises, their mannerisms, their movements, their physical attraction or repulsion, their body shape, or their pain or comfort. I get to focus on just their ideas, as if we were ethereal light beings linked by communication only. The all-pervasive ego gets minimized, unable to strut its stuff on stage with wild abandon. Oh sure, it's still there, and it makes plenty of appearances, trying to steal the show, trying to get the spotlight turned on it, trying to be the star. But the forum is really the domain of ideas. Like books before them, forums carry ideas. Ego may try to hitch a ride, but it is quickly recognized, naked and shivering in the cold realm of independent, impartial observation.

Zook has a very big ego that has been well documented in this forum. It is a fact of human life that we all have egos to contend with. Most humans are oblivious to their own ego because it is such an integral part of their being. I can compare it to learning a second language. When I was learning French while living in France, there came a point when I realized that my thoughts and my language where two separate entities. Before that point, my thoughts and my language appeared to be one and the same. There was no difference. After that point, the universe changed. I could see the difference. Of course, the universe didn't change. I did. It's the same with egos. When we learn to recognize the impact and influence of our own egos, we change. And it feels like the entire universe changes.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:12 am
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