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Hitler -- What is the truth? 
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Post Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
Up until this point – and including U.S. President Joe Biden’s recent bullshit comments in Normandy – Washington has attempted to portray Ukraine as a European bulwark against a maniacal Putin intent on conquering the continent. -- source

This is the same strategy being used to demonize Putin that was used to demonize Hitler. "Joe Biden’s recent bullshit comments in Normandy" occurred on June 6, 2024, a date that celebrates "D-Day", when the Allies invaded France in 1944. The propaganda we are fed to make us believe that D-Day was a magnificent turning point in WW2 disgusts me, now that I am aware of it. Likewise, the false demonization of both Hitler and Putin also disgusts me, as I can plainly see the outrageous deception and manipulation we are subjected to, all the time! They don't want us to know the real truth because they control us most effectively with their version of the truth. As long as we don't hold them responsible for all of their deceit, they own us.

Putin is not a maniac intent on conquering Europe. Neither was Hitler, despite what you have been taught. We are being lied to currently, and we have been lied to for over 80 years. That's the way the system works!

We live in a world of deception.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:26 am
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Post Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
In the Civil War, the union barely survived a four-year slaughter that in its own time was regarded as the most lethal war in history. In World War II, the nation destroyed an enemy of democracy that for a time was winning; had the enemy won, America might have itself been destroyed. -- source

With WW2, the Allies did not destroy "an enemy of democracy". Germany had tried a democratic republic, and the Germans, much smarter than the simple Americans, recognized that it was a deceitful system, easily corrupted, and totally worthless. A benevolent "dictator", one who truly acted in the best interests of the people, was a vastly superior system. No nation that I know of was ever transformed so efficiently and so beneficially as Germany was under Hitler from 1933 to 1936. Nor was a nation ever moved from wretched poverty and division to united solidarity faster than Germany under the National Socialists. Had Germany won WW2, America would not have been destroyed. It would have been cured of the cancer that was growing quietly in its bosom and has metastasized so aggressively since WW2 that it has put us on our death bed today. That cancer is the Jewish/Rothschild/ruling sociopath cabal. Had Germany won, Germany would have excised this cancer from America just as it had excised it from Germany. Hitler would have saved America. Yet almost no one today has any knowledge of what a good man Hitler was. We are brainwashed from birth to believe a totally false narrative regarding the only man who has successfully stood against the ruling sociopaths, if only for a few years, because an entire civilized nation of Germans, united behind the most noble of human principles, stood with him.

And don't give me any of that Holocaust™ crap, because it didn't happen. That is the total deception and manipulation of humanity by the most accomplished con-artists on the planet, the Jews. The same Jews who gave us 9/11, COVID-19, mRNA "vaccines", the Russia - Ukraine (Jewkraine, more accurately) war, and the unforgivable Gaza genocide of innocent civilian Palestinians. The Jewish leaders are monsters, and they lie most shrewdly with the same ease that most of us experience when we breathe. If you are fooled by their intrigues, then you are a fool.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:43 am
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Post Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
The film (Hero) emphasizes the importance of considering the greater good and the well-being of the collective over personal desires. This concept can be connected to Confucianism, an Eastern philosophical tradition that emphasizes social harmony, duty, and the importance of the community.

What!? Social harmony, duty, and the importance of community? The greater good and the well-being of the collective over personal desires? This is Confucianism, originating 2500 years ago?

After all these years of studying Hitler and the National Socialists, I would now have to conclude that Adolf Hitler was likely a reincarnation of Confucius.

Certainly Hitler was totally focused on the greater good and the well-being of the collective over personal desires. This was certainly clear to me in my careful reading of Mein Kampf, and in the selfless example Hitler demonstrated throughout his life. National Socialism also emphasized the role of individual duty to the well being of the community, which was one of its primary tenets.

While we are all programmed to believe that Nazis are the exact opposite of this philosophy, that is simply the brainwashing we receive to demonize and vilify the Germans who were tricked into WW2 by international Jewry.

What a surprise realization for me triggered by a simple comment to an analysis of a exceptional Chinese film (Hero).

Confucius, Confucianism. Hitler, National Socialism. 2500 years of separation, yet a very similar philosophy. Confucius was not about genocide, and neither was Hitler, despite what everyone has been taught to the contrary, by the Jews, who play the eternal victims of antisemitism and "hate".

What an astounding con-game.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:50 am
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Post Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
According to Billy Carson, Hitler wanted advance technology so he could "take over the world".

I have a lot of respect for Billy Carson, but when he spouts this kind of nonsense (I know it's nonsense, but most people think it's truth), I begin to question how much of his other information is nonsense.

You see, we all live in a world of deception. Almost everything we are taught is propaganda, as defined [url]here[/url]. Billy Carson was taught the same propaganda about Hitler as you and me, but unfortunately, he hasn't realized it yet. None of us are immune from this pervasive propaganda, and because we were taught it early in life by people we trusted, we accepted it as fact. And that's a big mistake that affects almost all of us.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:50 am
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Post Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
Who is the greatest leader, and most loved by his people, of the past 100 years?

We are taught from birth that this person was the world's most evil man, the biggest psychopathic madman the world has ever seen, a mass murderer of 6 million innocent Jews! The relentless effort and longevity of this brainwashing confirms that we are being scammed. It confirms that the greatest leader, and most loved by his people, of the past 100 years is indeed Adolf Hitler. And it confirms that we must never learn the truth, otherwise the world's most evil group of people, the biggest collection of psychopathic madmen the world has ever seen, mass murderers of uncountable millions of innocent people, will be exposed and subject to our anger. These people are currently genociding innocent civilian Palestinian men, women, children, and babies in Gaza with relentless hatred. We know them as Jews. Hitler, too, knew them as Jews, because they had destroyed Germany. His life's mission was to right this wrong and restore the German people. He succeeded. And for that, he and Germany had to be crushed.

Who wanted the Germans crushed? Jewish sociopaths, Jewish leaders, Jewish bankers, Jewish capitalists, Jewish rabbis, Jewish merchants, Jewish criminals, Jewish con-artists, Jewish scammers, Jewish hypocrites, Jewish liars, Jewish cheaters, and Jews who thought they were God's Chosen People. The very people who invented the Holocaust Lie and unquestioningly believed it. JEWS.

The second greatest man who ever lived
(duration 50:42)

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:05 pm
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Post Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:
I suddenly remembered that Adolf Hitler once said that "anybody who paints the sky green should be sterilized at once." -- The New Inquisition, page 171

I can find no reliable source for this quote, and neither can others.

So this is another sensationalist Hitler quote that was invented and popularized by the Jews, which Hitler never said. How can Robert Anton Wilson not question this nonsense, but just accept it like all the other sheeple do?

Even the BBC repeats this false Hitler quote just like all the other mindless parrots:

Hitler, a failed artist, maintained that "anyone who sees and paints the sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilised"... -- source

Note how the BBC not only gives the false quote credence, but it has to also denigrate Hitler as "a failed artist", when Hitler's art was pretty astounding, as I have shown ( 1 2 ) in the beginning of this thread.

The fact that nearly all the popular Hitler quotes are false, and no one questions their veracity, shows just how mind controlled the public is. That includes the popularly recognized intellectual philosopher and skeptic Robert Anton Wilson.

If you believe Hitler said this, you are totally brainwashed.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sat Aug 24, 2024 4:50 pm
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Post Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
My model of human psychology contains four groups: Sociopaths, Minions, Followers, and Independents. Hitler had also come to understand this general model, being an Independent himself. Here in Mein Kampf he accurately describes the Followers and the Independents.

Generally speaking, readers of the press can be classified in three groups: First, those who believe everything they read; second, those who no longer believe anything; third, those who critically examine what they read and form their judgments accordingly.

Numerically, the first group is by far the largest, being composed of the broad masses of the people. Intellectually, it forms the simplest portion of the nation.

It cannot be classified according to occupation, but only into grades of intelligence. Under this category come all those who have not been born to think for themselves or who have not learnt to do so and who, partly through incompetence and partly through ignorance, believe everything that is set before them in print. -- Mein Kampf, page 268

The second group of press readers, who believe nothing of what they read, is actually the eventual starting position of the third group, who critically examine what they read. Both are Independents. Being an Independent myself, I often find myself saying that I don't believe anything the mainstream media tells me, because they are in the business of deceiving the public while pretending to be legitimate reporters of factual information. A lifetime of critical examination of what I read in the media has led to a gradual shift from a default position of believing everything I read in the press (when I was young) to a default position (now that I am old) of believing nothing that I read in the press.

I am sure Hitler would agree with my point here, if only we could have had this discussion. The man was brilliant, a professor of enormous talent, and a leader of his people second to none. It is easy to see why "the Jews" have spent so much time and effort to vilify and demonize Hitler. Hitler had accurately assessed the enormous damage Jews inflict upon humanity in their selfish drive towards world domination, and he had demonstrated how a nation could prosper enormously once free of Jewish influence. And how the parasites hate the physician who can cure the body of a parasitic infection!

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Wed Aug 28, 2024 5:09 pm
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Post Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:
Adolf Hitler read Nietzsche, mistook the diagnosis for prescription, and proceeded to act out the worst of scenarios Nietzsche could imagine, ironically incorporating precisely the nationalism and anti-semitism that Nietzsche most despised. The world looked on in horror, learned nothing, and decided Hitler was a "monster". It remained hypnotized by the same materialistic biological determinism which, to Adolf, had justified both his self-pity and revenge. -- The New Inquisition, page 227

Hilter was well-read, so he probably did read Nietzsche, but everything that Robert Anton Wilson concludes from that is pure BS. You would think Wilson was Jewish, given his misguided picture of Hitler! Hitler had no self-pity, and he was not after any kind of revenge. He was only after justice for Germans and Germany, which is something the Jews cannot tolerate, given their crimes and conspiracies against non-Jews.

This is just another blatant example of Robert Anton Wilson's brainwashing that he seems to be totally unaware of, though he can point out how easily others have had their beliefs manipulated. Wilson claims to believe nothing, but he certainly believes all the Jewish lies about Hitler, Nazis, and Germany. This is such a disappointment, given how he can question other mainstream beliefs so capably.

The worst part is that he parrots false information (such as the Jewish Holocaust™) he has heard from others, and because of his stature as a "best-selling" author, thousands of others will parrot the same untruths with conviction.

And that's how mind control is accomplished.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Mon Sep 02, 2024 8:15 pm
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Post Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
We are all taught to dismiss Adolf Hitler as a good person because:

"Hitler was a dictator."

We are sold the idea in our democratic republic that a dictator is a terrible thing, but this is not necessarily true. We are also sold the idea that a democratic republic is the best form of government for a free people, and this too is not necessarily true. In fact, Germany was a democratic republic during Hitler's 12 year "rise to power", and Hitler had to work very hard to become a political representative for the German people within that system of democratic government. Yet Hitler and the German people were more than willing to leave that system behind and replace it with the rule of one man, what we disdainfully call a dictatorship. Why did they do this?

Because it was the best thing to do for the people of Germany. Hitler and the German people had realized that their democratic republic was the means used to enslave them, while a dictatorship by Hitler was the means to free themselves. Sound preposterous? It will sound preposterous to the mind-controlled among us, but I can show you precisely how it was the case for Germany in the 1920s and 30s during Hitler's "rise to power", and it is also the case for the United States today. Hitler himself explained this repeatedly to the German people, and they came to realize that he was entirely correct. In the case of the United States today, our democratic republic is more completely broken and dysfunctional than Germany's democratic republic was in the 1920s. Our politicians today are criminals and traitors, controlled (bought-and-paid-for) by the rich and powerful ruling sociopaths (the Jewish Rothschild cabal) who run the world today, just as they ran the world in Hitler's time. Because of Hitler's genuine concern for the German people, and his tireless crusade to awaken the brainwashed masses of Germany, he was able to convince ordinary Germans using reason, logic, and real-life examples of how dire their condition actually was. And they loved him for doing so. They loved him because he freed their minds.

I will give you examples of this taken directly from Mein Kampf, where Hitler explains why this was the case.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:38 pm
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Post Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
The true reason for their hateful actions is a different one. They hate social Germany. What have we done to them? Nothing at all! Have we threatened them? Not in a single instance. Were we not ready to conclude an agreement with them? Yes, we were and we even did so.

Did we not restrict ourselves in our armaments? Alas, all of this was of no interest to them. What they hate is the Germany which sets a dangerous example for them. This social Germany. It is the Germany of a social labor legislation, which they already hated before the world war (World War 1). It is the Germany of social welfare, of social equality, of the elimination of class differences—this is what they hate!

They hate this Germany which in the course of 7 years was able to afford its people a decent life. They hate this Germany which has eliminated unemployment, which in spite of their wealth, they have not been able to eliminate.

They hate this Germany which grants its laborers decent housing because they have a feeling that their own people could be infected thereby. They hate this Germany which has been picking up the struggle for improved living conditions. This is the Germany they hate.

They hate this Germany — this ethnically healthy Germany – where children are washed and not full of lice – and which does not allow such conditions to take hold such as their own press now freely admits to. It is their big money men – their Jewish and non-Jewish international banking barons who hate us because they see in Germany a bad example potentially rousing other peoples, especially their own people.

They hate this Germany with its young, healthy, blossoming new generation – the Germany which takes such good care of this generation. And, of course, they hate the strong Germany -- the Germany on the march which takes upon itself sacrifices voluntarily.

We have just seen how much they hate us. We drew up a 4-year plan to help ourselves. We have not taken anything from anyone through this 4-year plan. When we turn coal into gasoline or rubber, or when we see to other forms of substitution. What are we thereby taking from others? Nothing! Nothing at all. To the contrary, they should be happy and say, Germany then does not burden our markets if they make their own gasoline. No, they fought this 4-year plan because it made Germany healthy. That was the only reason!

The more I learn about Adolf Hitler, the more he is becoming my hero. I started out like everyone else, being taught Hitler was the world's most evil man, the biggest psychopath of the 20th century, the killer of 6 million Jews. So of course, I hated Hitler when I was young. I did not know then that what I had been taught was untrue. No one was being gassed in the German concentration camps. No one! Jewish sociopaths (the world's most evil men) saw an opportunity to trick the world into seeing typhus epidemic victims as Jews who had been slaughtered by the Germans. It was an insidious conspiracy that they reinforced after the war with a Jewish-run kangaroo "court" against German leaders, known as the Nuremberg Trials. It was a shamefully rigged spectacle to fool the gullible public, and they succeeded magnificently. For the next 80 years, they continued to reinforce the mind control at every opportunity. Today, the Jewish sociopaths are committing blatant genocide against the Palestinians in front of the whole world, exactly what they falsely accused the Germans of doing. Sociopaths are well known for accusing their opponents of their own malfeasance, and we can now plainly see that this is what the Holocaust Lie actually was. It is Jews that genocide other people, not Germans. The Jews have been this way for millennia, and they will not change. All non-Jews who do not serve the Jews will eventually be targeted for extermination. You can bet the lives of your descendants on it. In fact, you already are without being aware of it.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Tue Sep 17, 2024 2:08 am
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