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Post Enlightenment
I am beginning to see the deception and manipulation contained in that New Age concept known as "enlightenment". The propaganda is that you must turn inward, that all answers are found within each of us, and that nirvana is to be found there as well. If everyone is pursuing this kind of enlightenment, you have a perfectly fragmented group. This is the exact opposite of a united people. It is instead the idea of "divide and rule" in action.

Imagine all the cells in your body decide at about the same time to seek enlightenment. They turn inwards, seeking answers to the eternal questions that bother them, seeking peace and contentment and oneness with the universe. Your body would cease to function. It would fall apart into a pile of uncooperative cells. That's because the whole is bigger than the sum of the parts. Much bigger, in fact. Your body is far more awesome than the billions of cells that cooperate to become that body. The body can do things an individual cell can't even dream of. It is many orders of magnitude more capable than its constituent parts. Enlightenment is not found from "going inside" or turning within. It is found from going outside yourself, from uniting with others to make something much greater than the sum of the parts.

The ruling degenerates know this, which is why they do everything in their power to keep us divided and conquered. And they even get us to call them the ruling "elite". After all, they are better organized and united than the vast majority of humanity, which does make them somewhat special.

Magamud had some good insight into what true enlightenment means:

magamud wrote:
The enlightenment is in the very acknowledgment of the diseased sociopathic state we are in. Once you see how you have been fooled. How we all have been fooled will you reach the depths of the meaning, all men are created equal.

Zook makes a good observation about enlightenment, but naturally jumps to the wrong conclusion:

UncleZook wrote:
The enlightenments have done diddly and squat to corral evil and remove it from the dynamic oscillatory equilibrium. That's because evil exists in the known Universe as part of a duality.

I point out Zook's error, and I show that I am more aligned with Magamud's definition of enlightenment:

No, that's wrong. The enlightenment is only just now happening, and you are actively trying to sabotage it, no doubt because of your personal investment in sociopathy. Recognizing that human evil comes from sociopaths, and that sociopaths can now be scientifically identified -- that is the new enlightenment, one that has never occurred in human history. The good-evil duality is the old, flawed explanation for something humans couldn't understand in the past, but which is now coming to light.

"Coming to light" = enlightenment.

I have even taken issue with some of the "wise words" of our respected enlightenment gurus while studying their philosophies:

We are often most in the dark when we are the most certain, and the most enlightened when we are the most confused. -- M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled, page 285

"Confused" is not quite the right word. Confusion does indeed produce uncertainty, but there is another kind of uncertainty. One can also be uncertain without being confused. This kind of uncertainty means being aware. It is the awareness of the very limited extent of human mental abilities. It is awareness of the enormous complexity of the world. It is awareness of how the one (human cognition) does not adequately accommodate the other (the complexity of the world). It is the awareness of our short-comings, our limits, our weaknesses, our flaws, and our place in the world. Awareness is consciousness. Being uncertain is a sign of greater consciousness. Greater consciousness is higher consciousness. Higher consciousness is enlightenment.

Uncertainty is enlightenment. It is not confusion. It is the understanding of confusion.

And, in the pursuit of knowledge, I dig deeper into the substance of enlightenment:

I think enlightenment is a cooperative effort. Enlightenment is the same thing as true education, and education is a cooperative effort, too. That cooperative effort in education is the potential and power I saw in online forums. Of course, we have seen how forums are easily corrupted into instruments of power and control, which is exactly what Bill Ryan did to the Project Avalon forum, and what Atticus did to the Atticus1 forum, and what Richard and Celine did to the Nexus forum.

So, like the blind men trying to describe the elephant, each having felt a different part of the animal, a description can be put together. It seems contradictory, irrelevant, unrelated, confusing, and causes much argument, yet each blind man is telling his truth.

Enlightenment is the recognition of our diseased state, of how we have been fooled, and of our equality. It is recognizing the source of evil. It is recognizing our errors and our motivating psychologies. It is uncertainty. It is awareness. It is cooperative. It is educational.

It is the pursuit of truth.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:53 pm
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