Thus, the monarch may be reckoned in the category of those whose duty it is to serve. He, too, is but a wheel in the machine and as such he is obliged to do his duty towards it. He has to adapt himself for the fulfillment of high aims and your true ‘monarchist’ is not he who allows the wearer of the crown to commit crimes in its name, but he who prevents this. -- Mien Kampf, page 266
It's important to understand that Hitler does not have the perspective of a sociopath. He writes with honesty and candor, and he speaks genuinely and thoughtfully of duty, high aims, and justice. Here he is analyzing the purpose of the monarch or leader (or dictator), whose true purpose is to properly serve his people and nation. Keep in mind that this was written when Hitler was in prison with no expectation of being such a leader. When he became such a leader about nine years later and occupied the highest position of power in Germany, he walked his talk. He accepted total responsibility for his actions and performed his sacred duty to serve his people. This is why Hitler was so loved by the German people. This is also why the international Jewish leaders, who were indeed sociopaths, hated Hitler. Jews in Germany were a parasitic people swindling the nation, feeding off the fruits of German production and labor, selfishly benefiting their own tribe at the expense of the German nation. Hitler put a stop to this injustice. And the Jewish leadership, sociopaths that they were, began plotting to eliminate Hitler and take revenge on the German people for daring to shake off Jewish power and control of Germany.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:46 pm
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Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
Adolf Hitler wrote:
One visible result of a wrong educational system was the fear of shouldering responsibility and the resultant weakness in dealing with obvious, vital problems of existence.
The starting-point of this epidemic was, however, in our parliamentary institution where the shirking of responsibility was particularly fostered. Unfortunately, the disease slowly spread to all branches of everyday life and particularly affected the sphere of public affairs.
Responsibility was being shirked everywhere and this led to insufficient or half-hearted measures being taken, personal responsibility for each action being reduced to a minimum.
If we consider the attitude of various governments towards a whole series of really pernicious phenomena in public life, we shall at once recognize the fearful significance of this policy of half-measures and the lack of courage to assume responsibility. -- Mien Kampf, page 267
Germany's parliamentary institution suffered from the same corruption that the U.S. parliamentary system suffers from today. Jewish money had purchased nearly all political representatives of the people, with the result being that the government served Jewish interests rather than the interests of the nation's people. Responsibility of the political representatives to their constituents was thus sabotaged and redirected to serve the moneymen who purchased them. This is why "spreading democracy" is so ubiquitous in the U.S. today, as the Jewish money (the Rothschild cabal) can easily control democracies, whereas a dictatorship may not be controllable if the dictator cannot be purchased. Hitler's dictatorship was precisely the opposition the ruling sociopaths fear so powerfully, which is why dictators are vilified by our educational system today, while democracies are held up as the best form of government. A benevolent dictatorship, where the dictator is truly responsible to the people, is a far better government than a clandestinely controlled democracy which is not responsible to the people. The U.S. government today is precisely this form of government, just as Germany's government in the 1920s was. Note that the German form of government following World War 1 had been set up by the Jews running the Versailles Treaty process, and that it had been selected by them to be a copy of the U.S. government, which the Jews thoroughly controlled! Hitler saw this fatal flaw crippling Germany and was determined to see it corrected. When he did finally become Germany's Fuhrer ("Guide"), Germany quickly flourished to an extent that had never been seen before. The ruling sociopaths (the Jewish Rothschild cabal) realized that this was their undoing if it was not quickly stopped, which is why they orchestrated World War 2 in a desperate attempt to destroy Hitler's Germany. Hitler knew this was what he was up against, once he had been maneuvered into war by the Jewish Rothschild cabal, which is why the conflict was an existential one for Germany, that had to be fought to the death.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Sep 25, 2024 4:30 pm
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Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
To the National Socialists in Hitler's Germany, propaganda was information designed to educate and enlighten. Since the defeat of Germany in WW2, the definition of propaganda has quickly come to mean information designed to deceive and manipulate. This is what I call the Jewish definition of propaganda, as it is the way the Jews use propaganda, and Jews began accusing their opponents, the Germans, of their own malfeasance, i.e. putting out information designed to deceive and manipulate, when in fact the Germans did not do this! But the Allies did this as standard operating procedure during WW2, because the Allies were directed by Jews! The Holocaust Lie is the classic example of Jews deceiving and manipulating the entire world with a twisted version of reality which was totally fabricated. Germans did not gas anyone to death in German concentration camps, yet Jews have managed to deceive and manipulate the entire world into falsely believing that Germans gassed to death 6 million Jews! This is totally preposterous, yet most people still believe this ridiculous lie today, nearly 80 years after the end of WW2.
The following video continues the Jewish programming designed to make us all believe Hitler was propagandizing (in the Jewish sense) his own people to be monsters, when this is totally false. German propaganda was accurate, with the classic example being the Katyn Forest massacre that the German military discovered and reported to the world. Yet the Jews twisted this story 180 degrees and blamed the German military for the massacre, and all the Allies went along with it! It would take nearly 50 years before Gorbachev would publicly admit that Stalin had ordered the massacre which was carried out by the Russian (Jewish) secret police NKVD.
So this video is Jewish propaganda in the Jewish sense, deceiving and manipulating the public to believe false justifications for German advancements, claiming they were created to help the Nazis deceive and manipulate their own people. Pure bunk, and believed to this day by the gullible public, because they saw it in a video on the Internet, so it must be true.
20 Things that Nazis invented And You Didn't Know About (duration 31:53)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Oct 06, 2024 5:30 am
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Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
"We're not dealing, as we are told every day, with this madman like Hitler coming at us and violating this and violating that, and he's going to take over Europe. This is complete bogus fake history that is a PR narrative of the U.S. government." -- Jeffery Sacks @ 9:21 in the video here
Jeffery Sacks is talking about how Vladimir Putin is being smeared and demonized today by the NATO country leaders and press, but this is the exact same technique that was used by the Allies and press with Hitler for over 80 years! They use the same techniques to vilify the true good guys of history so that they can be crushed and ensure that the truth remains hidden! Same story with the Holocaust, where completely bogus fake history was fed to the public by the Jewish-controlled press to convince the masses to hate the Germans and love the Jews! No one was gassed in German concentration camps! It was all a PR (public relations) invention of the Jewish sociopath leaders to deceive and manipulate the world! And humanity fell for it like a bunch of stupid sheep. And now the Jews are genociding the Palestinians in Gaza, doing exactly what they falsely accused the Germans of doing to them! Talk about evil! Hitler was not the world's most evil man. It was and always has been the Jewish sociopaths who are the world's most evil people!
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Tue Nov 05, 2024 12:45 am
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Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
Hitler was right.
Hitler was totally right, which is why the Jews pour so much time, energy, and effort into maligning and demonizing Hitler. It's why the Jews fabricated the Holocaust Lie, when no Jews were ever gassed in German concentration camps during WW2. It's why 65 million Germans absolutely loved Hitler and would follow him to Hell and back to rid themselves of the parasitic Jews who were destroying their culture and nation.
Now the Jews are doing it again, and in multiple countries. It's why the Jews dominate or control the leadership positions in the United States, and also in Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The goal of the Jews is to rule the world, which is what they falsely accused Hitler with, because sociopaths always accuse their opponents with their own malfeasance. Jewish leaders are sociopaths, who lead the Jewish people to be con-artists, parasites, liars, thieves, and murderers of the non-Jewish population of the world (the goyim). Hitler saw this, and he dedicated his entire life after fighting for the Germans in WW1 to reversing this problem. He was a genuine saint, a hero of humanity, but a hated enemy of the Jews, who make up only a tiny fraction of 1% of the human population. Despite their insignificant numbers, Jews rule the world, both now and in Hitler's lifetime. Their plan, described clearly in their "holy" books, is to enslave the non-Jews of the world, which is over 99% of the human population. And they are well on their way to succeeding, unfortunately for the bulk of humanity. They will succeed, unless humanity wakes up to the tricks Jews use to control us.
Occupied by Stew Peters (duration 1:46:51)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
"It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests."
What has changed today, nearly 80 years later?
International statesmen who are either of Jewish descent or work for Jewish interests are still running the planet. They clearly run the U.S. government. Everything Hitler fought against is dominating the world today in a far more tyrannical manner than in 1924. Jews rule. Their plan is to make non-Jews their slaves. The less-than-1% plan to enslave the more-than-99%. If you don't believe me, do the research yourself. These people are evil. Hitler knew it, and so did most Germans. Though the Jews represented less than 1% of the German population, true Germans wanted them to live outside of Germany's borders, because Jews pursued Jewish interests at the expense of German interests.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Dec 02, 2024 5:29 am
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Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
The whole world will soon find out about “Saint Bashar”—a great leader falsely accused of war crimes that were committed by his enemies. He stood up to the British American Empire against all odds and has so far triumphed. The world needs many more Bashar al-Assads to stand up to the global bullies (e.g. US, UK, France, and Israel) who only prey on the weak and small, the powerless and defenseless. -- source
Sound familiar? This same thing could have been written about Hitler in 1941, and he too eventually fell to the awesome power of the Jewish sociopath cabal. And look at this picture from Syria, with Assad's picture and masses of people gathered to see him:
Look familiar? Hitler also drew throngs of people in numbers that had never been seen before or since. Do Jews have a habit of lying about their enemies in a vile and deceptive manner? Absolutely they do. They did to Hitler the same sort of thing they did to Qaddafi or Assad. The whole Hitler/Nazi/Holocaust narrative is a Jewish con designed to make the Jews richer and more powerful. Their end goal is to rule over all other peoples on the planet. Is that Satanic or Godly? You know the answer.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Dec 16, 2024 3:23 am
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Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
Hitler was a eugenicist whose Hereditary Health Court was used to sterilize hundreds of thousands of Germans. He used slave labor. He ran the exact same unethically manipulative techniques on his population that the US is running on our population today: Youth program that indoctrinate kids into uni-forms and hierarchical command and control, government-mandated schools, uni-forms, forced conscription into the military for more unethically manipulative techniques, propagandizing the population through mass media, and more!
He was working with bankers and industrialists in the US that were profiting from the engineered warfare that achieved the goals of eugenics, indoctrinated and killed off alpha males that might have threatened the tax farming by “government,” and made the organized crime system billions from unnecessary warfare. All of this is well documented in the book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony Sutton. Even Wikipedia covers it. -- source
Etienne de la Boetie (not his real name) makes the classic mistake of deferring to authority and believing what he reads. Most of what is written about Hitler and Nazis and WW2 Germany is either outright false or Jewish propaganda. We also see this with the bulk of documentation on the Holocaust™. We know the Jews enforce their narrative at Wikipedia just like they have traditionally done with the mainstream media. This is how the public is mind controlled and indoctrinated when we live in a world of deception run by organized sociopaths. This insidious control of information allows "intellectuals" like Etienne de la Boetie to spew out "facts" like a fire hose spews out water, with utter conviction of their righteousness. Too much certainty is the signpost of the brainwashed. We saw this quite dramatically during the fake COVID-19 pandemic. The public would cite the "scientific" documentation from authorities like Anthony Fauci, the CDC, and the WHO on why we should social distance, mask up, and get vaccinated to keep everyone healthy, not realizing they were being conned.
Etienne de la Boetie thinks he is exposing the con, when in many ways he is reinforcing it. Just as the ruling sociopaths did with the COVID psy-op, they get us to police ourselves. The believers (the Followers) are so sure of their information because 1) they have been entrained to trust the authorities who give them the information and 2) they parrot the information to each other to build the confidence that consensus brings.
Hitler was not a cog in the New World Order. He was opposing it, which is why the war was forced upon Germany by the Jewish Rothschild cabal. Hitler's intent was never to support eugenics, or to help the capitalists profit from war, or to harm Germany, or to exterminate the Jews in death camps. He simply wanted Germans and Germany to be free to chart their own destiny without the outside interference of the ruling sociopaths. The penalty for this, in the eyes of the ruling sociopaths, is annihilation, and this is what they successfully accomplished. Germany was crushed and the victors, the Jewish Rothschild cabal, wrote the history (documentation). This is the very documentation Etienne de la Boetie relies upon to defend his perspective of Hitler. How sad that we are so easily deceived and manipulated.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:38 pm
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Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
"For what am I, at last? I am nothing, German people, but your spokesman. I am also the representative of your rights." -- Adolf Hitler, January 30, 1940 @ 1:05:54 in the video below
This was entirely correct, and the German people knew it. They did not see Hitler as a dictator, but as their voice. He was one of them, wanting what they wanted — to see all Germans be free, strong, healthy, and united.
Jewish sociopaths using Jewish con-artistry twisted this all around and upside down to make American, British, and French people believe the opposite, that Hitler was a tyrannical dictator, a psychopath, and the manifestation of pure evil. It was absolute BS, but the power of the Jewish Rothschild cabal was so great that they successfully sold the Big Lie to the public. Today, the USA, Britain, Germany, and France are total puppets of the Jewish Rothschild cabal. Jews own those four great nations, and all the satellite nations underneath them (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, NATO countries, etc.). Only a few major countries are not under Jewish control currently, like Russia, China, and Iran. But the Jewish Rothschild cabal is trying to change that, using the Ukraine war to go after Russia, and the Gaza war to go after Iran and other Muslim nations surrounding Israel. The true dictator, psychopath, and manifestation of evil in the world today is the Jewish Rothschild cabal.
I need to make that clear, so I will repeat it. The true dictator, psychopath, and manifestation of evil in the world today is the Jewish Rothschild cabal.
Adolf Hitler - Speech on the 7th Anniversary of the Seizure of Power, January 30th, 1940 (duration 1:09:43)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Thu Dec 19, 2024 5:06 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12325
Re: Hitler -- What is the truth?
"So beyond this, we fight not only for our own existence, but to free the world of a conspiracy which knows no scruples in subordinating the happiness of nations and man to its base egotism." -- Adolf Hitler at 34:45 in the video below
Currently, Israel also claims to fight for its own existence, but to enslave the world in a conspiracy which knows no scruples in subordinating the happiness of nations and man to its base egotism.
Do you see the difference? This is the difference between good and evil. Hitler was on the side of good, while Israel is on the side of evil.
Hitler wollte Frieden in Europa: Letzter Appell an die Vernunft (duration 1:20:07)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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