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911 Suspects - Explosive Connections: MOSSAD - ZIONIST NEOCO 
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Post 911 Suspects - Explosive Connections: MOSSAD - ZIONIST NEOCO

A revealing fast-food sized video about the secret network that staged the 9/11/2001 attacks.


ps: The truth will set us free ... but we must free it first from its false setting.

Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.

Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:27 pm
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Post Re: 911 Suspects - Explosive Connections: MOSSAD - ZIONIST N
Good old Zook! You are a year and a half late. Did you not see my post with this very same information?

I bet if I had posted it yesterday, you would be actively discrediting me, as you attempted to do with this post concerning Michael Ruppert.

I guess we could say you didn't do your research too thoroughly (what else is new), because if you had, you might have seen this acknowledgement from the makers of the video you just posted:

Special thanks to Michael C. Ruppert, Mark H. Gaffney, and Kevin Ryan for solving the crimes of 9/11 with their amazing research. This video is a compilation of evidence they have uncovered. -- source

Yes, that's the same Michael Ruppert you just lambasted as "a classic example of the putative bait-and-switcher ... a 50/50 mixer of facts and fictions."

Once again, your exceptional discernment proves to be not even worth the head that holds it.


It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:54 am
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Post Re: 911 Suspects - Explosive Connections: MOSSAD - ZIONIST N
Good old Zook! You are a year and a half late. Did you not see my post with this very same information?

I bet if I had posted it yesterday, you would be actively discrediting me, as you attempted to do with this post concerning Michael Ruppert.

Are you saying something that means anything? The new video (that you previously posted ages ago) doesn't change a thing. The preponderance against Ruppert is what it is. It cannot be reversed by the contents of one video. Therefore the video becomes irrelevant wrt Ruppert; it may have relevance wrt others. Again, this is more evidence of your obfuscation and prevarication.

I guess we could say you didn't do your research too thoroughly (what else is new), because if you had, you might have seen this acknowledgement from the makers of the video you just posted:

Special thanks to Michael C. Ruppert, Mark H. Gaffney, and Kevin Ryan for solving the crimes of 9/11 with their amazing research. This video is a compilation of evidence they have uncovered. -- source

Yes, that's the same Michael Ruppert you just lambasted as "a classic example of the putative bait-and-switcher ... a 50/50 mixer of facts and fictions."

I don't know where you're getting your info. The following was offered by the link I posted:

Michael C. Ruppert, Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading Lead Directly into the CIA's Highest Ranks, October 9, 2001,

Nothing about any special thanks singling out the aforementioned three individuals.

In any event, do you even know what a mixer of facts and fictions is? Free clue: They must offer up facts in order to work their fictions. If all Michael Ruppert ever did was promote fictions, then he wouldn't be much use to the bankster empire, now, would he?

Once again, your exceptional discernment proves to be not even worth the head that holds it.

I think my discernment is doing fine, thanx all the same. Actually, doing better than fine, Chico, whenever you deride it.


Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.

Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:45 am
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Post Re: 911 Suspects - Explosive Connections: MOSSAD - ZIONIST N
First, I must express my thanks to Chico ... for his exhaustive gatekeeping efforts have brought to my attention some genuine truthseekers I would have otherwise missed. Mark Gaffney is the real deal.

An excellent video presentation that resonates deeply with my own research, analysis, and opinions. Follow the money and you will find the perps. Gaffney alludes to Kissinger quadrupling the pump price in the 70's with his threat to the Saudis about the consequences of not switching to US petrodollars as the currency of exchange. In a similar scam, Peak Oil is intended to promote the scarcity of oil supply to increase crude oil price (to be felt at the pumps via price gouging). Ruppert is a big proponent of the Peak Oil scam.

So of the three persons Chico references above, Kevin Ryan and Gaffney are both genuine truthseekers (because they are not burdened with a preponderance of scam activity) ... while Ruppert is indeed burdened via a preponderance.

There's a point in the video where Gaffney cautions about isolating data points and losing the big picture ... as opposed to the immense value of analyzing the holistic ... that speaks exactly to the point I've always argued, namely, identifying the preponderance and the patterns.

Ryan, Gaffney, and Ruppert ... in Meatloaf terms, two out three ain't bad. And I thank you Chico for bringing Gaffney to my attention.


Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.

Fri Apr 18, 2014 3:21 pm
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Post Re: 911 Suspects - Explosive Connections: MOSSAD - ZIONIST N
UncleZook wrote:
Are you saying something that means anything?

No comprehension, as usual, Zook. Dense as a black hole, as usual. You condemn Ruppert in one breath, and then unknowingly extol his work in the next. Does that mean anything? Not to you. To most everyone else, it means hypocrisy, stupidity, and a complete lack of discernment.

UncleZook wrote:
In any event, do you even know what a mixer of facts and fictions is? Free clue: They must offer up facts in order to work their fictions.

No, dufus. All of us are working with a mixture of fact and fiction, even you. This is exactly what you cannot wrap your constrained mind around. You think you have separated fact from fiction, but you have not. Your Michael Ruppert gaffe is a great example.

Remember being taught in school that oil was a fossil fuel? That was "fact". Everyone accepted it. But it was only theory, because no one really knew how oil was formed, and we still don't.

You are such a fool, Zook. Was it Oscar Wilde that said "I do not suffer fools gladly"? I'm beginning to appreciate what he meant.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:20 am
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Post Re: 911 Suspects - Explosive Connections: MOSSAD - ZIONIST N
UncleZook wrote:
Are you saying something that means anything?

No comprehension, as usual, Zook. Dense as a black hole, as usual. You condemn Ruppert in one breath, and then unknowingly extol his work in the next. Does that mean anything? Not to you. To most everyone else, it means hypocrisy, stupidity, and a complete lack of discernment.

The lack of comprehension skills is clearly one of your larger afflictions, Chico. I never extolled Ruppert. I explicitly stated that a 50/50 mixer will tell you both facts and fictions. The facts to work the fictions. That's not worthy of praise but of contempt. My contempt for Ruppert is my healthy discernment. Your admiration for Ruppert is your piss poor discernment. Know the difference ... or enroll in an adult-learning English class. Your choice.

UncleZook wrote:
In any event, do you even know what a mixer of facts and fictions is? Free clue: They must offer up facts in order to work their fictions.

No, dufus. All of us are working with a mixture of fact and fiction, even you. This is exactly what you cannot wrap your constrained mind around. You think you have separated fact from fiction, but you have not. Your Michael Ruppert gaffe is a great example.

Listen up, Cupid ... those with discernment sift facts from fictions to find the truths. Those without discernment work with facts and fictions to hide the truths. Know the difference or go back to school for a proper education. As for Ruppert, there has been no gaffe except the one imagined by you in your psychotic reality ... or invented by you in your carrotmunching minionship for the bankster empire.

As for me, I've state unambiguously that Ruppert is a gatekeeper. Only a real doorknob would interpret that as being hypocrisy.

Remember being taught in school that oil was a fossil fuel? That was "fact". Everyone accepted it. But it was only theory, because no one really knew how oil was formed, and we still don't.
You are such a fool, Zook. Was it Oscar Wilde that said "I do not suffer fools gladly"? I'm beginning to appreciate what he meant.

Peak Oil is a scam. Just like the OPEC oil crisis of the 1970s was a scam. For-profit engineered scams by the bankster capstone. Do us a favor and get that English education.


Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.

Sat Apr 19, 2014 2:45 am
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Post Re: 911 Suspects - Explosive Connections: MOSSAD - ZIONIST N
I heard Ruppert talk about the vampirism of the current economic system and say until the fundamentals of how money is used, will any change happen. He is at least pointing to the root or cause of systems Zook. Who the hell can even track you? If we lock up all the Zionistic bankers will that stop the corruption? Dismantle Israel? Will that solve it? Stop the bankers?

Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

Sat Apr 19, 2014 5:08 am
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Post Re: 911 Suspects - Explosive Connections: MOSSAD - ZIONIST N
magamud wrote:
I heard Ruppert talk about the vampirism of the current economic system and say until the fundamentals of how money is used, will any change happen. He is at least pointing to the root or cause of systems Zook.

No, he isn't point to the root cause of systems ... which is secrecy, fiat money, and pyramid organization. He is pointing away from the root cause and looking ahead to bandage solutions which keep the root in place.

Peak oil is a scam.

His statement saying that Israel had nothing to do with the 9/11/2001 attacks is a scam.

His endorsement of global population reduction is a scam.

Who the hell can even track you? If we lock up all the Zionistic bankers will that stop the corruption? Dismantle Israel? Will that solve it? Stop the bankers?

There is no need to track me for I have no agenda other than the exposition of truths. If you can't follow the evidence then you need to check your baggage onto a bus that can. If you won't follow the evidence then you need to go to the circus and take in the fire-breathers, the dancing horses, the wire-walkers ... and munch on roasted peanuts.

Your fake opposition to the bankster empire is evidenced by your apologia across the board for most of its front men. Get your nonsense outta here. It's getting tiresome. If you have rational sense to offer, then stick around and make the points.


Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.

Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:38 pm
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Post Re: 911 Suspects - Explosive Connections: MOSSAD - ZIONIST N
UncleZook wrote:
Peak oil is a scam.

UncleZook is a scam.

Hey, my reasoning is just as good as yours. It might even be much better.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:09 pm
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Post Re: 911 Suspects - Explosive Connections: MOSSAD - ZIONIST N
which is secrecy, fiat money, and pyramid organization

Ruppert points to this. How do you not see it?

His statement saying that Israel had nothing to do with the 9/11/2001 attacks is a scam.

Does he think 911 is an inside job? Is there a difference between Israel and US policy? If he thinks a bunch of arabs in caves with play stations did 911 then I would disqualify Ruppert. This is probably not so because he points to the general fraud that is happening by the con of Govt. This is called balanced discernment Zook. Is this so hard?

Peak oil is a scam.

Oil is a scam period. We should not be using it. It should not be in every product, food etc.. in our biosphere.

His statement saying that Israel had nothing to do with the 9/11/2001 attacks is a scam.

Is this recent? How anyone cannot suspect Israel was not involved is amazing with the evidence of those agents applauding the demolition, being missed by mainstream, the truck with explosives on the bridge, telecommunications owned by Israeli companies, etc.....
If he would completely deny any Israeli involvement I would disqualify him. This again is probably not the case. You are making convictions and executions with limited information. Do you see how pathetic your qualifications are? STFU and learn something for gods Sake!!!!! You are still like a decade back in discernment Zook. You need to get up to the times. You need to EVOVLE you apathetic slug. Your to worried with your game playing you imbecile.

His endorsement of global population reduction is a scam.

He thinks there are limited resources and is worried for the species which is true. But the truth is that this is used by sociopaths to save the resources for themselves and get us to limit breeding for them. Can you please learn how to extrapolate!!! You need another level of qualifications on this board if you are ever going to survive here.

There is no need to track me for I have no agenda other than the exposition of truths

:lol: Ya right. Pursuit of your own good looks right? Im going to be sick..

and munch on roasted peanuts.

I wish you go get yourself a bag of roasted nuts you monkey and take some of your own advice you hollow fraud of a human.

Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:13 pm
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