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QAnon -- real or psy-op? 
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Post Re: QAnon -- real or psy-op?
You will find the type of interaction I was hoping for below, Chico.

Analysis of the content and author of content...

Not attacking your associate for presenting it.

But, I guess I will need to find this type of interaction at InPHInet.

You make any type of collaboration impossible, Chico.

Why do you do this?

You attack the messenger, not the message.

You really need some psychological help.

Anyone reading will clearly see it is you who are the bully here, not me.

I, and many others before me, only attempt to defend ourselves.

Please note the timestamps as content in the Cozy Pub is last post first.

The content of the article inbetween is a subject I attempted to discuss with you that you did not respond to.


Last edited by Rose on Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:42 pm
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Post Re: QAnon -- real or psy-op?
I will include this video here because you have expressed Clif High has your seal of approval as being worthy of your attention.

The person interviewing him is Patel Patriot author of the Devolution Series I attempted to get you to take a look at long ago.

Also, I have asked you what to place in the brackets to get your Rumble code to work, but you have never replied.

I can not make it work so attached the embed code to and image again:


Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:56 pm
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Post Re: QAnon -- real or psy-op?

Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:05 am
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Post Re: QAnon -- real or psy-op?

Klaus Schwab & Hunter Biden Connected To Ukraine Bio-Labs
(duration 6:13)

Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:08 am
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Post Re: QAnon -- real or psy-op?
Rose wrote:
You will find the type of interaction I was hoping for below, Chico.

Thank you for posting that, as it is quite revealing. You say to Norman, "Thank you so much for your assessment. We are in complete agreement." Of course that is the type of interaction you want! You want complete agreement, and you don't get that with me.

You shouldn't be agreeing with Norman's assessment, either. Norman thinks he can judge someone by what he SOUNDS like. Norman thinks Wayne Jett sounds like a bullshitter, ergo he is one. Similarly, if someone sounds like he's sincere and honest, he must be telling the truth. This is a beginner's mistake, and for you to be in complete agreement with a beginner like Norman shows how faulty your discernment is. Discernment like this is why you fell so hard for the QAnon psy-op.

Phil Schneider is an example of someone who sounds like a bullshitter, but is not. Donald Trump is someone who sounds sincere and honest (at least to you), and most certainly is not.

Rose wrote:
You attack the messenger, not the message. You really need some psychological help.

You make me laugh, Rose. These are such elementary missteps in hypocrisy, typical of sociopaths. You accuse me of attacking the messenger, not the message, and then in the very next breath, you attack the messenger! As clever as sociopaths are, when it comes to seeing their own hypocrisy, they are retarded. That's a natural result of their lack of empathy, their focus on playing the game, and their feeling of superiority. Nearly all the sociopaths I have interacted with have said the exact same thing to me. "You need psychological help." After all these encounters, when I hear that, I recognize the psychology I'm up against.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:03 am
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Post Re: QAnon -- real or psy-op?
Rose wrote:
I will include this video here because you have expressed Clif High has your seal of approval as being worthy of your attention.

You are wrong to see things in this manner. Unlike Bill Ryan, I don't tell people who to listen to and believe, and who to ignore. I will listen to anyone's arguments, and I will pick the arguments apart if I can. It's not a question of the person being worthy. It's a question of each argument being worthy, and why it is or isn't.

Clif High makes a lot of interesting and good arguments, but he also makes some flawed arguments, which I have pointed out in prior posts. He is wrong about crypto-currencies, which are not at all sound money. The nature of his analysis (looking for gross patterns by "scraping the Internet"), is what leads to his flawed interpretations. From scraping the Net, he will see crypto-currencies as playing a huge role in human affairs, which they have done. But they have done this because they are huge scams that the ruling sociopaths have deliberately introduced to influence our behavior, much like the COVID psy-op. Similarly, Clif High is wrong in his analysis of Trump, because he ignores the underlying fundamental of Trump being a sociopath. Clif creates his model of Trump's motivations and intent from the perspective of normal people (which is what scraping the Internet will primarily give him anyway). This, of course, is the classic mistake non-sociopaths make when trying to understand why sociopaths behave in the way they do. As a result, he gets it wrong regarding Trump as well.

Rose wrote:
Also, I have asked you what to place in the brackets to get your Rumble code to work, but you have never replied.

Rumble has two ways to address individual videos, a long wordy URL that shows up in the browser address bar, and a short 6-character code which shows up in the "Embed IFRAME URL" when you click on the "Embed" button. Use the 6-character code.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:20 pm
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Post Re: QAnon -- real or psy-op?
Rose wrote:
Klaus Schwab & Hunter Biden Connected To Ukraine Bio-Labs

That's a very good summary by Infowar's Greg Reese. Good information can come from many different sources, as can bad information. The hypocrisy of the U.S. "bio-research labs" on foreign soil is pretty obvious to many truth-seekers, but not to most American people, who cannot see through the thinly disguised nomenclature of what is actually bio-weapons research and development labs engaging in outlawed activities. It's like the U.S. government pushing to outlaw phosphorous weapons globally, and then quietly using those weapons whenever it suits them. "Our" government is not ours. It is a criminal organization acting illegally both at home and abroad. The same thing happened under the Trump administration for four long years. He never "drained the swamp" or even got started on this necessary project. Instead, he became the figurehead of the swamp. That's because he was always a swamp-creature.

Remember the QAnon diversion of "Trust the plan"? That's the oldest sociopathic ploy of the ages, i.e. "Trust me." How could you fall for that, Rose? How could you put your trust in an anonymous, secretive, obscure, and vague voice whose credibility rested on "Trust the plan" and "Wait and see"? Even worse, how can you remain faithful to that ideal after all this time and all of the failed predictions? What will it take for you to admit you were fooled? Do you really believe that consensus is your friend, when 80% of the population are Followers?

Worst of all, how can you possibly imagine that Trump is some kind of saviour, doing for the United States what Hitler did for Germany? Hitler walked his talk, every step of the way, gaining the support of nearly every single German through clear and visible action over the course of nearly 20 years. And Trump? No action, no results, no successes. Oh, he claimed credit for every success he could see, like the rising stock market and our "vigorous economy", but he had nothing to do with any of those successes. Like every arrogant sociopath, he just wanted the credit for everything positive, and blamed others for everything negative. He was disgusting, and you still see him as the saviour, which is beyond my comprehension.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:59 am
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Post Re: QAnon -- real or psy-op?
I am not going to consider your tired old ideas I have heard so many times from you.
Instead, I will continue as if you had not made those comments you should not have made.

Perhaps we both correct regarding the PsyOp element. You in the strict semantic sense. I in the substance.
The Q operation may technically be a psy-op, but a White Hat psy-op within a plan to take down the deep state.
I still contend the Q project will result in accomplishing exactly what you want to accomplish:
Ridding our society of Deep State Psychopaths.
Time will tell and I believe the end is nearing.


It is important to remember the Q posts began the same day Durham's investigation began.
This post from Patel today may explain why dominos will soon fall.
Bribery and corruption that happens outside the US does not have to go through normal judicial channels.
Biden, Hunter, Pelosi, Obama, Clinton etc. commited their crimes in Ukraine and elsewhere outside of the United States
In this case normal judicial procedures do not apply. Justice is taken care of swiftly by the Military.



Mike still contends he has all the raw data evidence to prove exactly how the election was stolen and by whom.

Remember Q listed indictments as civil & non-civil?
Click to PHI for links. I am unable to post Telegram links here.

Sat Mar 19, 2022 9:46 pm
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Post Re: QAnon -- real or psy-op?

Doesn't work for me.

Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:02 pm
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Post Re: QAnon -- real or psy-op?
Rose wrote:

Doesn't work for me.

Just remove the forward slash, which is not part of the video ID.

Because important videos always get censored, I now include the video title and duration so that others may be able to find the video somewhere else if it disappears. But if the videos you post aren't being censored, perhaps it's because they aren't important after all. You might want to think about that. From my perspective, the admiring viewers of this video are being cleverly manipulated by these oh-so-slick Hollywood-like propaganda pieces.

DEVOLVED | Vol 3 - A New Cold War
(duration 41:39)

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Sun Mar 20, 2022 7:37 am
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