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WHO IS PUTIN? https://hm.dinofly.com/UP/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=370 |
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Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Fri Aug 30, 2024 8:55 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: WHO IS PUTIN? |
American leadership is pathetic garbage compared to Russian leadership. Putin is guided by morality and ethics, whereas Biden is guided by the Jewish Rothschild cabal. The ruling sociopaths control the U.S. government, but they do not control the Russian government. This is why the war in Ukraine exists today. The U.S. government (controlled by Israel) successfully executed a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and has been in charge (as a proxy for Israel) ever since. Putin and Russia are opposed to this state of affairs, as it is clearly an attempt by the ruling sociopaths to regain control over Russia, which they first accomplished after the Jewish takeover of Russia in 1917. Since Putin came to prominence, desired by Yeltsin as a way to undo the Jewish dominance over Russia, the ruling sociopaths have watched their power and control over Russia fade away. This they must undo, and undermining Putin is their strategy. It is a battle of good versus evil. Putin represents the forces of good, while the U.S. government, NATO, and Israel are the forces of evil. It is ethics and morality versus the Jewish sociopathic mindset. The Jewish sociopathic mindset won World War I, and World War II, and it is trying to foment World War III to repeat its winning strategy. I want Putin to defeat the forces of evil. You should want that too, if you also side with the forces of good. Note also that the forces of evil always masquerade as the forces of good. This is always part of the winning strategy used by Evil. Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan (duration 13:37) |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Sat Sep 14, 2024 6:09 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: WHO IS PUTIN? |
Now that NATO has succeeded in angering the Russian bear with repeated jabs of a sharpened stick, Putin is going to have to strike the United States. But what target should he choose. I know of a good one. Congress is full of "representatives" who have repeatedly voted to aid and abet Ukraine in fighting an illegal and deliberately provoked war against Russia. The American people never wanted this war, but Israel did, and Israel controls the USA. So a hypersonic missile strike on the U.S. Congress when it is full of Israeli-owned representatives voting to send war material to Kiev would be a blessing to both the American and Russian people. President Putin, I hope you have advisors reading this post. The best interests of both the American people and the Russian people can be well served by a surgical strike against the U.S. Congress. We Americans will only lose a collection of two-faced liars and traitors who have created this monstrous situation. Justice will be done, and the criminals will be eliminated. Yes, there will still be plenty of Israeli agents in the U.S. government (like Secretary of State Antony Blinken) plotting to commit war crimes against Russia, but maybe additional hypersonic missiles could hit them by surprise as well? Essentially, Mr. Putin, you need to cut off the heads of the snake. The American people who are not under full mind control want to be friends with other nations, and not be murdering their people. Those Americans who are under full mind control are programmed by the Jewish-controlled media industry and know not what they do. Target the controllers of this mind control, and set our people free. |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Mon Nov 18, 2024 11:33 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: WHO IS PUTIN? |
This incredible man, Vladimir Putin, is perfectly reasonable. While western leaders are just puppets for the Jewish Rothschild cabal and will say anything that they are commanded to say, Putin is just the opposite. He is independent of the commands of the Jewish Rothschild cabal, which is so rare in today's world and so refreshing! The war in Ukraine is a fundamental battle of good versus evil, of Russians versus the Jewish Rothschild cabal, of Putin versus NATO. NATO is run by the USA, and the USA is run by Israel, and Israel is run by the Jewish Rothschild cabal. It is important to understand the real relationships between these entities with the misleading names. NATO, the North American Treaty Organization, is fomenting war on the Asian continent, far from North America. The United States of America is actually the Dependent States of Rothschild. Israel is the Terrorist State of Liars. Everything is deception in this scenario, except Putin. Like Hitler before him, Putin stands out for his sincerity, honesty, understanding, sympathy, intellect, principles, and honor. Most people have been so deceived about Hitler and the real story of WW2 that they will not understand this comparison I often make. But I understand it well, and I find it horrifying and shameful that so many of my fellow humans are totally programmed to believe outrageous falsehoods, like the Holocaust Lie. This ridiculous story of the gassing of six million Jews by Germans in WW2 prison camps, which never happened, serves only the selfish interests of the Jewish Rothschild cabal, who have profited enormously from it, and continue to profit to this day. Yet we see how the Jewish Rothschild cabal really feels about ethnic genocide, as they send Jewish soldiers using American weapons and money to exterminate Palestinian women and children in Gaza with cold-hearted laughter and derision. It is truly evil. Putin opposes this evil, and rightfully so. How I wish the United States had a leader as righteous as Putin. But alas, in my country, we are only allowed the shameful practice of trying to select the lesser of two evils to lead the nation, and regardless of our selection, we always get evil. How fortunate that the people of Russia have a leader as genuine as Putin. How I envy them... |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Sat Nov 23, 2024 12:38 am ] | |||||||||
Post subject: | Re: WHO IS PUTIN? | |||||||||
What an amazing leader! So reasonable, so patient, so empathetic. There are no equivalent western leaders of this caliber. Western leaders are all sociopathic minions of the ruling sociopaths, including Biden, Trump, Macron, and Sunak. Putin is not, because Putin could not be bought. |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Sun Nov 24, 2024 8:45 pm ] | |||||||||
Post subject: | Re: WHO IS PUTIN? | |||||||||
This is a very wise strategy by Putin. He is not escalating, but only mirroring any aggression from the NATO powers. This clearly shows who the aggressor is. It is NATO, not Russia. |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Mon Nov 25, 2024 10:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: WHO IS PUTIN? |
It's not just Putin who is patient and reasonable. Other Russians are just as normal as Putin in wanting NATO away from their borders.The people who are not normal are the NATO leaders and the government leaders of the western powers, who are clearly sociopaths and psychopaths. Putin and Russia are entirely correct to want these criminal types kept away from their borders. America didn't want Russia in Cuba in the early 60s and took the world to the brink of nuclear war to get the Russians to leave. And when the situation is essentially reversed, with NATO amassing weapons right on Russia's border, in direct violation of former treaties America and Russia signed, the Americans do everything possible to provoke a horrific confrontation. How disgusting American leaders are! But I know these leaders are in the pockets of the Israelis, and it is really the Zionist Jews who are in control of the USA and NATO. The Russians are not my enemy, but the Israeli Zionist Jews are. In fact, they are the enemy of most of humanity. Current Nuclear Threat is Worse than Cuban Missile Crisis (duration 15:22) |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Wed Jan 01, 2025 2:59 am ] | ||||||||||||||||||
Post subject: | Re: WHO IS PUTIN? | ||||||||||||||||||
Putin knows how the U.S. is run. It is true Trump serves the Jewish cabal. It is also true that Trump is a sociopath, which explains why he is an actor, comedian, and clever liar. I am so glad Putin is not fooled. Russians are lucky to have such a caring leader.
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:08 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: WHO IS PUTIN? |
Jews attack Putin for being antisemitic when Putin is simply recognizing that it is "ethnic Jews" at the center of trying to undermine the Russian orthodox church and Russia itself. Putin is recognizing who the enemy of humanity actually is, and that enemy, the Jews, is reacting as it always does, accusing it opponents of its own malfeasance (discrimination and hate speech). Even the video below is Jewish-created propaganda designed to paint Putin in the worst light possible, even twisting history to make the attack on Putin seem more credible. It is Jewish con-artistry at its best. 'Godless Jews': Putin Tears Down Jewish Community Over Attacks On Orthodox Church (duration 3:42) |
Author: | Chicodoodoo [ Wed Jan 15, 2025 3:18 am ] | |||||||||
Post subject: | Re: WHO IS PUTIN? | |||||||||
Thank goodness! The "global order" is evil. Putin and Russia oppose this global order. There are very few good men left that will oppose the Jew World Order. I salute them, and I send them my best wishes and prayers for their success. |
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