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Joined: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:34 am Posts: 762 Location: Beautiful Bryon Bay
Two-headed eagle emblem of the Byzantine Empire (Roman Empire) on a Red Shield – Today this is the Russian coat of arms. Rothschild means RED SHIELD. The double-headed eagle first originated in the mighty Sumerian city of Lagash. It is the oldest crest in the world. It was a symbol of power more than two thousand years before the building of King Solomon’s Temple.
Vladimir Putin has a long history as a Royal Arch Freemason. Putin’s mother was Jewish but converted to Russian Orthodoxy. In 2006, Pop star Madonna dined with Putin and performed a mock crucifixion during her concert. The Russian Orthodox church bitterly protested and described the concert as a “Satanic Orgy”. No country is truly a democracy unless they are open to Madonna and the gay, Jewish, throw away fashion mafia and multiculturalism that follow in her wake.
Putin’s Russia — Illuminati Controlled & Corrupt
People in the West see Putin and Russia through the rose colored glasses [provided by the mass media.] Well, the reality is not rose colored at all.
After gangsterism and anarchy of Eltsin’s reign, people wanted “a strong hand”. And here comes Putin. In the first place everybody was suspicious. Within half-year he rose from a little-known bureaucrat to Prime Minister and President. He was appointed by Eltsin himself.
Who is Putin? He is a former KGB officer. Was born in S-Pete in a simple family of workers. His mother was Jewish. When he came to power he said: “We have to clean the mess”. KGB was given a new name of FSB (transliteration from Russian). FSB stands for Federal Security Service. That’s a key word in Russia. Its key meaning is corruption. Because the FSB rules.
We a have a hidden government of FSB. Well, in fact it’s not so secret anymore because everyone knows that FSB are legal bandits. They are behind all Russian oligarchs with their multi-billion fortunes. I don’t know the names of FSB bosses – they are never said out loud – but I know that at all levels FSB officials are corrupt.
Even the lowest ranks are corrupt. We have a joke in Russia: “Being a FSB official is a disease”. I have an example. A friend worked for a pharmaceutical company located in Moscow. One day (in May 2007) he had to urgently leave on business. He said he was flying to Dubai. Only three months later I learned that it was not Dubai but Mauritius.
The real story was as follows. The boss of the company received a phone call from a FSB official who demanded a sum of one million euros. He just said: “We want a million euros or we close your company”. So the boss and my friend (who was a Deputy Director) flew to Mauritius to transfer the income of the company offshore so that formally they have no income in Moscow.
In Russian we call [this extortion] the “the roof”. You pay to the roof and it doesn’t leak. “The roof” is normally represented by some official. In Eltsin’s time “the roof” were real bandits. In Putin’s time, they are [government] authorities. The question is the amount of money you have in your company.
Russia is impregnated with corruption. Police are corrupt, law are corrupt, anybody who holds an official post is corrupt. The higher the post, the bigger the bribes.
But Putin pretended to be cleaning the mess. He chased out some oligarchs (who are generally hated by Russian people). He let people have as many bank loans as they want and again, like with Eltsin, there was an illusion of change for the better. It was nothing but illusion.
And the way Russia is trying to pull through the economic crisis proves it.
Well, Putin is a very rich man now. Despite claims that he has nothing to do with business, he has his hand in resources (especially oil). Roman Abramovich (Russian billionaire currently living in London) is his associate. We call him Putin’s cashier. By the way, some time ago there was a buzz in the press about Putin constructing for himself a luxury temple somewhere in Switzerland.
When he makes reports on TV he always blathers away about some mystical economic growth. There is no economic growth in Russia. One understands that as soon as he drives out of Moscow. Shabby houses, bad roads, the premises of former factories are let for rent to sell China-made stuff. What was not robbed, works on dilapidated equipment that dates back to the seventies.
In 1991 Russian government began to sell oil to the West. Not a cent of this money has been invested into Russian economy. Part of the oil money goes on imported goods and the rest (which I figure is the biggest part) goes into the pocket of bosses who sit on the oil pipe.
The Russian government are no fools. They know that the policy they pursue is murderous for Russia. They do it on purpose. They are killing the country. It’s part of the elite’s plans. The next step, according to Zbigniew Bzrezinski is to split Russia into seven regions. They don’t talk about it yet. But it’s the agenda. They’ll do to Russia, what they did to the USSR.
In the meantime PR campaigns for the Russian President work beautifully. They portray him as “a man of strong hand”. Russian people are duped again. The only thing that is good about Putin is that he doesn’t drink and can make more or less comprehensible sentences. Ah, I forget. He took English lessons for five years. Good boy.
Putin is a pawn like Eltsin or Gorbachev. He never makes a single decision without Washington permission. He is a corrupt official who does exactly what the world’s elite wants him to. He lies to Russians about economic growth while stuffing his pockets with money.
Presidential elections in Russia are fake. Presidents are not elected – they are appointed. Current president Medvedev is Putin’s associate. The scenario for him: he will not live up to Russian people’s expectations, he will be blamed for crisis and he will go in three years. His part is a scape-goat for the current economic crash in Russia. Most likely that Putin will be back.
I wonder how people still believe this political theater.
Next time I’ll give some more examples as to “what really happens in Russia”.
SOME FACTS FROM HISTORY - Ivanovich Putin (1879–1965), was employed at Vladimir Lenin's dacha at Gorki as a cook, and after Lenin's death in 1924, he continued to work for Lenin's wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya. He would later cook for Joseph Stalin when the Soviet leader visited one of his dachas in the Moscow region. Spiridon later was employed at a dacha belonging to the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, at which the young Putin would visit him.
Now unless you were jewish you would not be close to the RUSSIAN ELITE.
written and coded by Joe & Red Sonja
_________________ "Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time like dew on the tip of a leaf"
Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:30 am |
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:08 pm Posts: 359
And there you have it ladies and gentlemen.
If they are in high positions of power, you can bet your booty they've been corrupted.
This Putin exposé is more in tune with my perception of him.
_________________ Freedom of will is the ability to do gladly that which I must do - Carl Jung
Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:51 am |
Joined: Fri May 06, 2011 5:11 pm Posts: 1400
Excellent expose, Grats!
I made a similar argument exposing Putin as a power pyramid pawn (either on Avalon or at Nexus, can't remember which). All one needs to know is that there is a central bank in Russia to know that that country is not a sovereign nation. The false flag attack on the Russian school where many children were killed/executed (a few years ago) was no doubt coordinated like the attacks on 9/11/2001 in America ... and blamed on the Chechnyans. From insecurity and fear can be extracted the suffocating protocols of security.
I would even argue that Ahmedinejad and the central bank of Iran ... are in cahoots with the bankster empire ... and are merely performing their roles in a geopolitical chess game in the antebellum of WW3. But that one is more tricky and harder to confirm.
In the end, the people of Russia suffer, of Iran suffer, of the rest of the world suffer.
ps: I would be remiss if I didn't point out the distinction between the bankster Jews (and their henchmen) and the nonbanking Jews. The former morphed into the cutthroat Zionists that run much of the central banking system today. The latter are mostly righteous - caught between a rock and a hard place - like virtually all other ethnic pyramids out there. The Japanese have their capstone, their ziggurat, and their base. The Indians have their capstone, their ziggurat, and their base. The Arabs have their capstone, their ziggurat, and their base. All European nations have their capstone, their ziggurat, and their base. The African nations have their capstone, their ziggurat, and their base. The latin American nations have their capstone, their ziggurat, and their base. The Russians and Chines, too, have their capstones, their ziggurats, and their bases.
ps2: There is much lateral coordination/cooperation across the ethnic capstones. Less coordination across the ethnic ziggurats. Virtually no coordination across the ethnic bases.
ps3: Unless and until the ziggurats and bases coordinate laterally and vertically ... the ethnic capstones working under the central banking capstone will run things as usual.
ps4: The capstones are outnumbered by the combined ziggurats and bases (geometric design of the square pyramid) ... by a vast margin now ... which is why the power pyramid is working towards culling a good chunk of the ziggurat and virtually all of the base. In the New World Order, the existing ziggurat will become the new base ... and the capstone will sort itself to produce a new capstone and drop a new ziggurat to replace the existing evacuated one.
ps5: Humble opinions all around.
_________________ Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.
Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:08 am |
My interpretation of this is that in Russia they mostly understand that the current government system(s) are totally corrupt, but, it is still better than going back to the days of the USSR. I have been to Russia a few times and ironically at least some of the older generation would prefer to go back to the days of the USSR....... In the US, they appear to have been operating from the other end of the 'economic scale' to that of the USSR and haven't really noticed (until now) that the whole system of Government is just as corrupt as that of Russia (and most other Western countries). I am hopeful that the populations of both continents are coming to the combined realisation that we are all in the same boat and that something has to change........
Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:45 am |
Joined: Wed May 04, 2011 5:40 pm Posts: 2156
Great post L&G, who are "Joe & Red Sonja"?
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Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:23 pm |
Joined: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:34 am Posts: 762 Location: Beautiful Bryon Bay
_________________ "Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time like dew on the tip of a leaf"
Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:38 pm |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
What a difference three years makes! Forum hotshots think they are so fricking smart, and they are so certain of their superior knowledge and discernment, but in reality, they don't know squat! Just like me... but at least I readily acknowledge that I've been fooled many times, that I've been brainwashed from birth, that I don't know squat, etc. Who is Putin? I'm still learning, and I know many of my available sources cannot be trusted, like the opening post of this thread. Maybe none of them can be trusted. Here is Putin writing about the perspective of his parents in the aftermath of World War II:
There was not a family where someone was not killed, and of course, grief, trouble, tragedy struck all. That they had no hatred for the enemy, that’s what I find amazing. I cannot to this day, frankly, understand their goodness. My mother, she was so very gentle, so kind…. And she told me, "Why should we hate those soldiers? They are simple people too, and we also killed them in the war." It’s utterly amazing. We were brought up with Soviet books, and movies… And there was hated. But in my mother this somehow did not exist. Her words I’ll always remember: "What can we do? They are just as hardworking as we are. They were just driven to the front to fight."
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Fri May 01, 2015 9:49 pm |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
Moscow schools Washington so thoroughly, it's like a paddlin' behind the woodshed! Washington, clandestine creators of ISIL / ISIS / IS, or whatever they call their pet boogieman, who they arm to the teeth with modern U.S. weapons and then tell Americans what fearful terrorists they are "but don't worry we'll protect you" -- yes, that Washington talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. Moscow watches quietly and patiently for months, then steps in and does what Washington promises to do but never delivers -- precision surgical strikes against ISIS weapon caches (weapons supplied by the U.S., of course, which is why the U.S. never attacks such targets). All Washington can do is stand there with mud on its face and make stupid reactionary accusations, like "Now you've done it, fighting terrorists without having a comprehensive end-plan!" Ashton Carter doesn't know squat about fighting ISIL, because that was never the plan, and he knows it. What a scripted con-artist, because technically, he's right when he says, "there were probably no Islamic State militants." There were probably paid mercenaries on the indirect payroll of the U.S. government through some foreign intelligence service (the Saudis, the Pakistanis, the Qataris?) that the CIA controls! That's how sociopaths play the game, and that's all it is, a game, to the sick bastards controlling the U.S. government. A game where World War III is being quietly prepared for the rest of us, all while pretending to do everything possible to avoid global nuclear war and promote peace. Putin doesn't appear to be on-board with the ruling sociopaths and their U.S. hucksters playing this twisted and dangerous game (like Cheney did the same sort of thing with Cathy O'Brien on an individual basis -- what a psychopath Cheney is). Putin's brilliant strategy of waiting and then doing what the U.S. said it would do but never did suggests that Putin is the real deal, a leader who really opposes the sociopaths and works for his country, much like Hitler did. Maybe he will do Hitler one better by working for the betterment of all non-sociopaths, regardless of national boundaries. Heaven knows that is exactly what we need if we are to ever escape from the sociopaths' unending insanity.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat Oct 03, 2015 3:21 am |
Joined: Fri May 06, 2011 5:11 pm Posts: 1400
Dummies will be dummies and fifth columnists will be fifth columnists ... and on the odd occasion, dummies will be fifth columnists. The notion that Putin is anything other than a controlled puppet king of the ongoing Rothshcild-brand Bolshevik legacy in Russia ... where the pre-Bolshevik Yiddish (e.g. Khazar/Ashkenazi) population was pogrom-ized by Rothschild agents in order to create chaos in Czar Nicholas's Russia (from which Bolshevism could and would emerge) ... is as silly as the notion that Hitler was an independent hero and avenger of the German people. The documented evidence exposes Hitler's power arc as a regional puppet play (in the larger global plan for Zionist bankster conquest and occupation of the good planet Earth). Indeed, from his Zionist-Jew financed rise ... to his co-signature with Zionist Jews on the Haavara Agreement that precipitated the forced movement of innocent Jews to concentration camps in order to create a " people without a lands" for the further purpose of their movement into a " land without a peoples" ... to his curious retreat at Dunkirk which greatly assisted the pro-Allied Forces ... to the ill-fated Lebensraum-inspired expansion attempt into Russia which resulted in a devastating defeat for Germany from which it never recovered ... to his personal evacuation to Argentina while tens of thousands of innocent Germans perished in the gratuitous Allied bombings of Dresden and Berlin. The uninterrupted choir of cupids notwithstanding, CEFIP 1909 as per Norman Dodd's exposee ... essentially seals the deal that Hitler's rise was pre-planned to create a war theatre in Europe from which a new civilization would emerge. And that's exactly what happened. Hitler was just another impotent megalomaniac (above threshold) - and there are thousands of those amongst our midsts, even today. What separated him from the brotherhood of above-threshold megalomaniacs, was Zionist-Jew conjured fiat currency. We are seeing the same template of Zionist lapdog in play with Putin today. Forget his billion dollar palace - worthy of an above-threshold megalomaniac with a Napoleonic complex. Forget that both his parents are Jewish/cryptoJewish (Epstein/Shalomova). Forget that the school massacre blamed on Chechnya (a few years back) was a typical Zionist false flag operation during Putin's presidency. Forget the numerous murdered dissidents in Putin's Russia. Forget his soft treatment of the Zionist oligarchs who followed Yeltsin into secret Russian chambers to carve up Russian's resource sector, and who subsequently pumped the replacement, Putin himself, with megabribes and helped consolidate his powerbase. Forget his connection the Chabad-Lubavitch movement in Israel. Forget that he came out of nowhere, like Hitler before him (and like Clinton and Obama alongside him) to assume the top post in the nation's political structure. Forget that he has yet to defend the Russia-loyal Ukranians in any significant way; or that he failed to defend Libya in any significant way; or that he is has yet to defend Syria in any significant way as the Zionists commit their destabilizations ... although he has promised Russian military help in all three cases. Forget everything ... and let history repeat itself. Dummies will be dummies and fifth columnists will be fifth columnists ... and on the odd occasion, dummies will be fifth columnists. Paxps: Putin's Jewish connections: ps2: Putin's billion dollar palace: ... -Black-Sea
_________________ Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.
Sat Oct 03, 2015 5:52 am |
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12362
You're blowing pretty hard there, Mr. Blowhard. Let's see your evidence to back up this monumental claim, that Hitler's rise was pre-planned in 1909. I see the CEIP was allegedly founded in 1910. Not a good start so far, Zook. But let's examine whatever CEIP minutes you can provide and see exactly what we are talking about here. Once again, do tell (and I'm still waiting on the other do tells...) I hope your evidence is more convincing than the other two links you provided, one alleging with no proof that Putin is a Jew and thus aligned with the ruling Jewish sociopaths (a non-sequitur, as being Jewish does not guarantee such alignment), and the other suggesting that he may own an expensive property (though no evidence is provided, just allegations). Did you even read those articles? I have to assume that you didn't, as they really don't flatter your pompous grand-standing.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:09 am |
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