"We keep saying the same thing again and again: that Bandera was an anti-Semite and a Nazi, but somehow no one wants to hear this," Putin said. -- source
Putin too is a victim of the mind control orchestrated by the Jews. With their Holocaust Lie and all the deceptions required to keep it going, the Jews have hijacked the public mind for over 80 years now. We no longer know the real history, and because the Jews control the media, the Internet, and the history books, all traces of the truth are systematically erased. Only the Jewish version of history is left intact.
Germans knew who their enemies were. They witnessed the treacheries of the international Jewish cabal on their nation for over 20 years straight, starting with WW1. Keep in mind that Jews controlled Russia during those 20+ years (since 1917), and when Stalin and his Jewish minions prepped for invading and crushing Germany in 1941, something Stalin had secretly planned since signing Russia's alliance with Germany in 1939, Germans were in no mood to be forgiving. They had already been stabbed in the back by the Jewish cabal in 1918, causing Germany to lose the war. They weren't going to be knifed in the back by the Jews again. The parasites of humanity, those scheming Jewish sociopaths, had to be eradicated if the German nation was to have any chance of survival.
Unfortunately, as Leon Degrelle famously said (with no hesitation or doubt in his voice) when asked who won WW2, he shot back, "The Jews!" The victors write the history books, and in this instance they also owned most of the media in the entire western world, making the rewriting of history child's play.
So is it any surprise that Putin was taught to believe that false story of persecution of "innocent" Jews, just as we were all taught to believe in it? The miracle is that a few of us have done the work to see through the deception. And the Jews want us silenced.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Jun 19, 2023 3:22 am
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Russia’s suspension of a deal allowing the export of Ukrainian grain from a region fabled as the world’s bread basket threatens to cause severe food shortages in Africa and send prices spiraling in supermarkets in the developed world. In the United States, it represents a political risk for President Joe Biden, who is embarking on a reelection campaign and can hardly afford a rebound of the high inflation that hounded US consumers at its peak last year.
Russia’s decision looked at first sight like a face-saving reprisal for an attack claimed by Ukraine on a bridge linking the annexed Crimean peninsula to the Russian mainland. The bridge was a vanity project for Putin and the apparent assault represented another humiliation for the Russian leader in a war that has gone badly wrong. -- source
The CNN propaganda / mind control is more than evident in this smear piece against Vladimir Putin. I put the ridiculous smears in bold print in the second paragraph, just in case it is not obvious to some regular CNN viewers. And the first paragraph is designed to make Biden look legitimate, when he most certainly isn't. What's this about "a rebound of the high inflation that hounded US consumers at its peak last year"? Sorry, inflation is still very high, despite fake government claims to the contrary. And it isn't Putin that will cause food shortages in the USA. All the suspicious fires at food processing facilities all over the USA were not orchestrated by Putin. Putin hasn't been buying up all the farmland in the USA either. That's sociopath Bill Gates doing that, probably at the direction of his masters, the ruling sociopaths, who will no doubt cut food production to alleviate "climate change", or come up with another toxic reason as they have in Belgium. The food supply is already being massively sabotaged by the ruling sociopaths, who are sowing extreme chaos to bring in their "Great Reset" New World Order tyranny.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Thu Jul 20, 2023 4:16 am
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Russian President Vladimir Putin has banned 5G towers in the Russian Federation amid concerns the technology is medically unsafe and has caused the deaths of school children near St. Petersburg. -- source
I would be impressed if that were true.
In April 2023, 16 students experienced severe side effects of what Vladimir Putin has called electromagnetic poisoning. By June 6, 2023, 11 of the 16 students had died. -- source
Russia used microwaves to cause health problems to U.S. embassy workers in Moscow, and allegedly banned microwave ovens in Russia in 1976 for over a decade. So they know something about the dangers of microwave radiation.
In mid-July, the Russian president met with many telecom executives and health experts to discuss the dangers inherent in the proliferation of 5G tech. He showed them images of dead children; one’s brain had liquified. He informed them he intended to enforce a moratorium on 5G research and demolish all towers in the Russian Federation.
His mandate wasn’t well-received by the Telecom executives. MTS Vice President of 5G Infrastructure Borya Vlasov said the absence of 5G would put Russia at a technological disadvantage, adding that Russia needed 5G to strengthen a once-thriving economy now faltering thanks to Putin’s actions in Ukraine. Putin spread images of the dead and sick children on a conference table, reportedly saying, “What about them? What has your 5G done to them?”
“We can’t blame 5G for this. Our comrades in the West agree that 5G is safe,” Vlasov said.
Putin ordered the security agent beside him to shoot Vlasov squarely between the eyes. Without hesitation, the agent drew his Makarov pistol and put a bullet in Vlasov’s forehead in full view of 15 people. -- source
After reading that, I was laughing, figuring I was being conned! I could find nothing on the Internet to confirm this execution of "MTS Vice President of 5G Infrastructure Borya Vlasov" on the orders of Vladimir Putin. Indeed, it looks like this is a fabricated story going viral on the Internet over the last 24 hours.
Too bad. I would like for the story to be true, but alas, the deceivers are everywhere.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Aug 07, 2023 4:58 am
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Humanitarian hero and Russian President Vladimir Putin is creating a village in his nation to provide refuge for at least 3,000 white South African families to escape black terrorism in their homeland.
The plans are for the village to be established between the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg as part of a 5-year pilot program. Konstantin Klimenko, who leads the Eurasian International University (EIU) and serves as general representative of the AIC in Russia, confirmed the news in a statement.
“We plan to establish 30 settlements in Russia for Afrikaners seeking immigration,” Klimenko said. -- source
Putin, like Hitler, is not a sociopath. He is a caring and empathetic human being focused on the good of his fellow Russians. It is very rare that such people rise to the position of leading a great nation. Hitler worked hard for over 12 years to find solutions for Germany's crushing problems before he found himself surprisingly in the position of Chancellor. It was his love of Germany that drove him forward, not his pursuit of power. I haven't studied Putin anywhere near the extent that I have studied Hitler, but I have seen many parallels in their respective actions. I have also noticed how the sociopaths of the Allied/NATO nations have conspired to demonize both of these men, which further proves that neither of them are or were sociopaths.
Reading the above quote is evidence of Putin's empathy. None of the western leaders have even imagined helping the white farmers of South Africa, much less implemented an actual plan. Not Netanyahu, not Macron, not Trudeau, not Sunak, not Scholz, and certainly not Biden. Hypocrites all, because sociopaths all. But Putin does not belong to their psychological group. Putin is not a sociopath. But all the sociopaths will certainly claim that he is!
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Aug 13, 2023 4:22 am
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Dear Mr. Putin,
The people of the United States are not the enemy of Russia. The leaders of the United states are. The leaders of the United states are also the enemies of the people of the United States. Your enemy is our enemy.
Complicating matters, the majority of the people of the United States are unaware that Russia is not the enemy. These Americans are deceived and manipulated by the mainstream media and by our own government, both of which are controlled by the international cabal ruling sociopaths. The international cabal of ruling sociopaths are loyal only to themselves, and to no other people or nation. All they want is to enslave humanity and command humanity to serve them. They are the forces of evil.
I believe you already know this, as I have been studying you for a long time. National leaders who are not sociopaths always catch my attention, because they are so rare. It was like this for me with Iran's Amadinejad, Germany's Hitler, and now Russia's Putin. You are an exceptional leader who wants what is best for your people, for Russians. All Russians (except for Russian sociopaths, who must be managed). And you realize that what is best for Russians is precisely what all normal human beings want -- peace, freedom, comfort, truth, opportunity, justice, and fraternity. This is why I support you and your actions in Ukraine, and oppose the imbecile leaders of my own country (the United States), who are mindless and soulless puppets of the ruling sociopaths who wish to enslave us all.
Thank you, Vladimir Putin, for your service to humanity. I am with you, as are many other Americans who have stepped away from the mind control and propaganda that our own leaders employ against us.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Oct 08, 2023 3:10 am
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Vladimir Putin will now see Israel as an "enemy" as he moves closer to Iran and sides with Hamas in the Middle East, a former speechwriter for the Russian President tells Daily Express US.
Hamas has called Russia its “closest friend” as the terror group vows to release eight Russian hostages kidnapped during its October 7 attack in Israel. -- source
Quite correct, Mr. Putin!
Jews consider all non-Jews who do not wish to serve them as the enemy. So really the Jews have already marked Russia as the enemy. This is confirmed by the 1917 Russian Revolution, which was actually a hostile Jewish takeover of Russia in which millions of non-Jewish Russians were deliberately exterminated. The Jews are doing the same thing to the Palestinians in Gaza right now! Jews have been working on stealing Palestine from the indigenous people since Israel was formed in 1948. It's always the same with these vile Jews, who lie, cheat, and steal as easily as the rest of us breathe. For Putin to recognize the true enemy of Russia is an event to celebrate. Well done, Vladimir Putin! I am so pleased to see you recognizing the truth!
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:34 pm
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Who is Putin? He is not what this man is telling you. Andrei Illarionov paints Putin as a consistent violator of every agreement Russia has signed, but does not tells us that Putin only does this after the other side has violated the agreement. This is a standard ploy that was used by the western nations against Hitler, who is always condemned for rearming in violation of the Versailles Treaty that followed WW1. What is always left unsaid is that Hitler was well aware that the allies had not kept their part of the bargain as specified in the treaty, which was to disarm their own nations after Germany disarmed itself. There is no need to adhere to the terms of any agreement when the other side has violated those terms. Putin knows this, as does every other legitimate leader and diplomat. So this man Andrei Illarionov is just a tool being used by our own government to fool us into believing what they want us to believe about Putin. In effect, the sociopaths of our government are accusing Putin of their own malfeasance, as it is the U.S. that always clandestinely violates its agreements, while outwardly maintaining the semblance of adhering to them.
‘I Worked With Putin: Here’s What You Don’t Know About Him’ (duration 13:34)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Nov 26, 2023 4:26 am
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Another expose of how they manipulate us to hate "their" enemy:
In September, La Repubblica newspaper reported that Putin had told then-European Commission president, Jose Manual Barroso, that he ‘could take Kyiv in weeks.’
The alleged bragging was revealed by the European official at a council meeting
But after Moscow said it would publish the transcript of the entire conversation, the EU admitted that the words were taken out of context. -- source
In other words, they lied to make Putin look bad.
An arguably more scandalous incident was sparked by former Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, who told Politico magazine that he overheard Putin suggesting to Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in 2008 that Ukraine be divided between the two nations.
The official backpedalled on the accusations after a backlash both from Russia and at home, admitting that he never heard Putin actually voicing the Hitleresque plan. He also admitted that Putin and Tusk didn’t actually meet at the time the conversation was supposed to have taken place. -- source
So they lie often to make Putin look bad.
Perhaps they lie as standard operating procedure?
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Mon Nov 27, 2023 1:13 am
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I am still seeing many signs that Vladimir Putin, like Adolf Hitler, is a great leader correctly opposing the enslavement of his people at the hands of the Jewish/Rothschild sociopath cabal. Likewise, we can expect the Jewish/Rothschild sociopath cabal to demonize and vilify Putin like they did Hitler, if that is indeed the case.
Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan (duration 13:37)
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Jan 31, 2024 1:23 am
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TUCKER: What is your opinion of President Biden?
PUTIN: We’re convinced he is not running the country. Let’s say we have good sources that confirm that but it’s plain for anyone to see for themselves. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership. -- source
Putin knows what most other Americans also know. We absolutely have totally unaccountable leadership. We are in the darkest period of our history. Putin is a great leader, and Biden is a total puppet, owned and operated by the ruling Jewish/sociopath cabal.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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