Just one half of the equation, Chico. The other half is not to entertain anything until there is solid evidence of it.
Here I must strongly disagree. Most new knowledge is first entertained before there is solid evidence for it. As Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."
Semantic differences, Chico.
I think Einstein would be comfortable with limiting the scope of the phrase entertaining something to that which - while imagined with no particular evidence - is subsequently analyzed with supporting evidence. I agree that if we expand the scope to include stuff like cursory glances, passing fancies, blind faith, etc. ... then we are obliged to entertain anything and everything dreamt up by anyone and everyone.
I was merely trying to narrow the scope and limit it to a high standard of evidence, e.g. in our case, entertaining being synonymous with donating warranted attention.
Collier's association with bonafide shyster and Barnum_N_Bailey tent show turnip tosser, Billy Meier ... is somewhat problematic for me.
Reality cares not for any problems we may have with it. Everything I know about Billy Meier comes from reading what other humans have written about him, or from listening to his interviews. I can say the same about Alex Collier. There is no way I can tell with any confidence what is true and what is not within that information. Humans are incredibly ignorant, and on top of that, they lie both deliberately and inadvertently, because they believe lies both deliberately and inadvertently. It happens to me, and it happens to you.
I presented arguments which exposed Billy Meier on Avalon and Nexus (e.g. fake dinosaur photos, garbage can lid made to look like a flying saucer, girls on TV made out to be beings from another planet, etc.). If you still want to entertain Meier, that's your prerogative. And your standard of evidence. The cumulative accommodation of debunked material ... reflects on one's own ability to discern. So be it. If you have mind to burn, go for it.
And I might add that guilt by association is very shaky ground. Alex is also associated with Kerry Cassidy, and I believe both you and I have had some association with Kerry and her associate Bill Ryan, who we might both point to as a bonafide shyster. Doesn't that make any statements arising from you or me somewhat problematic?
Not if we act and disown the associations. Some of us disown charlatans at the slightest hint of mischief ... others saddle up their snails for the long goodbye. So be it. The world is made of many kinds. The gift of discernment is not an equal endowment.
Yup. Chaff. Wheat. Much work to sift them. Problem with Collier is ... many of the sifters - underpaid and overworked - have decided to run off and join the circus.
From my perspective, it's ALL a circus, and we are all part of that circus already. The problem is not that it is a circus, but that the directors mistreat the employees, the employees mistreat the animals, the animals mistreat the audience, and the directors laugh at everyone's misfortune while they bask in luxury. Pax Universalis
That made me laugh. And entirely true. Which is why I find my greatest pleasure (or smallest pain??) ... in playing the guitar ... away from the circus ... and on an unremarkable hill overlooking the famous one occupied by the fool. And when the fool gets tired and goes home, I'll exchange my unremarkable perch for the remarkable one.
_________________ Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.
I presented arguments which exposed Billy Meier on Avalon and Nexus (e.g. fake dinosaur photos, garbage can lid made to look like a flying saucer, girls on TV made out to be beings from another planet, etc.).
Links please? If we have good evidence, then it is indeed necessary to dismiss fraudulent claims. I'm not married to any claims by Billy Meier, Alex Collier, or anyone else anymore, being convinced that uncertainty is the only solid ground. Nevertheless, I am delighted to explore the possibilities.
The gift of discernment is not an equal endowment.
I'm not sure discernment is a gift. I think it's more like a skill that one can improve with training, experience, and practice. At least, that's how I approach it personally and also how I teach it to my kids.
That made me laugh. And entirely true.
I knew I would be good for something some day.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:34 am
Joined: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:04 am Posts: 303
Re: What would Jesus be like today?
Check out this film if you get a chance. It raises some interesting perspectives on the idea of Jesus returning.
I think we are on Earth to learn, develop consciousness, love, and experience duality. Someone like Jesus may come back to chat with us but, as far as a savior with magical powers-nada. There prolly has been several Jesus like figures over the centuries. For me Krishnamurti could have been in the vein of a Jesus like messenger. I don't know. I will say that I got an deep emotional connection with Jiddu the first half a dozen times I watched his "talks". These feelings would arise at the close of some of his longer conversations/talks. I'm just saying my experience, I am not even that big of a follower of Jiddu-anyway.
The Man from Earth A decent, thought provoking melo-drama
The gist of the movie is that if a regular guy was our midst and even tried to bring up the fact that he was Jesus would we even believe him- especially if he only had words to share and no magical powers or proof. Would his words be enough proof? Would we attack him if he said things that set-off our cognitive dissonance? .....
Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:43 am
Joined: Fri May 06, 2011 5:11 pm Posts: 1400
Re: What would Jesus be like today?
Did Jesus ever exist?
If they did, have their personal realities survived the passages of time ... or been modified by its trespasses?
A man walking on water <------------ that's a feat for special feet, no?
"Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water ... put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the sea ... take a look at yourself and you can look at others differently ... by putting your hand in the hand of the man from The Galilee." - by great Canadian songwriter Gene MacLellan
"... everytime I look into the Holy Book I want to tremble ..."
Pax Christiana
ps: Believe or not ... there are many great allegorical tales in the Bible. So even if we don't believe in the exactness of the story of Jesus, we can still profit by the teachings, crude and otherwise.
_________________ Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.
Did Jesus ever exist? Buddha?? Confucius? If they did, have their personal realities survived the passages of time ... or been modified by its trespasses?
My substantial bet is on "modified".
Believe or not ... there are many great allegorical tales in the Bible. So even if we don't believe in the exactness of the story of Jesus, we can still profit by the teachings, crude and otherwise.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:32 pm
Joined: Wed May 18, 2011 10:33 pm Posts: 4156
Re: What would Jesus be like today?
The truth is always constant. Its a state of being or a dimension.
_________________ Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:57 pm
Site Admin
Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12359
Re: What would Jesus be like today?
Billy Meier gets some bad press from his ex-wife.
According to Kalliope, FIGU Core Group – the immediate group that formed around Meier proclaiming to be a free community devoted to the truth – in reality, is a blindly following group that exhibits sectarian features. They are committed to believing in Meier, otherwise they would not have even decided to live there at the farm with him.
When Meier says something is like that, it is like that. There is no debate about it. When Meier says ‘my wife stole this and that’, that is true, without discussion and everyone must believe it without criticism. If one does not believe this or stick to it, then one suddenly becomes an outsider. If he agrees with anything, the group agrees. You can’t say ‘no’. Criticism is not tolerated nor expressed. It is rather authoritarian, dictatorial and hierarchical. -- source
It sounds a lot like the Mormon religion, or any con-game run by sociopaths.
We never did get to examine any links from Zook pointing to his alleged exposés of Billy Meier. Too bad. We'll just have to do our own research (which is probably wiser).
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:20 am
Site Admin
Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12359
Re: What would Jesus be like today?
I bit the bullet and spent some time searching for Zook's posts at Avalon regarding his opinion of Billy Meier.
The gist is that Zook dismisses Billy Meier and his story completely.
My opinion on Meier is... I don't really know. I'll just have to keep researching and asking questions. However, there is plenty of reason to be very suspicious ( 123 ).
Lee Elders - The Billy Meier Contacts
Asking what Jesus would be like today is a lot like asking people 2000 years from now what Billy Meier was like. Does anyone really know? We can only base our truth on the information we have, and when information is distorted, twisted, stretched, repackaged, and even hidden by humans of sociopathic persuasion who pretend to be normal, well... we're not on solid ground any more.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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