We are going to talk about Jews and their religion / philosophy here.
The Jewish religion is selfish and arrogant. Jews believe they are special. They literally believe they are God's chosen people. As a natural result, non-Jews are considered almost sub-human. For example, there are different laws for non-Jews, and they are much more severe. This idea of inequality and superiority is a characteristic of sociopaths. Judaism is very sociopath-friendly. I suspect we will find nearly all the characteristics of sociopaths in the practice of this religion, things like deception, manipulation, secrecy, lack of responsibility, shamelessness, hypocrisy, and the pursuit of power and control over others.
The origins of Jewish beliefs are likely to be similar to the origins of Fundamentalist Mormons or Scientologists, meaning they were probably founded by sociopaths along the lines of Joseph Smith (Mormonism) or L. Ron Hubbard (Scientology). Unfortunately, this cannot be verified, as Jewish origins are far more ancient than these more recent religions and therefore lost to history. The pattern is clear, however. Sociopaths like to codify their deviancy in a framework that benefits them at the expense of others. Judaism is a good match for this pattern.
Others have noticed the sociopathic qualities inherent in Judaism. I happened to stumble across this observation by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf today:
Adolf Hitler wrote:
In order to form a correct judgment of the place which the Jew holds in relation to the whole problem of human civilization, we must bear in mind the essential fact that there never has been any Jewish art and consequently that nothing of this kind exists to-day. We must realize that especially in those two royal domains of art, namely architecture and music, the Jew has done no original creative work. When the Jew comes to producing something in the field of art he merely bowdlerizes something already in existence or simply steals the intellectual word, of others. The Jew essentially lacks those qualities which are characteristic of those creative races that are the founders of civilization.
To what extent the Jew appropriates the civilization built up by others--or rather corrupts it, to speak more accurately--is indicated by the fact that he cultivates chiefly the art which calls for the smallest amount of original invention, namely the dramatic art. And even here he is nothing better than a kind of juggler or, perhaps more correctly speaking, a kind of monkey imitator; for in this domain also he lacks the creative elan which is necessary for the production of all really great work. Even here, therefore, he is not a creative genius but rather a superficial imitator who, in spite of all his retouching and tricks, cannot disguise the fact that there is no inner vitality in the shape he gives his products. At this juncture the Jewish Press comes in and renders friendly assistance by shouting hosannas over the head of even the most ordinary bungler of a Jew, until the rest of the world is stampeded into thinking that the object of so much praise must really be an artist, whereas in reality he may be nothing more than a low-class mimic. -- source (page 251)
Sociopaths are low-class mimics. They lack the emotional depth to be truly creative, and are instead parasites that feed off the creativity of others, often stealing it and falsely claiming that they are the authors.
Adolf Hitler was far more intelligent and observant than the Jewish-controlled mainstream media gives him credit for. I think we can easily see why.
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Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:43 am
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Re: The Jewish religion
Quoting Adolf Hitler is likely to invoke cries of "Anti-Semite!" We are taught to hate anti-Semites. Who teaches us this? Semites, specifically Jews. Jews teach us to be anti-"anti-Semite", or pro-Semite. The teach us to hate those who oppose anything Semitic. And then they accuse anti-Semites of "hate crime". Do you see the hypocrisy there? They teach us to hate, and if we criticize them for that, they accuse us of hate crimes! Sociopathic, no?
I am opposed to injustice, which make me "anti-injustice". I am opposed to criminals, which makes me "anti-criminal". I am opposed to sociopaths, which makes me "anti-sociopath". It is normal to oppose these things (injustice, criminals, sociopaths), because they are contrary to the Golden Rule, the most fundamental human maxim. If a Semite was a criminal sociopath practicing injustice, wouldn't I be justified to be anti-Semite, at least in the case of that one individual? And what if a whole group of Semites were doing the same thing, like waging war on Palestinians, bulldozing their orchards and homes, stealing their land, driving them into poverty and misery, even killing them? Would I be justified in becoming anti-Semite?
Ask this man if he feels justified in being anti-Semitic.
CAUTION: Link goes to a horrific image.
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Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:31 am
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Re: The Jewish religion
You are not allowed to criticize Jews, by order of the Jews. However, Jews can criticize everyone else with impunity.
Once again, we see the hypocrisy that characterizes sociopaths.
The billboard below was censored by Jewish / Israeli interests within a day of it being put up:
“The billboards bring us back to one of the darkest moments in history, when Jewish businesses were boycotted. Boycotting Israel is the new face of that old disease: anti-Semitism. Make no mistake. Boycotting Israel is classic anti-Semitism with a “Zionophobic” twist, said Peggy Shapiro, Midwest Coordinator for the anti-Semitism watchdog group StandWithUs. “What it exhorts is that Israel and only Israel be singled out, and that the Jews and only the Jews be denied their right to self-determination. The boycotters’ message is one of hate; their strategy is misinformation, and their tactics are evident on billboards, college campuses, and social media. -- source
What utter BS! Any attempt to hold Jews accountable to universal human law is met with the charge of "anti-Semite" and "hate crime"! This is the kind of sick deception and manipulation that sociopaths are known for.
Of course it was perfectly acceptable for world Jewry to boycott Germany in 1933. Ah, the hypocrisy of sociopaths!
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Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:45 pm
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Re: The Jewish religion
What’s Richard Branson’s Problem With Israel? With 'The Elders,' Virgin Group founder pours millions into defaming the Jewish state By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach • 01/27/16
... But a little known and unfortunate fact about Mr. Branson is his strange, anti-Israel opinions and activities that are beneath a man known for having a good and kind heart.
In 2007, at the suggestion of Mr. Branson, Nelson Mandela founded an organization called “The Elders,” comprised of a council of twelve elder statesmen who serve as “independent global leaders working together for peace and human rights.” One of the top goals and priorities of this organization is to inject themselves into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and influence its outcome. Mr. Branson sits on the The Elders Advisory Council, using his massive wealth to fund the organization. Unfortunately, the elders Mr. Branson selected for his new group are a ‘Who’s Who’ of some of the most tenacious, anti-Israel public figures in the world today, and The Elders’ anti-Israel statements and condemning the Jewish state are a sad testament to this fact.
Topping The Elders’ list is former President Jimmy Carter, a man dedicated to the disgustingly fraudulent and anti-Semitic proposition that Israel is an apartheid State. Mr. Carter’s defamatory fabrications include the lie not only that Israel is like apartheid South Africa but that “voices from Jerusalem dominate our media.” Last year he claimed Netanyahu wasn’t interested in making peace, but said about Hamas’s arch terrorist leader Khaled Meshal: “I don’t believe that he’s a terrorist. He’s strongly in favor of the peace process.”
The time has come for Richard Branson to follow his generosity of spirit by disassociating himself with arch-Israel haters, ceasing to fund them, and to support and stand behind the Middle East’s only democracy. After all, Israel is not just the Jewish State. As a bastion of freedom and human rights in the world’s most tyrannical region, it’s also the great Arab hope that one day Arab countries will copy its example of liberal democracy and human rights. -- source
Wow. The deception and manipulation coming from Rabbi Shmuley Boteach here is blatant. I wonder what percentage of Jewish rabbis are sociopaths. I bet it is higher than the percentage of sociopaths among Catholic bishops. But I am just guessing, as neither group will allow the measurement to be done. You can easily guess why that is.
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Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:09 pm
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Re: The Jewish religion
Why do Jews get away with murder? First, here is Brother Nathanael's take on this question:
Why Israel Gets Away With Murder
And here is Donn de Grand Pré with his take, quoted from Barbarians Inside the Gates, page 154:
What Israel Shahak reveals so clearly in all of his erudite works is that the leaders of this tiny Jewish principality, transplanted by conquest and terror into the midst of a sea of Arabs and other "foreigners", use the diabolical teachings of the Talmud and the Halacha so to control its fundamentalist followers that they will willingly go forth to slaughter other peoples and steal their lands in the belief that they are doing God's divinely ordained will. By removing those lands from the control of Satan, and placing them under the protection of Jewish benevolence, they "sanctify Israel".
When sociopaths rule, this is what you get -- abject criminality. And they have no shame claiming that they do it in the name of God.
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Fri Feb 26, 2016 2:48 am
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Re: The Jewish religion
If you say anything uncomplimentary about the Jews, they accuse you of racism ("anti-Semite"). But the Jews are not a race; they are a cult.
Jews have laws requiring them to marry within their cult. It has been this way for millennia. As a result, recessive traits like sociopathy become magnified within the group. To say the Jews are a race is like saying sociopaths are a race. They are not. Sociopaths are members of the human race, even if they are psychologically deviant. They are not a separate race, even though their lack of empathy makes it seem as if they are distinctly alien. It is the same for Jews, many of whom are sociopaths, typically the ones accusing you of racism.
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Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:27 pm
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Re: The Jewish religion
The friends of Benjamin Netanyahu in the United States rightly fear that someday the American people and government will come to their senses and regard Israel as just another friendly foreign state, without any “special relationship” attached. To counter that possibility, the lashing out against any public figure who dares to criticize Israel is both immediate and visceral. Note, for example, the fate of former President Jimmy Carter who was virtually excommunicated by the Democratic Party after he condemned Israeli treatment of the Palestinians. -- source
Israel is not even a "friendly" foreign state. They did 9/11, you know. Like any sociopath, Israel just pretends to be friendly, all while scheming to con us out of something it wants. Israel will drop us like an old rag just as soon as we are of no use to it. Israel is not a friend to America, any more than Jews are friends to goyim. Given the general psychology of the cult and the stated philosophy of the religion, any friendliness is likely to be a deception and entirely disingenuous.
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Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:12 am
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Re: The Jewish religion
We find Fascism alive and well in many countries of the world, most often under other names. The important difference is that such names as “democracy,” “socialism,” “social democracy,” and even “Communism” are meant to convey to the unwary ear a kinder, gentler form of tyranny. As Dr. John Coleman so aptly describes in his hard-hitting book Socialism: The Road to Slavery, all of these forms of totalitarianism, regardless of whether they are deemed to be “benevolent” or “brutal,” lead to a repressive oneworld socialist government, with a very few of the superior or chosen ones in total charge and the vast balance of mankind leveled out at the bottom as helots, slaves and/or “worker bees.” We see this idea reflected in The Traditions of the Jews by that renowned 19th century Talmudic scholar, J. P. Stehelin. He quotes from Baba Bathra (in the Talmud):
Let us see a little after what manner the Jews are to live in their ancient Country under the Administration of the Messiah. In the First Place, the strange Nations, which they shall suffer to live, shall build them houses and cities, till their ground, and plant their vineyards; and all this without so much as looking for any reward of their labor. These surviving Nations will likewise offer them all their wealth and furniture; and Princes and Nobles shall attend them; and be ready at their nod to pay them all manner of obedience; while they themselves shall be surrounded with grandeur and pleasure, appearing abroad in apparel glittering with jewels like Priests of the Unction, consecrated to G-d.… -- Barbarians Inside the Gates, page 200
Arrogant superiority complex ("God's Chosen People"), enslavement of non-Jews, world domination -- these are the tenets of the Jewish faith.
O’Grady (in Beasts of the Apocalypse) declares that “the faith of the Jews that they, as the Chosen People, will ultimately rule the world, while based on their misconception of the covenant between Jehovah and Abraham, is a manifestation of a race-superiority concept that towers a hundred times over any idea ever advanced by Hitler. It is an amazing concept that divides the world into two classes: the Chosen People and ‘cattle’ (goyim).”
She cites the history of “One People; One Nation; a Chosen People, destined to rule the world,” and traces their educational process, always under the rigid control and guidance of the rabbis:
Every minute of the day and every day of the year had its precise regulation. Every act was molded to fit the tortured interpretation of the Scriptures, while the most trivial incident of existence was decided by the dialectic mental gymnastics of the men of the Talmud … the mind of the Jewish child developed in the ever-present strait-jacket of race-superiority. -- Barbarians Inside the Gates, page 202
Oh yeah, and mind control too.
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Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:01 pm
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Re: The Jewish religion
The Russian Revolution is mis-named, as it wasn't Russians that were revolting. It should have been named the Jewish Coup of Russia, as it was Zionist Jews that were taking over the country and genociding people of opposing religions and ideologies.
Simultaneously with the subjugation of the Russian peoples by the Bolsheviks, a document in the form of a handbill was discovered in wide circulation among the Jews of the Czech Republic, in Budapest, in Belgrade, and in Estonia, as well as in Russia, during the period 1919-21. It was written in Hebrew, but was translated and read in a speech before the Czech Parliament by a deputy named Masanac. A translation also appeared in The Rulers of Russia by Dr. Hans Eisele. The text follows:
Sons of Israel! The hour of victory is at hand. We are on the eve of becoming masters of the world. What seemed to be merely a dream is on the point of being realized. Formerly weak and feeble we can now proudly lift up our heads, thanks to the disorder and confusion of the world. By clever propaganda we have held up to criticism and ridicule the authority and practice of a religion which is foreign to us. We have plundered the sanctuary of that foreign cult, and we have shaken the hold of their traditional culture upon nations, finding among them more helpers than we needed in our task. We have succeeded in bringing the Russian Nation under Jewish sway and we have compelled it, at last, to fall on its knees before us. Russia, mortally wounded, is now at our mercy.
The fear of the danger in which we stand will not allow us either to exercise compassion or to feel mercy. At last it has been given us to behold the tears of the Russian people. By taking away from them wealth and their gold, we have turned the Russians into wretched slaves. But we must be prudent and circumspect. We have to eliminate all the best elements of Russian society, in order that the enslaved Russians may have no leaders. Thus we shall forestall every possibility of resisting our might. Wars and civil strife will destroy all the treasures of culture created by the Christian peoples.
Be prudent, Sons of Israel. Do not confide in treacherous and mysterious forces. Bronstein, Rosenfeld, Steinberg, Apfelbaum, and many other faithful sons of Israel are in the ranks of the commissars and play the leading roles, but do not lose your heads over the victory. Be prudent, for you can rely only on yourselves to safeguard you and defend you. Sons, of Israel, close up your ranks and combat for your eternal ideal. -- Barbarians Inside the Gates, page 205
I note that both Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. presidents from 1901-1909 and 1933-1945 respectively, came from Rosenfeld stock. The name was changed to disguise the guilty, which is a common tactic within Jewish families when they are being driven out of their host countries for sociopathic behavior.
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Sun Mar 13, 2016 6:35 pm
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Re: The Jewish religion
Freedman singles out the word “antisemitism” as one that should be eliminated from the English language. “Antisemitism serves only one purpose today,” he states. “It is used as a smear word.” He continues: “I can speak with great authority on that subject. Because so-called or self-styled Jews were unable to disprove my public statements in 1946 with regard to the situation in Palestine, they spent millions to smear me as an antisemite, hoping thereby to discredit me in the eyes of the public who were very much interested in what I had to say. Until 1946 I was a little saint to all the so-called or self-styled Jews. When I disagreed with them publicly on the Zionist intentions in Palestine I became Antisemite No. 1.” -- Barbarians Inside the Gates, page 209
I figured this out on my own and posted about it here. It's good to see that others have seen through this Jewish scam as well.
Other insights I've had related to the Jewish psy-op of calling others anti-Semites are here ( 12345678910 ).
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