This time, after having experienced maybe a dozen different pairs of young Mormon missionaries at my door over the decades, I decided to research the Mormon religion. The most recent pair had left me a copy of The Book of Mormon, despite me telling them up front that I was an atheist, and despite me saying I don't pray. "You won't get anything out of it if you don't pray," they had warned me. But they still "challenged" me to read it.
So I read a couple of pages, and I could see this would be a real chore. So let's speed things up by using the Internet! I have a knack for Internet research, and I enjoy getting all sides of the story at once. Let's see what I can find using my usual research techniques.
What I found is as bad, and maybe worse, than the cult of Scientology. And that is very bad.
Humanity is beyond-belief stupid to fall for con-games like this. And do you know why it happens? Because of sociopaths. They can make us believe anything! Their skills of deception are as impressive as our trusting nature and gullibility. It is the perfect storm, and this dynamic duo (deception versus gullibility) explains why humanity is so crippled and retarded.
So, speaking of sociopaths, we need to look at Joseph Smith, the con-artist who came up with all the Mormon nonsense.
The Mormon story is that the Nephite military commander and prophet Moroni buried a history of his people, written on “gold plates,” in the hill Cumorah in AD 421. 1400 years later, on the night of September 22-23, 1823, Moroni, now having become an angel, visits 17-year-old Joseph Smith in his bedroom and tells him where the plates are buried. It happens to be just 3 miles south of where Smith lives. He goes there and sees the plates in a stone box, but as soon as he tries to take them the angel forbids him. He returns to the same spot on the same night of the year for the next two years, without success. Then, by looking into his seer-stone or “peep stone,” a chocolate-colored, egg-shaped stone which he had found when digging a well in 1822 and used to find lost and buried treasure, Smith learns that to be successful he must marry Emma Hale and take her with him to Cumorah. So on Sept. 22, 1827, he and Emma conduct a “black magic” ritual: at midnight, dressed entirely in black, they drive a black carriage drawn by a black horse to the hill. Joseph unearths the box and takes the plates, along with some magical eyeglasses made out of stones (called “interpreters” and “the Urim and Thummim”) with which to decipher the “reformed Egyptian” language in which the texts on the plates are written. According to Smith, the plates were “six inches wide and eight inches long and not quite as thick as common tin;” they were “filled with engravings in Egyptian characters and bound together in a volume, as the leaves of a book with three rings running through the whole;” and the stack of metal pages stood about six inches high.
Smith’s main translation process involved putting the interpreters (or his “peep-stone”) in a hat, putting his face in the hat (he didn’t need to view the plates themselves), and dictating to a scribe. After 116-initial pages of translation were lost by Smith’s scribe Martin Harris, Moroni supposedly took away the interpreters, and Smith was forced to rely on his old and trusty peep-stone. Smith’s translation was completed at the end of June 1829, and the BoM was first published by E.B. Grandin in Palmyra, NY, in March 1830. Where can we see these marvelous gold plates? We can’t, because Smith gave them back to Moroni. -- source
Yes, that's exactly how it happened, the unvarnished truth, straight from the prophet's mouth! Well, sort of...
Joseph Smith died like a con-artist as well.
The Untold Story of the Death of Joseph Smith
I remember watching a funny South Park episode all about Mormons, back in the day when I was still watching a bit of TV (so that must have been over ten years ago). Let's see if I can track down a copy online... Yes! Here it is! South Park Season 7 Episode 12 – All About Mormons
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:53 pm
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12359
Re: The Mormon religion
Some affidavits attesting to the character of the con-artist Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon religion.
When Smith became famous as the “Mormon Prophet,” people who knew him from his early years were aghast, and they express their feelings in the following signed affidavits:
Mrs. S. F. Anderick: “Jo was pompous, pretentious…claimed he could tell where lost or hidden things and treasures were buried. He deceived many farmers.”
Isaac Butts: “I have frequently seen Jo drunk. He had a forked witch-hazel rod, later a peep-stone with which he claimed he could locate buried money or hidden things.”
W. R. Hine: “I heard a man say who was a neighbor to the Mormon Smith family, that they were thieves, indolent, the lowest, meanest family he ever saw or heard of.”
Joseph Rogers: “Farmers said he as a terror to the neighborhood and that he would either have to go to State prison, be hung, or leave the county, or he would be killed. Jo contrived in every way to obtain money without work. The farmers claimed that not a week passed without Jo stole something. I knew at least one hundred farmers in the towns of Phelps, Manchester, and Palmyra, N.Y., who would make out that Jo Smith the Mormon prophet was a liar, intemperate and a base imposter…He could read the character of men readily and could tell who he could dupe.”
Mrs. Sylvia Walker: “They [the Smith family] were the lowest family I ever knew. They worked very little and had the reputation of stealing everything they could lay their hands on….When Jo told his neighbors about finding gold plates no one believed him nor paid any attention to it, he had humbugged them so much.” -- source
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:52 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12359
Re: The Mormon religion
Was Joseph Smith also a sexual predator?
Duh. That's like asking the same thing about Bill Clinton, another con-artist sociopath.
At about that time, when Joseph and Emma had become boarders at the home of John and Elsa Johnson in Hiram, Ohio, people in the neighborhood suspected that Joseph was having a sexual relationship with their daughter, 15-year old Marinda Nancy Johnson. According to a statement by Marinda’s brother Luke Johnson, on March 24, 1832 “a mob of forty or fifty…entered his room in the middle of the night….he was then seized by as many as could get hold of him, and taken about forty rods from the house…they tore off the few night clothes that he had on, for the purpose of emasculating him, and had Dr. Dennison there to perform the operation; but he refused to operate. The mob…poured tar over him, and then stuck feathers in it and left him.” -- source
Tarred and feathered by the locals who had come to castrate him! Old Jo's guardian angel must have been smiling on him that night!
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:56 am
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 6:06 pm Posts: 12359
Re: The Mormon religion
"Prophet's Prey" is the real-life story of Warren Jeffs, head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints. Warren Jeffs is a sociopath. He is a con-artist extraordinaire, an unrelenting sexual predator of women and children, an arrogant know-it-all, and a convincing liar. Like all sociopaths, he is a master of deception and manipulation, which he employs in his selfish pursuit of power and control over others. He leads a cult of 10,000 loyal followers who are so mind-controlled that they believe whatever Jeffs says is the word of God. And he currently leads that cult from a prison cell.
I found the copy of "Prophet's Prey" that I watched here.
_________________ It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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