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What about Zionism? 
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Post What about Zionism?
I wanted to name this thread "Zook's Sandbox". UncleZook has many posts fingering banksters and Zionists as the root problem, and where they are sociopaths, I agree with him.

I also silently debated where to put this thread -- Politics, Philosophy, Psychology, or Religion. I finally decided on Religion, as it appears to me that the Zionist claim of being God's chosen people is a religious article of faith at the base of their wrong-doing. Or it may just be a convenient excuse. It is also quite sociopathic, but then a lot of religion is.

Alan Hart wrote Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews and had it published 4 years ago. He exposed the lies the Zionists use to deceive and manipulate.

One of the most influential of Zionism’s follow-up propaganda lies asserted that Israel was given its birth certificate and thus its legitimacy by the United Nations Partition Resolution of 29 November 1947. As I document in detail in my book and have indicated over the years in more than a few articles and presentations of public platforms of all kinds, that is propaganda nonsense.. -- source

The price for exposing the Zionist lies has been steep.

My book was not only red-flagged by Zionism and therefore all the major Western publishing houses, this despite the fact that my extremely well connected and respected literary agent had on file letters from the CEO’s of some of them with rare praise for my manuscript.

Today I have to face the cost consequences of my commitment to the truth of history. To avoid being dispossessed of my home and land in the not too distant future because I don’t have the money to pay the principal sum of the outstanding re-mortgaged debt (I have been paying only the interest on it), I now have to sell and downsize.

And that in the proverbial nutshell is why I am withdrawing from the battlefield of the war for truth. The days when I could serve causes beyond self in order to feel that I was doing something useful with my life are gone. -- source

A place for all things Zionist at United People is arguably long overdue. On the other hand, creating a separate partition for each identified con-artist plays into the overall plan of "divide and conquer" used against us. The bigger picture is one of organized sociopaths who fall into many apparently diverse groups besides Zionists, like banksters, the Illuminati, the Vatican, the Masons, the Bilderbergers, the politicians, and many more. The common thread at their core is their psychological deviancy known as sociopathy. I prefer to oppose them from that higher level, rather than fight on a dozen fronts simultaneously. The problem is like the one Hercules faced with the Hydra, where cutting off one head caused two more to grow in its place. It is not a problem of removing heads, but of slaying the beast. Zionists are just one of the heads. Sociopathy is the beast.

But for those who enjoy battling Zionists (I do enjoy it at times myself, after all, they are sociopaths), here is a place to call home!

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:03 am
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Post Re: What about Zionism?
Good timing for David Icke to weigh in on Zionism.

It is widely known as Zionism or, as I call it, more accurately, I suggest … Rothschild Zionism. I add the ‘Rothschild’ to constantly emphasise the true creators of Zionism and its controllers to this day...

Rothschild Zionism in its public expression is a political ideology based on a homeland for Jewish people in Palestine and a belief that the Jews are God’s ‘chosen race’ with a God-given right to the ‘promised land’ of Israel (historically this is nonsense, as I show in my books) -- source

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:22 am
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Post Re: What about Zionism?
Before we answer that, the first thing that needs to be answered is ... What is a Jew?

Well according to Benjamin Freedman, and his argument is impeccable, a Jew is defined by ancestral origins in Judea (at the time of Christ). In a letter he wrote to Dr. David Goldstein in 1954, who had converted to Catholicism, Freedman convincingly argues that the name Jew is a modern phonetic displacement and contraction of Judean. ... hazars.htm

In short, one must have ancestry rooted in the region of Judea (during the time of Jesus) in order to call themselves Jews today. Judean ... to Iewe (in Shakespeare's time) ... to Jew (in modern times). J pronounced like Y in the German language before finally and ubiquitously being pronounced like itself in the English language. Yew to Jew, as it were. In latin, Judean was Iudaeus

In Latin in the lifetime of Jesus the name of the political subdivision in the Middle East known in modern history as Palestine was "Iudaea". It was then administered by Pontius Pilate as administrator for the Roman Empire of which it was then a part. The English for the Latin "Iudaea" is "Judea". English "Judean" is the adjective for the noun "Judea". The ancient native population of the subdivision in the Middle East known in modern history as Palestine was then called "Iudaeus" in Latin and "Judean" in English. Those words identified the indigenous population of Judea in the lifetime of Jesus. Who can deny that Jesus was a member of the indigenous population of Judea in His lifetime?

And of course you know, my dear Dr. Goldstein, in Latin the Genitive Plural of "Iudaeus" is "Iudaeorum". The English translation of the Genitive Plural of "Iudaeorum" is "of the Judeans". It is utterly impossible to give any other English translation to "Iudaeorum" than "of the Judeans". Qualified and competent theologians and historians regard as incredible any other translation into English of "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum" than "Jesus the Nazarene Ruler of the Judeans". You must agree that this is literally correct.

Indeed, Jesus in latin, is Iesus. Translation to early English renders Iewe and then to modern English, Jewe ... and finally, contraction to Jew.

All this means is that a Jew must have ancestry in the region once known as Judea. No other person can call themselves a Jew without totally perverting the term. As Freedman correctly argues, a Chinese person that has converted to Islam cannot go around calling themselves an Arab, even if they adopt Mecca as their spiritual home.
I mean, they could, but not without funny looks thrown their way. In a similar way, no one with ancestry outside of Biblical Judea can correctly call themselves Judean or its modern incarnation, Jew. To be a Jew, one must have ancestry in Judea.

Which brings us to those that call themselves Ashkenazi Jews. But what is an Ashkenazi Jew? Is there even such a thing? Well, upwards of 90% that call themselves Jews today, are Ashkenazis. No argument there. But are they Jews? To answer that, we note that Ashkenazis are the modern incarnation of Khazars from the Caucasus. Here, we wonder why the word Khazar has been displaced by the word Ashkenazi to describe the same people. We can only guess that the people had tired of the association of the Khazar name with a reputation for barbarism, promiscuity, pillaging, and every second vice under the bright of the Moon ... so they wanted something clean. A fresh start if you will. And who can really blame them.

But when the Khazar kingdom converted to Judaism in the 7th century, what exactly did they convert to?

The so-called or self-styled "Jews" throughout the world today of eastern European origin make up at least 90% of the world's total present population of so-called or self-styled "Jews". The conversion of King Bulan and the Khazar nation in the 7th century accomplished for "Talmudism", or for "Judaism" as "Talmudism" is called today, what the conversion of Constantine and the western European nations accomplished for Christianity. Christianity was a small comparatively unimportant religious belief practiced principally in the eastern Mediterranean area until the conversion to the Christian faith of the large populations of the western European pagan nations after the conversion of Constantine. "Talmudism", or "Judaism" as "Talmudism" is known today, was given its greatest stimulus in all its history with the conversion of the large pagan Khazar population in the 7th century. Without the conversion of the Khazar population it is doubtful if "Talmudism", or "Judaism" as "Talmudism" is known today, could have survived. "Talmudism", the civil and religious code of the Pharisees, most likely would have passed out of existence like the many other creeds and cults practiced by the peoples in that area before, during and after "Pharisaism" assumed its prominent position among these creeds and cults in the time of Jesus. "Talmudism", as "Pharisaism" was called later, would have disappeared with all its contemporary creeds and cults but for the conversion of the Khazars to "Talmudism" in the 7th century. At that time "Talmudism" was well on its way towards complete oblivion.

Well according to Freedman, the Khazars converted to Pharisaism (one religion of many in Judea at the time of Jesus) ... which later codified into Talmudism. Some other sources refer to two versions of Talmudism, the earlier (almost extinct) Jerusalem version ... and today's dominating Babylon version.

Babylonian Talmud — The Law

The Babylonian Talmud is the law for so-called Judaism. However, its pornographic, anti-Gentile and anti-Christian doctrines have often caused hostility against it. It may then be argued by some Jews that there is a Palestinian Talmud which is innocuous. Nevertheless, you may look up the fact that Jewish authorities state it was lost for a thousand years, has missing parts and lacks the "Gemara" and other essentials, and is only used as a scholar's curiosity. Note the statement of British Chief Rabbi Hertz in his foreword to the Soncino edition of the Babylonian Talmud (Exhibit 33):

The Palestinian Talmud … was for many centuries almost forgotten by Jewry. Its legal decisions were at no time deemed to possess validity, if opposed by the Babylonian Talmud.

Was Christ Just to Pharisees?

Without some knowledge of the written form of the "Tradition of the Pharisees," the Babylonian Talmud, one is unable to intelligently judge whether Jesus Christ was fair and just in His acid denunciations of Pharisaism, or not. One needs proof, offered by the irrefutable exhibits from Jewish authorities (set forth elsewhere herein) that the Talmud reverses every one of the Ten Commandments, the teachings of Moses and the Prophets, and enshrines their opposites under a "whited sepulchre" which is a disguise for murder and "all uncleanness," as Christ charged. Murder of non-Pharisees is always permitted; theft, sodomy, incest, rape are all permitted. For example, the righteousness of grown men violating baby girls under three is a favorite topic for discussion in book after book of the Talmud.

Talmudic literature is one long paean of praise for the very name Babylon, and all that it means to Babylonian Talmudism today, whereas it is a term of reproach in Old and New Testaments.

So Talmudism is essentially Pharisaism. As for it being Judaism, that perverts the plurality of things because Biblical Judea hosted not just Pharisaism (to be codified outside of Judea at a later time as Talmudism), but other religious sects as well (the Sadducees, the Essenes, the Karaites, etc.) ... and those religious sects could also claim to be Judaism. Clearly, calling a religion based in Judea as Judaism makes as much sense as calling a religion based in China as Chineseism or a religion based in Canada as Canadianism ... besides we already have a name for Canada's main religion (hockey).

Question begs, if Ashkenazi Jew is an oxymoronic term ... and so ridiculous that it undermines common sense ...
then what would make sense? Good question. How about Khazarian Talmudists? Ashkenazi Talmudists? Ashkenazi Phariseeans? extraJudean Talmudists?

Second question: if Jew only refers to Biblical Judean roots ... then can it be used to denote any single religion? After all, multiple religious sects have claim to the region.


Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.

Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:20 pm
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Post Re: What about Zionism?
Wow, you just don't disappoint do you Zook. Mein Zook!

Here this will help you identify jews



Hope that helps. Keep up the good work Zook...

Whats the definition of insanity?

Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:53 pm
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Are we to understand that identifying masked pillagers ... is the same thing as identifying lambs for the slaughter?

What's that about insanity, Mags?

'Nuff said.


ps: Here's an opportunity for Chico to distance himself from the obvious emotional manipulation that Mags has decided to partake. Should we wait with bated breath?

ps2: FTR, the Talmudic Zionist banksters (and self-styled Jews as per Freedman) created Hitler ... they even helped arrange the refusal of entry into the US of the innocent escaping Jews (e.g. Ashkenazis) that fled Hitler's tyranny, e.g. upon their arrival in New York Harbor.

ps3: The escaping Ashkenazi masses - to be differentiated from the Ashkenazi capstone of the Talmudic pyramid, a capstone that calculated the uprooting and destruction of the Ashkenazi masses as coldly as it calculated the destruction of the nonAshkenazi masses trapped in the European war theatre - were told to go to Palestine in the duty of the Zionist agenda, namely, the contrived lie of giving people without a land, e.g. the Ashkenazi masses, a land without a people, e.g. Palestine.

ps4: Of course, the first problem for this Zionist agenda was to uproot European Ashkenazis to make them a people without a land. The second problem was to clear the land of its existing people (Palestinian Arabs and Sephardic/Levantian Jews), so that it could be legitimately classified as a land without a people.

ps5: In short, the Talmudic Rothschildian_N_Babylonian_Rabbinical capstone of the bankster pyramid ... is the father of Zionism, Bolshevism, Nazism, and Fascism. Give them four horses and you have four horsemen riding for an Apocalypse.

ps6: Nazism is the blood brother of Zionism. And we see plenty of sibling similarities in the Zionist treatment of Palestinian Arabs and Levantian Jews (e.g. 100,000 radiated Ringworm children). The Levantian Jews are actually the only ones that have a legitimate claim to Biblical Judea and who can legitimately call themselves Jews. Self-styled Ashkenazi Jews (as per Freedman's definition) are foreign invaders who are not really Jews because they are not from Biblical Judea.

ps7: That said, most Ashkenazi Talmudists - the masses - are not involved in the evil planned and executed by the capstone; indeed, the masses are no different from the nonAshkenazi masses anywhere in the world. The respective masses are always being connived against by the capstone of their community, pick a community any community. This is true for Ashkenazis and nonAshkenazis alike. However, the Ashkenazi masses have the most to lose if they continue to passively allow the evil capstone to co-opt the collective Ashkenazi voice ... for it is the Ashkenazi bankster capstone that is pushing for FSD; and such a scale as FSD carries with it colossal whirlpool energy. Energy that will find the Ashkenazi community first before it finds nonAshkenazi communities, and precisely because the nonAshkenazi masses ... trapped inside the chaotic spinning of the genormous global gyre ... will not have the discernment to differentiate between the culpables (e.g. the Ashkenazi capstone banksters) and the innocents (e.g. the Ashkenazi foundational masses). This is not rocket science, good folks. It's as easy as smelling the morning coffee. But first, you have to wake up.

Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.

Last edited by UncleZook on Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:27 pm
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Post Re: What about Zionism?
Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Hitler Discusses How Jews Gain Power (Mein Kampf in English)

Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:35 pm
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Post Re: What about Zionism?
UncleZook wrote:
the first thing that needs to be answered is ... What is a Jew?

It's not important, Zook. You have stated many times that most Jews have nothing to do with the push towards tyranny. So obviously, why is it important to define a Jew if they are not the root of the problem?

The correct question is: What is a sociopath? Granted, a lot of sociopaths have little to do with the push towards global tyranny, because they are so busy orchestrating tyranny in their local environments, often one-on-one in personal relationships. That is why a two-part question is appropriate: What is a sociopath, and in what positions do they become a major problem for all of humanity? The answer to the second part is: in important positions of power and control over others. Answering this two-part question is the source of the solution to the root problem. That solution is 1) identify the sociopaths, and 2) disqualify them from important positions of power and control.

With that solution, sociopaths are prevented from becoming criminals against humanity long before they have to be exposed and proven guilty of their crimes. Why is this important? Because sociopaths carefully distance themselves from their crimes using secrecy, hierarchy, compartmentalization, plausible deniability, threats, financial manipulation, and fraud. So proving them guilty after the fact is nigh impossible.

This two-step solution does not solve the problem of how to implement the solution when sociopaths rule, hold all the power, and will actively oppose the solution. That's another problem.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Thu May 01, 2014 3:46 am
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Post Re: What about Zionism?
UncleZook wrote:
the first thing that needs to be answered is ... What is a Jew?

It's not important, Zook. You have stated many times that most Jews have nothing to do with the push towards tyranny. So obviously, why is it important to define a Jew if they are not the root of the problem?

Anything and everything that helps identify secretive organized sociopaths pushing for FSD is important ... to a genuine truthseeker, that is. The Talmudist powerbrokers used the coinage Jew to create a shield of victimized displaced wandering peoples, which they have been using ever since to cower behind and commit rape and pillage, and make territorial acquisition. ... hazars.htm

As I have explained, when the word "Jew" was first introduced into the English language in the 18th century its one and only implication, inference and innuendo was "Judean". However during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries a well-organized and well-financed international "pressure group" created a so-called "secondary meaning" for the word "Jew" among the English-speaking peoples of the world. This so-called "secondary meaning" for the word "Jew" bears no relation whatsoever to the 18th century original connotation of the word "Jew". It is a misrepresentation.

It is important to understand when the word Jew was coined ... and what it really describes. There is absolutely no evidence for the word Jew prior to the 18th century. In any event, if Benjamin Freedman thought it was absolutely important to pursue the meaning of Jew to understand the corruptions and surreptitious takeover by Khazars ... why would you think the opinion of an apologist for the Talmudic empire (like yourself) matters all that much?

Another reason is the coinage anti-Semite, a term used to stifle any exposition of the Talmudist elitists. It is of utmost importance to elucidate the meaning of the term Semite ... for once elucidated, at least one useful weapon that the Talmudists like to use (anti-Semite) can be retired from the common lexicon. Free clue: there is no such thing as an anti-Semite unless it refers to people who hate the Semitic population of the world. The Ashkenazis are Khazars not Semites, but they are the ones always invoking the coinage. to stifle debate.

You betcha ... it's high time we defined the term Jew properly.

The correct question is: What is a sociopath? Granted, a lot of sociopaths have little to do with the push towards global tyranny, because they are so busy orchestrating tyranny in their local environments, often one-on-one in personal relationships. That is why a two-part question is appropriate: What is a sociopath, and in what positions do they become a major problem for all of humanity? The answer to the second part is: in important positions of power and control over others. Answering this two-part question is the source of the solution to the root problem. That solution is 1) identify the sociopaths, and 2) disqualify them from important positions of power and control.

You are a deceiver and a manipulator. Your phony pursuit of generalized sociopathy is intended as a shield to hide the secretive organized fiat-financed specific sociopaths that follow the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud in the duty of a non-Levantian agenda.

With that solution, sociopaths are prevented from becoming criminals against humanity long before they have to be exposed and proven guilty of their crimes. Why is this important? Because sociopaths carefully distance themselves from their crimes using secrecy, hierarchy, compartmentalization, plausible deniability, threats, financial manipulation, and fraud. So proving them guilty after the fact is nigh impossible.

Good ... you can apply that reasoning to any and all secretive, hierarchical, compartmentalized sociopaths that decide to organize in the future. Now get your head out of Mags tribal ass and give us an approach so that we subdue the incumbent secretive hierarchical organized sociopaths that are pushing for FSD, e.g. the Talmudist banksters.

This two-step solution does not solve the problem of how to implement the solution when sociopaths rule, hold all the power, and will actively oppose the solution. That's another problem.

Then go truck yourself under a pile of turnips ... and leave the thinkers with the bigger brains to handle the more difficult task.


ps: You still haven't reproached Mags for affected emotional jingoism. But hey, it would surprise the good folks if you did. FTR, the Talmudic empire is responsible for the suffering of the so-called Jews under Hitler's tyranny ... for it is they who financed Hitler's rise to power, they who refused the escaping so-called Jews entry at New York Harbor; and they who displaced the so-called Jews from their homes in Europe and cleared Palestinian Arabs from their homes in Palestine so that the former can resettle in lands stolen from the latter as per teh charter of populating a land without a people by a people without a land.

Flight that sends into the clouds brings wings to rest upon the boughs. Then further down to the liquid lawn, to serve as sentries for the gliding swan. Curve, a perfect turning of the line between here and Heaven, with extensions into infinitum.

Thu May 01, 2014 5:52 pm
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Post Re: What about Zionism?
UncleZook wrote:
It is important to understand when the word Jew was coined ... and what it really describes.

It's interesting, but it isn't going to help. Hardly anyone cares about the origin of words. Like classic sociopath and UncleZook role model Bill Clinton said, "It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is."

UncleZook wrote:
You are a deceiver and a manipulator. Your phony pursuit of generalized sociopathy is intended as a shield to hide the secretive organized fiat-financed specific sociopaths that follow the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud in the duty of a non-Levantian agenda.

Yeah, right. I'm exposing sociopaths, no matter what their teachings or agenda. That includes sociopaths who claim to be genuine truth-seekers and discernment masters, like yourself.

UncleZook wrote:
Now get your head out of Mags tribal ass and give us an approach so that we subdue the incumbent secretive hierarchical organized sociopaths that are pushing for FSD, e.g. the Talmudist banksters.

Wait a minute. I asked you how we are going to do this. You're the one claiming to have the infallible discernment and the certain answers. Why are you reflecting the question back to me when I have already stated many times that I don't know how to subdue the ruling sociopaths who will actively oppose my two-step solution, short of revolution?

So get your head out of your own ass and tell us what your discerning certainty has come up with.

UncleZook wrote:
... and leave the thinkers with the bigger brains to handle the more difficult task.

I believe you are referring to yourself (duh), so here's your golden opportunity to shine. Tell us how to subdue "the secretive organized fiat-financed specific sociopaths that follow the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud in the duty of a non-Levantian agenda."

We're all ears.

UncleZook wrote:
ps: You still haven't reproached Mags for affected emotional jingoism.

P.S. I've got bigger fish to fry, namely sociopaths (you and Andy) infecting this forum.

It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.

Thu May 01, 2014 6:32 pm
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Post Re: What about Zionism?
Zook its interesting that you can't track the pathology with claiming a certain race is sociopathic. That is why I put Hitlers take on blaming the Jews, to show you the consequence of such actions. Adolf screams fifth column all the time by the way and its not about me using emotional triggers to manipulate my argument you Goat! Any lights going on? Probably not, so let me baby step you.

Our species entire history is about blaming certain races, cultures and religious systems for evil. How many were killed for this endeavor? Anything get accomplished? Population control? Revenge? hate?

So now we have the psychological component in trying to understand evil through inquiry, which transcends race, culture, religion and Murder and you not only are trying to whitewash it, redirect it, you are actually saying its useless and we should continue old behaviors, while blaming me for not truth seeking. Amazing stuff, this black hole is incredible....

Thanks for being here Zook...

Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

Thu May 01, 2014 6:52 pm
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