-----Original Message-----
From: Jacqueline Keller [mailto:jckeller@q.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 10:59 PM
To: Winfield, W Montague, SES, OSD DPMO
Cc: Ann Mills-Griffiths; atulumello@gibsondunn.com
Subject: Inadvertent email

Dear General Winfield,

Please continue to re-assess and re-engage on my behalf, and do keep me
posted.  I really need help from DPMO.

I realize that I am an annoyance to the military and perhaps to you.  You
have spent many years advancing your career and dealing with annoyances to
arrive at the lofty position that you hold in government.  But you need to
look at this from my perspective.  I am the widow of a dedicated Air Force
fighter pilot lost in 1969.  For 22 years, I was denied the benefits that
rightfully belonged to me and my family due to a unique error by the Air
Force.  When the Air Force finally admitted the error and attempted to
correct it, they robbed me of a good portion of those benefits by paying me
in significantly devalued dollars, adding insult to injury.  For 15 more
long years, I have tried to seek remedy for this injustice, and at every
step of the way, I have been dismissed as an annoyance.  The burden this
search for justice has placed on me is heavy, adding to the nearly crushing
burden those initial 22 years cost me and my fatherless children.

I am only seeking fair and proper treatment to correct a unique error that
the Air Force does not deny.  What am I doing wrong?

Jacqueline C. Keller
